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A few hours later Sam was teaching me how to use the colt. "Okay. Now reload." I nodded and took the bullets out. The pain of them causef me to drop them. "Fuck! Copper? Really?! " I held my fingers close to my chest. "I didnt know!" Sam said. "Are you okay?" I held my hand out. The burns where small white marks. They stung but they wherent fatal. I felt Sam kissthe burns. I laughed. "Its fine now. Can you help me find those bullets?" he nodded and picked up all five. "I think you know how to load a gun well enough?" I chuckled. "Yes. I do." His phone went of and he picked it up. "Dean says we have to go. Another case." I stood up. He did too and grabbed his coat. I grabbed his wrist. "For getting something?" I handed him the colt, and kissed him on the cheek. Her returned the favor and I followed him out door. Eden was waiting in the back of the car for me. So I got in and sat down. "Where to?" Dean answered. "Florida. Another siren case. Your buddies are out of control." I glared at him. "Theyre my mothers. Not mine. I dont control them." Dean turned the car on. And went to speak. But sam interrupted him. "It doesnt matter. Lets just go. Its no use fighting, Dean." His brother fell silent. And pulled out of the hotel parking lot. Eden came over and pressed herself against me. I kissed her head. "I missed you." She mumbled into my jacket. "So did I." She held onto me tightly. "I wanted to talk to you." I got nervous. This wasnt a good thing. "Im all ears, Angel." Eden giggles. "Well we've known eachother for awhile..." I nodded. Two years. Thats how long. And Sam and I for five. "Okay." I listened. "Dont you want to settle down?". This shocked me. I loved hunting! And shes and angel! Why would she want to settle? "You mean...?" I asked. "I mean, get a house. Have a baby. Things like that." I stared at her for a minute. I glanced at the rear view mirror and saw Sam looking at me . "let me think. Okay?" Eden nodded. Settle!? How! When did she become so human! Im not normal. I LIKE hunting. I dont want to settle. Its either I hunt. Or I kill my mother and become the queen of the Sea. Settling isnt an option.

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