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Luna's POV~

               When I woke, everyone was standing around my grave.
Dean, some young girl next to him. Cass, and Sam.
I sat up, and got slightly dizzy. Then I stood.
I wouldve fallen back into the hole if Sam hadn't caught me first.
"Take it easy."
He muttered and picked me up.
"You used quite a bit of power, Luna."
Castiel said.
Sam started to carry me back to the car. The young girl followed, talking to Dean in a low voice.
There was something about her that made me feel... Unusual. Her eyes. Maybe her personality. But she seemed so familiar.
I felt drawn to her.
"Sammy? Who's that girl?"
"The nineteen year old?"
He asked.
"She says her name is Hazel."
I watched her and then, somehow, the connection made sense.
"Sam, drop me."
I ordered.
"Just do it!"
He put me down in a standing position and I turned around.
I ran toward her, and caught her in a tight embrace.
She chuckled and hugged me back.
It took me awhile to pull away, but I did.
I felt tears falling down my cheeks.
I tucked a peice of her light brown hair behind her ear and traced her jawline with my thumb.
"My Hazel..."
She smiled at me, her eyes where watering.
"Yeah, mom?"
I kissed her forehead.
I had missed her so much.
My baby girl was finally home.
"You're an angel.."
She nodded.
She was such a beautiful girl.
This close to her, I noticed a beauty mark underneath the outer corner of her left eye.
Her Green eyes where vibrantly green, and striking.
"Yeah... By the way. Storm is busy, but he says he'll be home soon."
I stopped.
I hugged her tight
"Your Stepmother is going to love you."
I mumbled and turned around.
Dean glanced at me.
I turned back to face him.
I grabbed him by the wrist, and pulled him closer to me.
I wrapped my arms around his Torso and buried my face in his shoulder.
Then he did something that the Dean I know would NEVER do.
He took his arm, wrapped it around my waist, and stroked my hair with his other hand.
I stayed very still.
Things where still awkward between us.
I let him go and turned to Sam.
"Where is Eden?"
Sam looked at his phone.
"A bar in San Francisco.
The same one you where killed near."
I smiled.  "Well let's go get her!"

Hazel made sure I made it to the car. I was still a little shaky.
We all piled into the car.
 "Where are we?"  I asked. Sam turned around and looked at me. "She had you buried in the city where you two met." He said.


Edens POV~

            I sat at the bar closest to the house, with Zeke next to me, and a glass of whiskey in front of me. He missed Luna, I could tell.
He was always in his room, alone.
He looked at me.
He looked just like Luna's male form.
Tears filled my eyes again.
I remembered all those passionate nights, and lying in her arms afterward.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my waist, and a female voice speak.
"Hey, pretty lady. Are you going home with anyone tonight?"
The voice purred.
I looked at the hands around my waist, then turned around.
Tears filled my eyes.
"Oh my god!"
My emotions came out all at once.
I practically threw myself at Luna.
She caught me, and picked me up Bridal style.
I giggled.
"How are you here?"
I asked.
She leaned down, and kissed me.
"The boys got me out of Purgatory."
She said quietly.
Before she pulled away, I caught her head in my hands and kissed her back.
"We missed you."
My voice broke.
"Shhh,  Im not ever leaving again."
I buried my face in her chest, and she held me tightly.
"Is this my Stepmom?"
Someone asked.
I looked over Luna's shoulder to see Dean, Cass, Sam, and a young girl standing there.
It was the young girl who had spoken.
Dean looked at her.
The girl wasnt more than a few inches shorter than Dean.
And their eyes where almost identical.
"Thats Hazel."
Luna said.
"Hazel.. That hazel?"
I asked.
Luna nodded.
"She came back as an angel."
I nodded.
I could see that she lacked a soul.
I looked at Luna, and she leaned down, pecking me on the lips one last time before putting me down.
I walked over to her.
She looked at me, and I smiled.
"She doesn't bite." Luna  said. "Hard." Hazel added.
   "Hello, Hazel. Im your stepmother,but you can call me Eden."
Hazel smiled, and hugged me.
Looked at Dean.
He smiled.
Then Castiel put his hand on Deans shoulder.
"What is it Cass?"
"We're keeping her."
He stated.
"We should ask Luna first.."
Dean says.
Luna looked at Hazel.
"She's old enough to make her own decisions. Hazel, what do you think?"
Hazel pulled away from Eden.
"I..... Can I hunt with Dad?"
She asked.
Luna looked at Dean.
Dean looked at the floor.
"You protect her, understand?"
Dean nodded.
"You can hunt with us, Haze."
He said.
Luna and I looked at eachother and smiled.
Our family was finally back together again.

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