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Eden was in such a deep sleep when I parked the car that I had to wake her by opening the door and honking the car horn.
"What the fuck!?"
She jumped and reached for her knife. Which wasnt there.
"I have a bag for you and me in the back. Then theres a boat down that dock, we take it there."
She nods and grabs the bag.
"We have hunting weapons too, just in case. So we're safe."
She started walking toward the dock, and I followed, after locking the car.
We found the boat and I started it up.
We unroped the small motorboat and left.
I didnt speak much, because I was exhausted, but I did pay attention to my surroundings.
The crisp morning air combined with the smell of seasalt, and flecks of seafoam lept into the air from the watery depths.
I opened my wings, and angled them to let the air flow around them instead of into them.
I stretched them out enough that they hung over the sides of the boat.
I dipped my wing tips into the water for a moment, before going back to focusing.
We got to the island, and I docked. It was a medium sized island, with a small jungle and a nice little cabin in a clearing.
There was only a small dirt road through the forrest to follow, which I didnt mind.
Eden climbed out of the boat, and gave me a hand.
"You look like Death."
"Im fine."
I took out my knife and cut some vines in the way.
"Luna if something's wrong.."
"Im just tired."
"Really... Really... Tired."
I mumbled under my breath.
"When... Did you last sleep?"
I raised two fingers, and continued clearing the path.
"Two days!? Luna! That isnt good for either of you."
"Its difficult to sleep when you're worried sick."
"Im sorry.."
"Its fine... It isnt your fault. Sam tried to get me to sleep, but I was so stubborn."
At the mention of Sam she went silent.
A small chirp came from inside the bag Eden was holding, and a little coppery red head popped out.
Cerberus chirped and climbed out of the bag, and dropped to the ground. The tiny dragon scampered along the dusty ground, and up my pant leg.
He eventually got to my shoulder and dug his claws into my shirt.
He 'helped' me by clawing and biting at the vines I was cutting.
It was cute but I wanted to get the job done.
And eventually I did.
The house was right ahead.
It was really a small palace, not a house.
The structure rose about 25 feet tall, the whole thing carved out of marble. It had a downstairs, and an outdoor area on the roof.
The bottom had 10 rooms.
A garden out back, 2 bedrooms 3bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, the corridor, and the living room.
I walked toward it, remembering childhood moments from this place.
"Its beautiful.."
Eden said from behind me.
I nodded.
I just slipped inside. No one had been here in roughly 20 years.
Not even my amazonian battle instructor, who had a house in the jungle somewhere.
Automatically I walked down the open corridor, brushing my fingers against the wall, which was carved with writing in our native language, ancient greek.
There was so much of my home in this place.
A small circular pool af water sat in the middle of the back of the corridor. It was about 8 feet in diameter, and 10 feet deep. The bottom of the pool was tiles of various pieces of precious stones.
Light danced along the ceiling due to the water below.
I smiled, and tapped my finger against the side of the pool. All of a sudden a slender shadow appered at the bottom of the pool, and swam up.
The head of a white mare came up, and nuzzled my hand.
"How are you today?"
I asked the creature in ancient greek.
It rose its glorius rainbow tail from the water and slammed it down on the waters surface, splashing Eden. I chuckled.
"Thats good!" I replied.
"Is that....?"
Eden looked at it, confused.
"A hippocamp? Yes. Many mythical creature take shelter on this island. But this creature is sort of... A holy animal. I've tried to set her free to be with her own kind,but she refused. So she stays in this pool."
"Mhm. I love this island. Its the only place where peaceful creatures can come to be safe from hunters."
I took my coat off, and took all my arms off my body.
I laid my gun holster down on the ground, I laid down the colt, and the Pistol, my knife, my knife sheath.
This was a place of peace.
The hippocamp glanced at Eden nervously.
"She means no harm." I said in Greek.
The thing stared at her still.
"Eden she wants you to remove your weapons from your person."
"Uh... Okay."
She did as asked and I put everything away, safely in a hidden closet.
I was excited to spend some time with Eden, and be able to take a break from hunting.
Maybe this was for the best.

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