Missing You

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Luna's POV~

My father came over and held me tight as my half sisters
just watched.
Jupiter and Thalia inched forward and stayed close. But Turq was awkward, and stood in the corner.
I tried to shut up but the tears just kept coming.
I knew he would move on.
I knew he would screw other girls.
But I couldnt let him go.
I shook my famliy off me and tried to get out of bed.
"Luna!" Jupiter cried.
I gnored her, and ripped my IV from my arm.
I cried.
I ran outside, catching him by the sleeve of his coat.
"She didn't love you like I did. Jessica was a Demon meant to betray you."
He looked at me like I was crazy.
"I am the only one who can love you like she should've!"
I begged.
"You're married." he stated.
"And confused! Help me figure this out!"
I cried.
"I am. I have to go, Luna."
He turned to go.
I reached out to him, but he didnt look back.
Dean shot me a venomous look and followed Sam.
I fell to my knees in the mud as it started to rain.
My wings slumped and unfolded, dragging in the dirt.
The rain wet my hair.
Did I still love Eden anymore?
Did she love me?

.....Did I deserve her?
"Luna, come inside." my father kneeled down beside me.
"Please, Moonbeam."
He asked kindly.
I just turned and buried my face in his jacket.
He picked me up, and I curled into a ball.
"Its alright dear."
He mumbled, petting my head.
I cried into his jacket as he carried me inside.

Sam's POV~

"Was that true? Was Jess..." I asked, hurt deeply. "I don't know Sammy, really." I shook my head. "I shouldnt have left her." Dean scoffed.
"She's crazy!" I still didn't believe him. "But Dean.." He brushed me away. "She's got the eyes Sam. The crazy eyes." I scoffed. I felt like I was too harsh with Luna. I wanted to turn away. "I'm trying to talk to you like a normal person!" He turned to look at me. "We aren't normal." I shrugged. "fair enough."

Eden's POV~

Did I know what was going on between Luna and Sam? Yes, but I choose to ignore it. I love her, and that's enough for me to stay. So I act like I don't know. It breaks my heart, but I can't force her to love me. Then what kind of wife would I be? "Eden!" I heard someone call. "Yes Dean?" He ran into the private tent I had set up for myself. "I wanted to say goodbye." I smiled. " I figured." I smiled, sadly. He noticed. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and stole a quick glance at Sam. Dean understood. "I'll take care of it." He said wrapping his arms arm around me. we said our goodbyes and they left to go hunting.

~ A Few hours later, late night. 1 round 11;00

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard a gunshot. I jumped up and quickly changed into armor. I assumed it was Indigo and her army, until I remembered that they didn't use guns. "Shit! LUNA!" I ran to go check on her. screaming her name, I got no answer. I burst into the tent. I didn't need to see to know. I felt it. She was dead. "Luna!" I sobbed. I kneeled by her bedside and pulled her body into my arms. I felt my whole body shake as sobs racked my body. I held her closer. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry..." I couldn't control myself. "don't leave me." I squeaked. people came to see what the noise was about., but I couldn't quit. I was a mess. "Luna!" I wailed. I kissed her temple. while doing this, I saw something on the ground that wasn't there before. a piece of paper. Luna's hand shook weakly. I was wrong. She was alive. "I need Jupiter now!" I yelled to the sirens gawking at us. Luna pushed the paper toward me, trying to speak. she mouthed, but no sound came out. I picked up the note. I hushed her. "Don't speak... save your strength." She didn't give up. It took me awhile to understand, but I did eventually. I'm sorry. she was apologizing. "For what, dear?" She pointed to the paper. Her eyes started to close. "Stay awake." Her eyes still closed. She went cold. "Luna?" I shook her to wake her. "Luna!" no answer. "Moon?" I squeaked through my tears. she was gone for good now. I laid her back on her bed, and put her in a resting position, with her hands crossed over her chest. I then bent over and kissed her temple. I step back. "Bye, love." I opened the note.

My dearest,

I'm sorry, for everything. I never deserved you. Sam and I where wrong, and he never really loved me. I was wrong in cheating on you Eden, and I'm so sorry. I should've stayed with you. I should've spent more time with our kids... I regret so much. You don't deserve anyone who is anything less than devoted to you. So, go find someone else, who loves you better than I did. I have faith in you. I love you and always will.

~Yours eternally, Luna

I smiled. "I'll just have bring you back!" I kissed her cheek and ran off to go summon my mother.

Luna's POV~

I opened my eyes, in a dense pine forest. " is this..?" I punched a pine tree. it splintered under my fist. ..........................................................................................................................



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