Some Eden and Luna scenarios

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(I read through my work and I thought,'Eden wasn't portrayed like the badass ginger she really is, and I didn't show enough of Luna's animal- like behavior. So... here you go, what happened on their Skin walker hunt!)

Luna's POV~

           The boys had sent Eden and I to go investigate a suspect's house for the case we where working on. We walked up to the front door together,and she rang the door bell.
I glanced at her while waiting for the suspect to open the door.
Focused eyes, so brown they where almost black. Curly reddish hair, up in a bun. Freckles everywhere.
Amd the curves on her? Don't even get me started.
"Be proffesional." She said to me, quietly. Before I could reply, the suspect opened the door. We showed our "badges" to her and the suspect - a kind older woman named Maria- Let us right in. Once she had allowed us inside we went through the usual motions and she allowed us to search the property. Eden and I started in her office,which was a mess. Eden began to rifle through papers. "A lawyer apparently." She grumbled. I took my time and glanced at at the law and philosophy books.
"Are they that interesting?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my waist from behind. "Kind of." I stated. In one quick move I had her pinned against the bookshelf in front of me, my hands in hers.
"Not as interesting as you though." I purred and licked my fangs. Her cheeks turned pink. "Luna, the investiga-" She didn't get to finish. I cut her off with a kiss. She was tense at first, but then she grabbed me by the jacket and pulled me closer. I only meant for this to be a quick gesture of affection! Eden's hands held my waist, and my two hands where behind her on the book shelf. I reached up and took the elastic out of her hair so that it would fall loosely. I was kissing Eden's neck now, and she was very quiet about it. "Luna. The inestigation." I ignored her. "Luna!" She snapped. I pulled away. She now had a livid looking hickey on her neck. "Okay, okay." we went back to work. Eden was quiet now, and somewhat awkward. "Sorry, love." I apologized. She fixed her undershirt, and coat. "It's alright, dearie." She was still blushing, and trying to hide it by rifling through papers. Once we where finished, she took my hand in a very wifely fashion. "Next room." She said. I nodded. We continued throughout the house like this, until we where done with all but the shed.
We stood outside, looking at eachother. "You ready?"  I asked.
She took her pistol from its holster, and nodded. I kicked open the shed door,and sensed something inside. My claws came out. "Stay there." I said, creaping forward. A snarl erupted from the corner of the shed, and something flew at me. It gave a feral bark. And clamped down on my arm.
I stifled a cry of pain, and instead shook the thing loose. It landed on the ground in front of me. A huge black wolf with angry yellow eyes. I snarled at it, while taking my coat off amd throwing it in the corner. Then,I lunged at it. Lightnong fast,I leapt and stopped my self at the last second, and swinging my legs underneath the beasts legs. It fell onto its side,belly exposed. With precious seconds ticking away I pounced again, biting and clawing the soft underbelly of the Wolf and shaking my head. I let go once the black fur was matted with blood and I was sur the Skinwalker was mostly dead. "Eden! I need a silver bullet in this thing, quick!"
I sat back, and studdied my arm.
The bite wasn't so bad. It was the fact that the creature had ripped some skin off my arm with its weight.
Blood dripped down my arm and ran off my fingers, pooling on the ground.
Mean while, Eden walked over to the skinwalker eyes narrowed, And with no emotion whatsoever put a silver bullet in the things head.
She tucked her gun back into its holster on her belt, and then came over to me. I was taking deep breaths, and trying to slow my heartbeart.
"Your hands! Luna!" She fussed. She then noticed the bite. "Babe!" she gasped, and took my arm in her hands. She accidentally pressed on the sides of my arm too hard, and I had to do everything in my power not to pass out. "Honey, I can see the bone.. This is serious.." She said, gravely serious. It was so painful.
She looked me in the eyes. Usually she was quiet on our investigations, to seem professional. But when she looked at me, I could see she was nervous. "I'm going to take you to the car. Can you stand up?" I nodded. I tried to use both arms to push myself up, but it was so painful that my injured arm gave out and I fell backward. I looked her and let out an irritated sigh. She bent down and picked me up, carrying me to the car instead. I didn't protest. I held my arm to my chest and put my head on her shoulder.  She sat me in the passenger seat. "I'll be back." She gave me a quick kiss and I returned the favor. Then she went to say goodbye to the suspects. I got the supplies to fix my arm in the trunk and put them upfront. I couldnt exactly sew my own arm. And Eden wasnt exactly up to date on medical procedures. I figured she was going to do it Midevil style.
I had to drink enough to numb the pain, then she would sew up the wound. So, I ended up sitting in the passenger seat trying to down half a bottle of Tequila.
She came back a few minutes later, sat down and started the car.
She glanced over at me. " How are you feeling?" She asked. "Shitty." I replied.
We drove until we reached an abandoned parking lot. She pulled over there, and stopped the car. Eden got out of the car and came over to me . "Are you ready?" She asked quietly. Her worried expression made me feel like an idiot for getting my arm injured. I nodded amd gave her the tequila bottle, which was about half full. She cleaned her hands with a water bottle and alchohol wipes,then held my arm in place. I braced myself.

Eden's POV~

      I hated doing things like this. "Go for it." She growled. I didn't want to hurt her, though. I quickly poured a little bit of tequila over the wound,and quickly started sewing. I glanced at Luna. "Are you alright?" I asked. Her eyes where shut tight, and her jaw was clenched. She nodded.
I resisted the urge to reach up and take her hand,and hurried up on sewing the fixable parts. The wound was bad. The skin on that section of arm just below the elbow was gone, and the injury was about 6 inches wide. A few ligaments where snapped, and skin hung off the elbow. It was still bleeding and in some places when I washed away the blood I could see white patches that I assumed where bone. "Oh, Luna...." I sighed. She opened one slitted eye and looked at me. "I'm so sorry... I'll be done soon." she nodded, closing her eyes again. "Okay." she said softly. I put everything back into place and sewed the wound up tight, then tied the stitches off. I gave it another once over with tequila before telling her I was done. "It's all set Moon." She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. I put everything away, then sat beside her on the floor of the passengers side. I looked up at her and she smiled at me. She reached down, picked me up, and put me in her lap. "Thanks..." She was blushing.
"So, About the whole thing in her office.." She said. My cheeks felt hot. "I'm listening." I said. "I'm sorry?" she said. "Theres nothing to be sorry about, Luna. You're my wife. It's normal. We need to stop being so awkward." Luna nodded. I just smiled at her. She smirked. "You know what I think?" she asked. I was intruiged. "What?" I asked. "I think we should go back to our hotel room." I squinted at her, confused. Why? It was still so early. "What?- oh.. Okay." oh. I got it.
I leaned into her and kissed her.
I wrapped my legs around her waist, and put my hands on her back. She ran her hands through my hair, and kissed back feverishly. I pulled away after her hands made their way to my chest. "Okay! Behave." I scolded.
"Sorry... I might be a little drunk."
She answered. I laughed and got off of her lap.  I got into the driver seat, and closed the door behind me. "I'm not doing anything with you until you bandage up those stitches." I said. She took bandages from the glove box, and did as I asked. Then she looked at me. "Okay. Good?" I nodded and started the car. She shut her car door and put her seatbelt on. Then laid her hand on the arm rest between the seats. Steering with one hand,I used the other to hold Luna's hand.
And we began the drive to the hotel we where staying at.

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