Another Scenario

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(Last chapter!)

Eden's POV~

       I sat on the bed doing my makeup and waiting for Luna to be done in the bathroom. "Luna! We're going to be late!" I called. "Hold on!" She called. Minutes later she stepped out of the bathroom with a rainbow painted on each of her cheeks, her hair pulled back into a bun, and a rainbow bandana tied around it. Her t- shirt was white, with the colors of the rainbow spattered all over it in ink. She held a sign that said, "I'm here, I'm Queer, get used to it." I laughed. I zipped my makeup bag shut. "I have more signs in the car!" she said. I giggled. She was so excited, it was adorable. I stood up. "Alright." I checked the mirror, quickly. I wore a rainbow croptop, and jeans, with white thigh high boots. I also wore a  rainbow beaded necklace, just for fun.
"Let's go." I said with a smile. Luna took my hand and we ran all the way to the car.  I sat in the passengers seat, because Luna insisted on driving.
"I have big plans for today." She said.
" What's that supposed to mean?"
I asked. "You'll see. Check the trunk when we get there." she told me. I laughed, and put my hand on hers, where it rested on the arm rest between us. I brought her hand up to my lips, and kissed it. She laughed, and I saw a blush form on her cheeks.
When we got the the right street, and parked I looked in the trunk. Three bags where backed one of clothes the others of food and random items. "Whiskey? Condoms? A blanket? What are you up to?"  She smiled. "You'll see." She purred. She grabbed our signs from the back seat and took out two pride flags. She handed one to me. "Shall we?" She offered her arm. I took it.


  We had been at the parade for about two hours, when Luna suddenly put her signs and flags down. A couple people looked at her, wondering what she was doing. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a case of red velvet, then got down on one knee. Now everyone was staring.
"Eden," She flicked the case open to reveal a polished band of Moonstone.
I laughed, blushing. "Luna, we're already married!" I laughed. Somehow tears came to my eyes anyway. "Still. I want to marry tou all over again. Let's renew our vows." She offered. I wiled my tears away and stepped forward. "You know I can't refuse." I said, and slid it onto my right ring finger. My wedding ring and engagement ring already laking up my left ring finger.
She stood up and threw the empty case into the crowd, and wrapped her arms around my waist. I kissed her. The people around us cheered. "You want to get out of here?" She whispered in my ear. I smirked and nodded. She led me out of the crowd and to the car. I sat in the passenger's seat, laughing to myself and looking at the ring. She looked over at me. "Was the crowd too much?"  she asked. "It was fine. I loved it." She smiled. "I love you." I added. She took her hands off of the steering wheel , and leaned over the middle console. I cupped her cheek in one hand, and pulled her closer. We kissed, and I didn't want to pull away. But after we did - which took five minutes-  she held my hand, tightly. " I have a nice weekend planned." She said. "What about the kids?" I asked. "Zeke and Thalia can take care of them. We need a weekend off." She said. I smiled. Yes we did.
"Okay." I laid back and closed my eyes not knowing how long the ride was.

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