stupid mistakes

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I scoffed. Dean and I where watching a pack of skinwalkers who where acting shady. They where talking and where in a large group I was hanging from the rafters while dean was hiding behind a few boxes. Dean was staring at me and shaking his head. But I wasnt going to listen. I let myself drop into the middle of their circle. Then stared at them. I held my empty hands up. "I wish no harm. I only wish to discuss your buisness with the humans. " their beta looked at me with interest. "An angel..." i had the packs interest. "Leave this place. Please. We can find you a home. Where you can hunt." their alpha snarled. A large, young tank of a man with black hair and brown eyes. "This is our home! No one can tell us otherwise." The alpha lunged and I used my powers to throw him against the wall. The whole pack charged at me then. I felt claws ripping at my skin. Like knives made of fire. I fought as best as I could. My claws out, I slashed and bit a few.  But it wasnt good enough. Dean stepped in. Shooting them amd kicking them away from me. He picked me up and ran to the car. He set met down in the passengers side and the got into the drivers. "Are you stupid! ?" He yelled. I nodded. "Apparently." I was covered in injuries. My wing was torn my arm had a gash, my jeans where torn open. And I was gasping for breath. "J-just drive, Dumbass." He sighed and I put my seat belt on. Its been five monthes since Id found out that Eden was the sister of Crowley. And since Eden couldnt go out, I took her place and Sam would watch over her. "How's the bleeding?" I looked down. My blue blood was dripping down my thigh. My arm and my wing felt wet. "Its.... Alot." Deans foot hit the gas and we sped back to the Motel. * he carried me through the door. "Your cleaning that seat." I smiled. "Fine." We walked in and Dean set me down on the couch in the corner of the room. Eden heard the door and sat up. "Luna! What happened?"
"Im alright..." Sam stood up. "Ill get to needle and thread. "I can still be useful. I'll fix her." I heard Eden stand up with a grunt of effort, and walk over. I sat up and she sat behind me. "These are some nasty scratches. .." She stroked my wing and I yelped. She sighed as Sam handed her the needle and thread. The needle peirced my skin and Eden shushed me. "Be still." she murmured. "Watch the feathers!" I warned. I rested my head on the arm of the couch and my vision went black.

I woke up laterthat night. Eden had stitched and bandaged me back up, and I was lying beside be in bed. I yawned and felt her hand stroking between my shoulder blades. "Look who's awake. Thank you for scaring me. I thought you had bled out. Your body was cold." I sat up, sorry for scaring her. "Oh, love Im sorry! My body temperature only went down so that my blood would flow slowly. So that I would lose less. Im sorry."
She shook her head, and kissed my cheek. "Why arent you sleeping?" I asked her. "Finn wont let me." She said softly. "Just try to close your eyes, okay?" she nodded and laid her head down on my chest. I held her and withing minutes we where both fast asleep.

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