Half of a Whole

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We had been searching for almost a year, and we have very little to work with.
We've talked to almost all of the Fallen.
The boys have been no help, theyve been busy teaching Storm and Skylar.
I barely sleep.
I just want to find this damn peice of paper.
I finally got a lead from my father, who said the remainder of Denver's posse could have it.
So I decided to check it out.
We did and we found the other half.
All I needed was the blood for the ritual now.
But the problem was.. I needed the blood of a virgin.
Id go out to get it, but Cass would always talk me out of it, and I hated him for it.
Him or Zeke.
Id love to tell myself that they have no power over me, but that isnt true.

But it could be.

One night, was all it took.
I dressed in all black, and flew out my balcony window, off the island and to the shores of California.
From the sky I was almost invisible.
Ha, who am I kidding, humans never look up, poor earthbound creatures.
Anyways, I walked the streets of California looking for the blood I needed.
It was rather easy.
I didnt even need to speak, just check their souls and move on.
I eventually found what I needed, drugged the girl, and brought her back to the palace. I made sure she couldnt feel a thing when she died. Her death was a quick severing of the spinal cord.
I got the blood I needed and left it in a jar on the kitchen counter.
I left the body in the streets and made it look like suicide, that way her family could find and bury her.
"Sorry, kid. To be fair you weren't missing much."
The girl looked about 16, why she was walking around in the dead of night, alone? I dont know. But I estimate her age around 16-17.
It didnt matter anyhow.
I went to bed after the deed was done, and woke up to Dean yelling my name in a very pissed tone of voice.
I shuffled out of my room, exhausted.
Everyone turned to look at me. Sam, Cass, and Dean all stood around the jar. Sam just stared at it, Dean looked angry, and Castiel looked dissapointed.
"What the hell is this!?"
It was no different from Dean's usual greating to me in the morning.
"Its blood."
I answered, calmly, and reached for the jar.
Dean slapped my hand away.
"What kind of blood Luna?"
Castiel answered him before I could.
"Virgin's blood."
Dean looked furious.
I took the opportunity to grab the blood and run.
Sam ran after me but was too late.
I locked myself in my room amd started painting symbols on the bare marble wall I had cleared.
I then spoke the words I had to, fluently and correctly, and waited.
I felt air swirl around me, picking my hair up off my shoulder, and flinging it around.
The symbols glowed white, and formed a glowing doorway.
I heard foot steps, and Eden stepped through.
When she saw me she froze, tears in her eyes,she ran over and enveloped me in her arms, pinning my bottom half against the foot board of our bed.
It was hard not the cry.
"Oh.. Sweetie..."
Was all she could say. I buried my face in her shoulder.
"Me too..." I muttered, sobbing into her shoulder. She stroked my wings to calm me.
"Dont cry my love. I'm here now.
I'm here.". I wrapped my arms around her waist.
" I'll always be... Now that you brought me back we can be immortal together."
I felt her wing tips brush mine.
I sniffled.
"We should close that portal..."
She said.
I used my powers to shut it, which was tiring and took alot of energy.
Eden carried me to bed after I had collapsed, tucking me in, giving me a passionate kiss and promising to be back.
"Wait, where are you going..?"
"To see the kids."
"Take me with you."
She cupped my chin in her hands.
"Honey, look at yourself..."
She traced the circles under my eyes.
"You are in no condition to do anything but sleep."
With a sigh a nodded and laid bacl down.
"Be safe, and please take my angel blade."
She nodded and did as I asked.
I fell asleep soon after.

Eden's POV~
It was amazing to be back. I missed my family alot. But most of all I missed her. I saw her despair from the void, it was heart wrenching. "I didn't know she'd be so sad without me." I had said
To the boys later that day.
"You are like a part of her. She needs you."
Castiel said.
Dean looked at him with skepticism. "Thats not what she said when she was screwing m-"
"Dean!" Sam elbowed his brother rather roughly.
"She meant none of that, I heard her thoughts and emotions. I know what you did, Dean. She was trying to make herself feel better about it. She was trying to make both of you forget."
Deans cheeks got red and he hung his head in defeat.
"You said you felt her thoughts and emotions?" Sam asked.
"Huh. Okay. You still do?"
He walked away to look it up.
"Was she alright...?"
I asked the remaining two.
Cass continued staring at Dean in curiosity before answering.
"She always seemed like she was in a trance. She would cry alot.
She would hunt alot."
"And the kids?"
"Theyre all in their rooms. Thay have been taken care of."
I didnt even say good bye. I opened my wings and flew down the hallway.
I found my self outside the nursery moments later, hesitating.
After a long while I stepped in.
A beautiful little girl of about 2 sat against the wall, reading. She had frizzy ginger hair, and her face was covered in freckles.
"Who are you?"
She asked.
I put my hand over my mouth. When she turned to look up at me I could see that she had such beautiful hazel eyes.
"E-Eve? I know its been awhile... But I'm your mommy."
She got up and hugged my leg so fast I was surprised her tiny limbs where still attached.
"Adam! Mommy's here!!"
She squeaked.
I picked her up, my heart throbbing.
Adam was sketching in the corner. His whisky brown eyes focused on the page. His hair was a reddish brunet like Luna's.
He definetly had her attitude aswell.
"Hi, honey!"
He stood up and stumbled over to me,and I saw something silver shine on his back.
"Sweetie, whats on your back?"
I asked.
He unfurled beautiful wings tipped with silveryblue feather tips.
"We both have them!"
Eve opens wings much like a barn owls. Gold on the top and snow white on the inside.
My hand flew to my mouth. I opened my wing and put one over Adam, And one over Eve.
For Eve it was like instinct, she couldnt see the wing but she shifted her weight and leaned into it. She buried her face in the light golden feathers, while Adam was wondering what was over him.
"I have to visit you're brother and sister but I'll be back okay?"
Eve and Adam nodded.
I kissed Eve on the head and hugged Adam. "You protect your sister okay?"
He nodded proudly and I slipped away, closing the door.
I walked down the hallway toward Skylar's room, thinking about those two.
Remembering the morning they where born.
From Sky's room all I could hear was .. A guitar?
I knocked.
"Come in!"
She shouted. I stepped in the see her playing Luna's old guitar.
"A musician I see?"
She. Glanced upward and froze.
There was the twang of a wrong note, and a gasp.
I asked. "Mom!" she flung herself at me and threw her arms around me. My baby was so tall. She was as tall as her uncle Dean!
"I missed you too honey.."
She hugged me tight.
My 17 year old daughter.
"How was your first mission sweet heart?."
"Awesome! Uncle Sam and I tracked a stray Jeffersonstarship!"
"Thats what uncle Dean called it."
"Next time he say that tell him its called a hybrid."
"I will."
"I just wanted to check on you. I'll see you at dinner later, okay?"
"K mom."
"Bye sweetie."
"Bye mom."
Storm was next.
Not that he was my favorite or anything. (hint.)
I knocked on the door to his room, which creaked open after my knock. I cautiously walked in.
"Hows it going my little cherub?"
"Oh hey mom."
He was feild stripping his weapon while reading from what looked like the Iliad?
Smart kid.
He put his weapon down and his emerald eyes focused on me, he got up from his chair and hugged me. He was about as tall as Sky and he was only 15.
How've you been.
"Pretty good."
He sat back down.
He gave me a thumbs up and smiled at me.
"Okay. Ill be with you mom if you need anything."
"Okay.. See you at dinner."
"See you at dinner , lad."
I shut the door behind me and walked back to Luna. When I walked over to her side of the bed i could tell she was fast asleep. I changed into sweat pants and a tshirt, put my clothes in the laundry basket, and got into bed bside Luna. I could hear her peacefull breathing, and feel her wings against my side.
I rolled over to face her and wrapped my arms around her.
She gave a tired groan, and rolled over. She pecked me on the lips and laid her head on my chest, falling back to sleep.
I sat and read a book, but her cuddling kept me warm, and she was comfortable and happy.
I glanced down at her occasionally. She was in her true form, and she was still beautiful.
I ran my fingers through her reddish brown hair, trying not to get my wedding ring caught in her hair.
"I love you."
I whispered.
Her wings enveloped me in a feathery embrace.
I stroked them and fixed her feathers.
That alway calmed her, and she needed that right now.
I put my book down and saw something on her bedside table that made me smile. Our wedding album and a photo of us at the altar in a frame.
Luna holding my hands excitedly, Castiel awkwardly standing next to me, watching. Dean standing next to Cass, and Sam standing next to Luna.
That was one of the best nights of my life, and I'm over 200 years old.

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