(alternate ending Pt 1)

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"Dean just texted me. Theres been more siren activity in California. The most we've seen, actually." Sam said to me. "Has anyone checked that out?"
"Other hunters have saved a few captives.but the captives mumble something about the Queen taking over."
"She's headed toward Washington. We need to stop her. It'll take a few weeks by Sea. But if we leave tomorrow morning I can meet her and challenge her for the throne."
"How does that work?"
"The winner lives."
"It has to be done."
"We could find another siren..."
"I can handle myself. You do things like this all the time."
He sighed, and looked at me. "Are you going to ask my uncle to try and stop of me?"  "Yeah, maybe."
I shook my head and kept walking. "I should take the throne. I have kids now... Maybe hunting isnt a good option." Sam stopped walking and turned to me. "And.. Leave? Luna.. Please don't. ." " When was I so special?"
I asked. "You've had so many one night stands, what makes me any different?" "I havent loved any one like I love you since Jess died." "Im a siren. You're imagining you're feeling." "Im not... If I was under you're song I wouldnt have told you not to go to California." "Sam-" "Come with me. We'll go fight your mother. Theres a car dealer right down the street. I have enough money, we can go, and make it look like we where killed out here." "Eden...." "She can move on." "I-... Okay. Okay, Lets go."

          (Two weeks later)

"Calm yourself Dean, I'm sure we'll find them." Cas said from the corner. "They're Dead, Cass! You saw the blood!" Eden sat on her bed, shaking her head in disbelief. "They can't be dead.... Dean.. she can't be dead..." Castiel watched them both, very aware of the fact that Luna and Sam where alive, But keeping his promise to them. "Luna.." He heard Eden whimper. "Eden, she could be alive." Eden looked up at the other angel. She was hurting. How was she to tell Skylar that her father was dead? How was she supposed to live without her wife? Every morning, she still rolls over with a smile, expecting to see her Darling Siren staring back at her. But there was nothing. Those cool blue eyes, that tempting smile? Gone. She couldn't believe it. "Do not give up on them. Either of you. " Dean slowly looked up. "What do you know? " Cas sighed, giving in. "Okay.. They aren't dead. I know where they are." Eden stood up. "Take us there!" she yelled.  Cas sighed. "Alright. Get in the car, We're headed to California." Eden practically ran. But Dean got up and slowly walked acroos the room, grabbed the keys, and walked out. Cass sighed and walked out after them.

(Meanwhile, In an old castle on  the coast of California..)

"You have every thing you need?"
"Yeah, Luna. I told you, Ill be home by 7 tonight. Its only a quick look at that nest I told you about. Will you and Storm be okay?" Luna looked down at the child in her lap. Her son, storm. Born two months prior. "Yeah. He's passed out." "okay, bye Luna." "Be safe, Asshole." "I will."
Luna hung up the phone and placed it On the table beside her. She was queen now. And Sam was her king. She wasnt that worried. She had ordered three of her best guards to go with him, and he would be home early. She was happy with her new life. Her new son. She was glad that she moved. "Your majesty, you have visitors." One of her guards said . "How many?"
"Three.  Two angels and a Human." "Let them in." The doors the Luna's bedroom opened. And stand there are her Uncle, he Ex wife, And her brother in law, who opened his mouth to speak, looking pissed. "Where the hell have you been?!" Dean yelled. Eden ran over, Holding luna and kissing her.  "Dean I was running my kingdom." Dean took out a gun, and aimed it at Luna. "Where's my brother?" "Dean... Don't, please." Cass stepped in front of the gun. "Cass. Move." "Dean." Luna watched he uncle gently put his hands over Deans. "She has a child in her arms,Dean. Please put the gun down for my Nephew." The angel mumbled. Dean put the gun down, and glared at Luna. "Sam is checking out a vampire nest down town. He'll be home in a few hours." Eden stepped back, and sat on a chair beside Luna's bed. "Where have you been?" Eden asked. Luna explains everything. Hoping they aren't angry,and wishing that her husband was home to calm his brothers nerves. After shes done, everyone just stares at her. She rises from her seat on her bed, graciously and walks out of the room, taking her son, And Leaving everyone on their own...

(This isnt really how the story ends. Its just an alternate ending. Hope you enjoyed it though! Now, back to the REAL story! )

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