Another Alternate Reality

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(2:00 a.m.) (present day)
Luna's POV-

          I was jarred awake by the sound of Phoebe fussing loudly.
By glancing at the alarm clock I could see that it was 2 am.
I sighed and gently wiggled out of Eden's grasp.
Walking out over to her cradle I could see. Her squirming around.
I lifted her out and cradled her in my arms. "Whats wrong, sweetie?"
I stroked her head with the tips of my fingers and she quieted slightly.

I heard the shuffling of the bedsheets and looked up. Eden was sitting up, watching over us.
"Is she alright?"
I smiled and kissed my daughters forehead.
"She's fine, love. Just hungry."
She started to get up and I walk over, trying to ease her back into bed.
"I can do it, Luna."
"You need rest."
She looked at me.
I Stopped her protest with a kiss.
"I'll take care of you when I get finished putting Phoebe back to bed."
She flopped back into bed with a sigh, and I took care of the baby.
I fed her, changed her, checked her temperature just in case.
Then laid her in her cradle, making sure she was safe, and comfortable.
Then I walked over to Edens side of the bed.
"You still awake?"
She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"Alright shirt off, roll over."
She smirked as if it where for something inappropriate.
"Yeah, in your dreams."
She chuckled and did as I asked , moving away blankets and sheets so that I could get to her back.
I took her lotion from the tabletop of the bedside table, and used it on her whole back.
I felt the knots in her muscles immediately when I began massaging around her wings.
"Your back is a mess."
"Probably because I'm old."
"Yeah, okay. You dont seem like a raisin to me."
"Just wait, you'll see."
I giggled, not bothering with a remark. I gently rubbed her neck, shoulders, and lower back.
This took a whole of about 50 minutes because of all her tension. After I was finished I flopped down beside her.
"Thank you, love."
I yawned and nodded.
She nipped my earplayfully.
I glanced over and saw the happy face of the woman I love.
It was a sight for sore eyes.
I hated mopey Eden.

She inched closer, and I wrapped an arm around her waist
She locked lips with me, and held me tight.
Her gentle fingers traced my jaw and shoulders as we stayed curled together like that for a while.
After awhile she got a bit frisky, but respected my descision when I told her how tired I was.
So we just held eachother tight.
Throught the course of my sleep I felt her try to make sure I was as comfortable as possible.
She even put an extra pillow under our heads. Which I though was sweet due to the fact that she hated high pillows.
It was nice to have someone like her.
I honestly Dont know where I'd be if I didnt have her. I would probably be dead.

(Montpelier, Vermont. 2008.)
(Alternate reality)
(- A Luna with out Eden)

Luna's POV-
       Sam and I had been left alone while Dean checked out a vampire nest. So we decided to spend the morning relaxing together.
I went to go get breakfast, and when I came back he was sprawled across our bed, asleep.
I smiled, and quietly. Shut the door to our room.
I set his breakfast on the vanity inbetween the two beds and gently brushed his hair out of his face. "Sam...."
I nudged him gently. Wow.
He slept like a bear.
He jolted awake.
I pet his hair, to calm him.
He mumbled.
He smiled.
I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"I brought breakfast. He sat up, and gave him his food amd coffee.
I then walked to the other side of the bed, and sat down with my food.
I was really hungry, so I just ate.
I'd honestly rather eat bacon than fish or human.
Sams phone rang. And he jumped right up and answered it.
I listened while I ate, until he turned hung up amd turned to face me.
"Dean needs help."
I nodded and quickly scarfed down the rest of my food.
Sam went into the bathroom to get dressed while I changed in the room.
I put my gun in its holster, and my knife in its sheath in my boot,and got ready to leave.
Once he was ready we started walking.
It wasnt that long a walk.
We moved at a light jog, so there wasnt really time to talk.
When we got there, we snuck in. It was an abandoned library, its front interior carved out of marble, with green polluted copper railings leading the the front door.
We went inside and immediately saw the alpha holding dean at knife point.
With an angel blade.
I stared at the blade with wide eyes. Sam stood there, ready to fight. But I knew it was futile.
I launched at the vampire.
He panicked and turned on me. He stabbed me with the angel blade.
But not before I beheaded him.
"T-thats f-or the humans you murdered." I choked out, and fell to the ground. I could feel my functions shutting down. "Luna!"
Sam ran over, and picked me up.
I reached up and traced his jawline with a portion of my strength.  My blue blood dripped down his fingers, though he had his haind pressed to the wound in an attempt to stop it.
"They're weaker without the alpha...."
I mumbled.
"Dean can handle it."
He stopped.
Then glanced at Dean behind him, finishing off the last of the nest.
He yelled.
He hadn't broken his concentration.
"I need to get Luna to a hospital!"
His voice was racked with worry.
He stood and my blood began to drip onto the floor.
My eyes felt so heavy.
"Luna no. Stay awake!"
He gently lifted me up and kissed my cheek.
"So tired..."
I heard his hesitate. He would never intentionally want to hurt me. All he could manage was a light tap on the nose.
I started to chuckle, but it hurt to laugh.
"Stay with me..."
Sam pleaded. He was running now.
I guessed that he had gotten the keys from Dean.
Her laid me in the feont seat,and tried to buckle me in. I shooed him away and did it myself.
He was genuinely nervous.
I reached over and put my hand on his leg.
He only drove faster.
We got to the Hospital fifteen minutes later, but I knew it was too late.
Sam sat with me in the waiting room and we soon got me a room. I asked him for water, and he left. After he had left, I whispered my goodbyes.
I didnt want him to have to watch this. Not after Jess.

Sam's POV-

        I got her water and came back to the room. "Luna, you better still be-"
I stopped. The doctor and nurse stood beside her bed. And she lied there, curled up, eyes closed. Her sheets covered in blue blue blood. "No pulse." the doctor said to her assistant. My heart dropped. "No."
Once I spoke they both looked at her.
"Sir, did you know the patient."
The nurse asked me.
"S-she was my Fiancé."
We had been hunting together for almost ten years and she had really stuck with me. She reminded me a little of Jess.
"Im sorry, sir." the doctor said gently. Suddenly Dean came stumbling in. He looked around the room, taking everthing in.
"Luna..." I mumbled, walking over ot her bedside.
"Sam... We need to go."
Dean stated.
"I cant leave her."
"No, Dean!"
"SAM!.. Listen."
He came over amd stood very close to me.
"I have the rest of that nest on my tail. Now, we need to go before innocent people die. We can take the body, and go to California. We can give her a hunter's funeral, but I need you to get your shit together, and move it!"
I nodded and gently scooped up Luna's body.
And we ran.

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