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Eden had gone out for a quick morning run, so I had stayed and taken care of Skylar. It was only me and my Daughter. The Boys had gone out to check on a case. I was left alone, reading, with Sky in my lap. "Hello." I nearly broke my chair when I stood and kicked it across the room. "It's only me, Luna." Castiel stepped out into view. "You gave me a heart attack!" I snapped. "Yes, I tend to do that." I sighed. I knew what he was here for. I gave him Skylar, and he sat down with her for a few minutes. "Have you talked to Dean yet?" "I havent had the time." I shrugged,and put the chair I had kicked back into its proper place. "The angels talk about her." I looked up. "My Daughter?" He nodded. "Zachariah wants her. Shes archangel and siren. A perfect hunter. Some of the lesser angels say she's supposed to have a sibling. Theyve been giving The archangels different and incorrect leads to keep your family safe. Your father has joined the lesser angels." I closed my eyes and let out a loud sigh. "Great. I have to worry about archangels?" "You have the blade." I nodded. "But Eden doesnt. She could be out all alone and they could take her as a hostage." Cass just stared at the door. It unlocked and Eden walked through. "Good morning!" She chirped. Her usual happy self. "Aww.. Shes asleep. Thanks Cass, for the help with Skylar." Cass shrugged. "How was your run, sweetie?" I walked over and gave Eden a kiss. She kissed me back and took her earbuds out. "Just fine!" She took my hand, and our engagement rings made a clinking, as our fingers touched. "Cass, Can I have Sky?" He handed Eden the baby and stood there, as I told Eden every thing he told me. He has vanished about halfway through the conversation. "They want you and Skylar?" I nodded. "Well, thats too bad. Isnt it." My eyes widened. Ive never heard her say anything like that before. "They arent getting either of my children either. "Either-?" She held up a hand. "When you refuse a beer and sleep for 12 hours its obvious." I looked down. "Oh." She thought that it was hers.. And it was for the best. Dont judge me! Any of you humans would've done the same! "Im sorry... I was waiting to tell you.. I figured it was too much. And Sky is only almost 2 years old." Eden smiles. "Are you healthy?" I nodded. "Is the baby healthy?" I nodded. "As far as I know." "Thens its alright!" I didnt have the heart. She was so happy, so I said nothing. "I also figured that why you attacked my brother." I snorted. "No, that was before I found out. And it wasnt that I had baby brain, it's that your brother is a crazy bastard and I want him nowhere near my daughter!" She shrugged. "He already met her. He's actually pretty sweet, have you seen him around her?" I shoom my head. "Just because he's the king of hell doesn't mean he's cruel. And ... He IS going to be your brother in law." I sighed. "Fine. One chance. ONE. Thats all he gets." "Thank you. Now. You where up late and woke up early go get some rest." "But-" "shhh your Gaurdian angel knows best!" I gave in and went back to bed. I woke up the someone putting and extra blanket over me. I opened one eye and turned over to see knees covered in jeans. "Thank you Sammy." He kneeled, and was still too tall. "How are you so Godamn giant?" " How are you so small?" I shrugged and sat up. "What did you need?"   "You where shivering, so I put a blanket on you. But now that you're awake, do you want to go for a walk with me?" I shrugged. "I just have to tell Eden." Sam was staring at the floor in front of the bed I was in. "She's sleeping on the floor. Isnt she?" He nodded. "I'll do it. You cant kneel." I got up,and watched him kneel beside Eden and nudge her shoulder. "Eden." I chirped. She woke up, which was funny to see. "What?" She shook her head to wake up. I nudged Sam Aside aside and stood above Eden. "Up here ,Love." She glanced up, and saw me. She immediately stood, and looked me over. "Are you okay?" I nodded. "I cant sleep. Im going for a walk." She reached for her coat. "No... Stay here. I'll have Sam with me, and you need sleep." she tried to protest, but as soon as I tucked her into bed she fell asleep. I kissed her forehead, and walked toward the door, into a cold, still October night. My companion and I vanishing for a few hours.

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