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So, we where married, and crowned a month later. Honestly, she was a cute queen. She was nice to every one with came to her with a problem, and even her ladies in waiting. The court families had a liking to Skylar. She was growing up to be a beautiful girl. She was almost four, and already she had her mothers kind, brown eyes, chestnut curls and smile. She was sweet too, but only to those who earned her trust. A smart little Lass, as Fergus calls her.
Our boy hasnt been born yet, but we're waiting. Everything seems to be in order so far. And amazingly enough, I still have time to hunt! Don't tell Eden. I know some of you humans like to snitch. Im sitting next to her now, both of us on our thrones taking care of matters. She would occasionally look over at me to check on me. I was too busy signing documents and reading laws to speak. I held her hand, and that was all. "Darling? Do you need help?" I shook my head. "I'm alright, Love." she looked me up and down, then went back to waiting. After a few minutes I stood up so fast That Im pretty sure I fractured a disk in my spine. "I have a meeting to go to."
"Should I assign guards to-"
"Thank you, Eden. But Im alright. Ill be back in a few hours. "
Did I have a meeting? No. I had been in pain all day, and I didnt want her to worry. I was going to the infirmary to see my half sister, Jupiter. She was a healer, and the only sister that was ever good to me. As Soon As I walked in I was enveloped in a hug from her. "What did you need?" She asked me. I explained the situation and she took me to an empty treatment room and laid me down. She asked if I wanted to call Eden, and I shook my head. She shrugged and thus began the most painful 8 hours of my life. Getting shot? Nope. Stabbed? Far less painful. It went on for 8. FUCKING. HOURS. I screeched until my throat was raw. It felt like being scooped clean of your insides with a razor blade, then burned until you're hollow. I had to be given adrenaline because I kept passing out. Eight hours, for one tiny siren to be born. But at the end of those hours I had a perfect son. The moment I had him in my arms , I could only think one thing: This, is my son. And I will protect him with my life. He will always be my son. And I will always be his mother. And I will ALWAYS love him. Always. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at him. The only hair he had, where little red wisps of fluff on his head. His eyes where blue now, but in a few days they would fade to their natural shade. And he was so fragile. Yet, he wasnt weak. I named him Storm. Storm Alabaster Faith Black. A diginfied name. I had Jupiter send for Eden, and I waited. Storm had fallen asleep in the crook of my arm by the time anyone got there. It was Sam and Eden who came. My uncle was probably busy, and I knew how Dean felt about kids. As soon as Eden came into the room, her face lit up in a smile. "Whats his name?" She chirped. She was so excited.I answered her. "Why Alabaster?"
"My grandfather."
Sam hung back, trying not to be intrusive. And also, being awkward. He's good at that. I turned toward Eden. "Honey, can you go get Sky?" she nodded and left the room. I lnew sky was on the other side of the palace, so we had awhile. "Sammy.." I began. He was staring in wonder at Storm. "This is it. This is our little Hurricane."I said,tearing up. He stepped forward a bit. Her was close enough to reach out and wipe my tears away. "You know I can't..." he trailed off. "I know you can't help me raise him. And thats okay. I know you love him just as much as I do." he nodded. He was tearing up too. "I do."
He said feircely. "But Dean wouldn't let me stay. And Im a magnet for monsters." He shook his head. I looked at him. He was slouching, sitting on a chair next to me, staring at the floor. He buried his face in his hands. "I want to be better than my Dad was. I'm so sorry Luna." I shook my head. I held Storm with one arm and pulled him close to me with the other. He kissed me and gently wrapped his arms around both of us.
I buried my face in his coat. We sat like this for awhile until her let go due to the sound of foot steps. The door opened, And Eden came and sat beside me, until I was ready to go. Then she carried me to my room. Which I rarely used. Eden and I always slept In the same bed. I only used my be for short naps, or a place to rest for a moment. And I slept. I dont think I've ever slept so long. 19 hours. Eden had to take care of Storm. And I wouldve slept longer, But Dean woke me up with a spray bottle because. Apparently. I wouldnt wake up when he called me? Anyway, he woke me up to talk about me and Sam. "You seriously woke me up for this?"
"Well, yeah. Its important." he looked at me like it was common sense. "He's a big boy, Dean. He doesn't need to be watched."
"He's my brother!"
"Why don't you just let him live his life?!"
"Because he'd make stupid decisions!"
"Well, so do you! But he doesn't baby sit you!"
"Im not going to let my brother out of my sight. Unlike you, I'm smart. I wont let Sammy go."
I stood up, anger rushing through my body.
"You son of a bitch." I growled. My claws retracted and I slapped him with an open hand, leaving claw marks. "Do. Not. Speak of my brother." I barked.
"Why are you mad at me?"
He asked, holding his cheek.
"You come in here, under my roof, insult my family, my species, try to break my family apart, And then have the balls to mention my brother! What the fuck is wrong with you!?"
"Get out."
"Leave. That is an order. Unless you'd like my guards to escort you."
He turned, and walked out. I listened to his foot steps, and once he was safely out of hearing distance,I started to cry. I cried for the girl who never fit in. I cried for the girl who was abandoned in the rain,cold, and in danger, during a dragon hunt with Dean. I cried for the girl who was beaten by her mother,and had the burns and marks under her glamour to prove it. I cried because I was trying so hard to be a good queen, yet people of the court where still laughing at my existence. I cried for my brother. And if Zeke where here, he'd hug me and say it was okay. That he'd find the bastard who hurt my feelings, and boil him alive. I missed him terribly, and that made me cry more. I cried until I could cry no more. Until my breath came in gasps and my body was too tired to cry. And after that, my son woke, and started to cry. I was instantly distracted, and I shot across to room to his cradle. I picked up my Baby, shushing him until his wails became mewls, and his mewls became whimpers, and his whimpers fell silent. "Its okay, Baby.... Mama's right here... " I wish my mother had said that to me. I wish some one had sheilded me from her. And it was then that I made a promise. I pressed my lips gently, to my sons head, and whispered fiercely, my voice filled with the passion of a mother's love. "I always will be. I'll protect you, I'll always be there for you. I promise, Storm." The only promise I could truly keep. I would never leave him alone, or desert him. I would fight until my last breath,and beyond. I had faith. Faith in my son. Faith in myself. My uncle Gabriel's words echo in my ears. "Yeah,humans are bad. But they try to do better!" do better. Exactly.
I have faith in myself, to be a better mother than my own.

I have faith in Sam, to help protect him.

I have faith in Storm, to grow up and make the right decisions.

I have faith in live, and how it will get better for us.


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