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And there they where!
My dysfunctional family!
They all looked up.
"I demand to see Zachariah, and Barachiel."
Someone opened their mouth to speak, but I started walking forward and shoved them out of the way.
I didnt have my blade, but if I did, a few wouldve died that day.
If you got in the way of me finding my son I wouldve stabbed you.
And I was ready to stab a bitch.

I headed toward the door to the meeting room, ready to tell the guard to let me in.
But that guard.... He looked familiar.
"You must have the required status for entry, Kid."
That voice.
"How do you- Diana?..."
I thought he was dead, The reunion was nice but I had a job to do.
"L-listen... My son. I think they might have him."
I was shaking.
My big brother kneeled, and stroked my arm to calm me.
"Okay, okay.... Here's the deal. We can go get him, then we ditch heaven."
I nodded.
He opened the door and motioned for me to follow.
I did as told and walked through and empty meeting hall, to a room in the back.
A glass cage held my Storm. He sat in the corner, shaking in fear.
I ran in and started kicking at the glass and punching it.
Im sure there was a better solution, but at the time it seemed necessary.
I eventually shattered the glass and picked up my son. He hugged me tight.
"Huh. I'm an uncle."
"Uncle Cass!" I grabbed onto my brother, and soon enough we where back on earth.
After calming down a bit, I felt the glass in my hand.
Without having to be asked, Zeke took Storm from my arms, and gave me a wet cloth. I tended to my wounds while Zeke sat with me, and I told him about everything thats happened.
Eventually everyone came to investigate the commotion in the kitchen.
Even Eden.
Sam hung back bit, and stayed in the corner. Dean hugged Cass and took him to the other room to check him for wounds.
And Eden sat next to me, helping pluck glass out of my hand.
"Who's this?" Zeke asked, looking at Eden.
"Zeke, this is my lovely wive."
Eden smiled at him.
"Eden. Just call me Eden."
He nodded.
"Is she human?" * he mouthed.
I shook my head and spread my wings partially. He got the message.
"So the kids...."
He started to ask.
"Yes. Angels too."
"Wow. At least someone was taking care of you.."
"Mom iS gone too. Eden and I took the throne."
"And you're hunting with the Winchesters?"
"They arent that bad!" Eden broke in.
"She has a point."
Zeke nodded.
"So... You settled down, married a gorgeous woman, had a kid-"
"Two. And she isnt gorgeous, she's perfect."
Eden's face turned red.
"Sky is asleep, by the way."
Eden whispered..
"Thank you."
I kissed her cheek.
Zeke watched with a smile.
"Aww, my little sister is all grown up!"
I laughed.
"Shut up, Zeke!"
Eden chuckled beside me.
After the laughter died down, Zeke spoke first.
"Do you want to know why they took him?"
"Yes, then I want to find the dick holes who where responsible, and turn them inside out!"
Eden warned.
"Sorry love."
Eden leaned forward, interested.
"I'm listening, Zeke."
"He's half archangel, so he's a good hunter."
"He's half hybrid.. Im not an archangel!"
"You didn't know?".
"Know what?"
" You're an archangel. "
Eden looked at me.
"No no no. DAD, is an archangel. I'm not!"
"You are. Oh. I have this, by the way. Ive had this. Dad gave it to me yesterday."
He handed me a beautiful blade. A long, sharp spike for a blad, and the handle is made of Abalone and silver. Just above the handle, and cresent moon of inky blue goldstone was inlaid.
"This is mine?"
I tried to process it all. Im an Archangel.
I was powerful, and I had authority.
"Luna, Imagine all the good you could do! You can change things!"
Eden said.
Zeke nodded in agreement.
I just stared at my blade, in wonder.
"This.... Is alot."
"She'll understand eventually..."
Eden said to my brother.
"She just needs time."
"I- um...  Okay.... Im slowly processing this!"
I put my blade in my pocket, and watched Eden clean my arm and wrap it up.
Zeke still held storm.
"So, whats the little one's name?"
"Thats Storm. His big sister is Sky."
Eden took Storm from Zeke, and cuddled him.
She left to put him to bed.
"Wow. How did you manage her?".
"The boys knew her... We kissed on a case and what was supposed to be a one night stand turned into alot more. The next thing I know, Im proposing to her, and we have a kid."
"Isnt she amazing?"
"She damn fine, If thats what you mean."
"Zeke! Thats my wife!" I laughed.
"I love that girl. Her brother isnt that bad either."
"Who's her brother?"
"Uhm...... Wait. Did you say he isnt thay bad? He tortured his own kind-"
"For a good purpose. You'd think his subjects would tell their king what he needed to know."
"You've grown alot, Diana."
"Its Luna now."
"You changed it?"
"Why be the godess of the hunt when you can be the moon?"
"Theres my nerdy little sister."
"Pfft. Do I need to remind you of what you looked like in highschool?"
"Oh, shut up little miss mullet!"
"At least I didnt have acne."
I tookthe colt and holster off my body, and tackled him.
"You arent tough!" He yelled.
I got him in a head lock, and had also bent his arm back.
"Who's tough now!?"
"How long are you gonna hold me here?"
I twisted his arm.
Every one was watching.
"Come on, tap out, I dare you!"
"Agh! Okay! Okay!"
I let him go, and helped him up.
"You alright?"
He was smiling. I hugged him tightly.
"I missed you." I held back tears as I spoke.
"Me too."
We hugged for awhile, and sat back down. Eden came back and we talked for the rest of the night. Just me, my brother, and Eden.

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