Woman VS. Wild.

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Luna's POV~

I woke up on the ground, in a bed of dead pine needles.
Looking up, I saw a cloudy sky
And the tops of red pines.
"What the hell?"
I got up without any pain, and had no blood or scar from my stab wound.
My brother in law appeared in front of me.
"Hello Luna."
"Purgatory, Before you ask."
"Listen, I didnt mean to hurt her. I tried to keep it professional.."
"I know. Im not here about that."
"One of Denver's little friends was hired to kill you off. I'm here to get you back on earth."
"Couldnt you just put me on a list.."
"It happened too fast. I can get you out. But a human soul has to come down here and get you out.".
"I dont know..."
"My sister needs you! She's all alone without you."
"She doesn't want me back."
"She's a mess without you. She identified your body at the crime scene in tears."
"My brother can take care of her."
"Not forever. I talked to Sam... He agreed to get you out."
"No! Im not putting him through that."
"I can try to convince Dean."
"I-.... Okay... But Eden can't know."
"Alright. Here."
He took a hunting knife out of his coat and handed the hilt to me.
"You might need this."
I smiled and he vanished.

Sam's POV~

"No, Dean! Im not leaving her down there!"
My brother looked at me with a small amout of scorn.
"She died. She belongs down there."
"Eden needs her!"
"Why do you believe Crowley?"
I huffed.
"We have to! Why would he lie?"
Dean gave me a partial glare.
A girl materialized behind him, standing in the corner. I tried not to stare but there was something about her....
Her light brown hair was swept back into a braid at the back of her head, a few messy strands of hair sticking out on the sides. Her bright green eyes where trained on Dean's back.
She wore a Halsey t-shirt under a denim jacket, with ripped jeans and black boots.
"What?," Dean asked ,"Sam, the hell are you looking at?!"
I nodded to the girl. She looked young. About 18.
Dean turned around, and noticed the girl. His face was shocked, and before he had a chance to say anything, her face broke into a bright smirk.
I knew that smirk.
It was almost identical to my brothers.

The girl spoke, her voice strong and harsh on the silence, yet smooth like honey.
"I'm Hazel."
She looked at me, then right at Dean.
"Oh. Hey Dad."

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