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I liked Sam. But I had Eden. Samuel was so kind. And smart. And to him it didnt matter what happened. He'd always bounce back from it. I admired him.
He seemed perfect. Even now, he sits next to me, stroking my wings to make me feel better. He's been sitting with me all day trying to make me feel better. "Luna. Have you Had anything to drink yet? You should probably hydrate yourself." He asked, Kneeling beside the bed. "Im okay, Sam." I said with a smile. He opened his his mouth to protest but I shushed him. "Im fine." I said in a gentle voice. "Can we go check on Eden?" He glanced at the wall, nervously. "I guess." I stood up and stumbled. "Whoa. Okay. Youre getting carried." * Sam grabbed me, and held me close to his chest. "I can walk." He looked skeptical until I pecked him on the nose. "See? I didnt miss your nose. I can walk." He kissed me, then let me go. I smiled and walked out of the room. I found myself at Deans hotel room door, knocking. "Let me in. I dont trust you with Eden." * The door opened and I fell flat on my face. Once I stood I saw Eden sitting on her bed and reading a book. I guessed that dean was getting food. "Oh Dear me! Are you okay?" I nodded amd she dropped her book, running over to help me up. "I got it! Im fine!" I pushed myself up with my wings amd held myself steady. "I just needed to check on-" Eden smiled "Dean and see if he wasnt screwing me." She finished my sentence. "Yyyyyes?" I answered. She shrugged. "Its understandable. But it didnt happen. He put me in bed. Then left. Cass was watching me." I fluffed my wings. "Uncle Cass?!" I heard him in the closet. "I dont understamd what Dean wants me to find in here..." I heard him grumbling. "Top shelf, uncle Castiel." I heard him pick uo something and step out of the closet. "Thank you." He said and looked at me expectantly. I nodded. "Eden.. Why dont you get - " "let her come with us." Castiel said. "She cant, its too dangerous." "she can watch from a distance. She should see what you can do." "no! And thats final!" Castiel sighs. "Come on, Eden." I huffed. Eden came over and pressed herself against me. I picked her up and put her on my shoulders with a smile. "Hey, I need to talk to you later." I nodded and followed my uncle. " can I have my blade now? You guys confiscate it like I'm some five year old." Castiel shook his head. "We baby you because we care. And because your father wants us to watch over you." I rolled my eyes. "If he cares so damn much, why doesnt he come down here and do it himself?" "H e Isnt a regular angel." Eden gasped. "You mean her father is an archangel?" Eden asked excitedly. "Barachiel, yes." I didnt understand what it meant then. And that was going to come back and bite me in the ass. "This really isnt a big deal. Ive never met him. " Eden was clearly excited. "But, You're an Archangel!" I shook my head. "So? You know what, forget training. Im going back to my room." I put Eden down, and walked off. I saw eden try to follow me , and Castiel grab her wrist. I went back to the room and saw Sam waiting for me. He walkef right uo to me and gently cupped my cheek in his hand. "Arent you supposed to be training?" I pressed my cheek to his hand. "I didn't want to." it happened lightning fast, sI felt lips on mine. And I didnt mind it. Eden had left my mind. Was it wrong to love them both?

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