A Dance with Death

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We continue to walk down the rundown halls. I peered through the darkness, with everyone following behind. "Its getting close. I sense it." Eden said from the back. But by the way her voice echoed I could tell we where about to hit a dead end.... "WATCH OUT!" Sam yelled, and something slammed into me with a screech. I felt claws pierce my skin while the wind was knocked out of me. My skin started to burn. "Shes wearing bronze rings, Sam!! Get her off of Luna!" Dean yelled. The creature was ripped off of me as I tried to catch my breath. I coughed. I was half siren, so bronze was fatal to me. Copper too. It Burned. The pain felt like needles. Burning. I felt my heart beating....
Bump.... Bump....bump.. Bu-bump.. Bu-bump... Every last breath was a cliff hanger. The pain.. I wanted to die. I wanted it to be over. "Luna!" Eden fell to her knees beside me and drew me into an embrace. "You're okay... Hey!" Eden was shaking,she snapped to get my attention, and Dean pulled out a flask. "Here. This will heal here. Coral powder in holy water." he threw the flask and it skidded to a stop on the ground behind Eden. She shakily picked up the flask and poured it on my burned. I yelped and she started to cry. Or was she sweating? I'm not sure. "Dont cry... " I said weakly, and used the last of my strength to put my hand on her cheek. She put her hand on top of mine, and held it there. She kiseed my forearm. "I'll be alright.... I just need rest.. No need to cry my Angel. " She smiled through her tears. "I won't...,"She chuckled",I love you Luna. Ive waited for you since my father made me.. Since the dawn of time. Ive known you where the one." I smiled and stroked her cheek with my thumb. "Shhh... It's  alright." Dean picked me up and Sam talked with Eden. Dean laid me down in the back seat,and Eden sat on the floor. I motioned with my head for her to come up, and shes hesitantly climbed up, and laid beside me with her head on my chest. I ran a gentle hand through her glossy red hair,and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. She was crying.  Sam took his coat off, and gave it to me. I put it on Eden and took the blanket i keep in my purse for long rides out. I draped it over both of us. "Why don't you sleep on the way to Miami, Eden." I said softly. "I wont until I know you're at least going to be okay." I pulled my shirt down to show my collar bone. The burns where gone. "Eden, Im okay. Sleep..." she bodded and hugged me tighter. I stayed awake while she slept. "I didnt know she swung that way.." Dean muttered. Sam looked like her wanted to punch Dean. "Shhhhh! Eden is asleep." Dean rolled his eyes and Sam chuckled. I fell asleep shortly after.

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