chapter 11

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"Good morning." I was on the porch in front of our motel room, watching the sky. And Eden had come out also after waking a few minutes ago. She can behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Did you sleep okay?" I nodded and fluffed my wings up so that she would have somewhere to put her head. She put her head on my wings, and we stood there for awhile."You're getting bigger." She mumbled from behind me. My face turned blue, and she noticed it right away. "That isnt bad!" she says with a smile. I smiled. "I know."  She kissed my cheek and fell silent again. "Its a boy, by the way." Eden smiled. "Really? Hm. Sky wanted a little brother." I smiled. "She did? Well that works out." I felt Eden nod, then let me go. She walked over next to me, and pulled me into her arms. "I missed you, too, by the way... When you said that last night.. I didnt know you had noticed my lack of presence." I nodded. "I noticed mine too... I love you and I dont want you to think that I would ever neglect you. " Eden smiles. "Lovie, we where just hunting." She says. I nod in agreement, and pull her into a kiss. Some guy from the parking lot started yelling at us. Say that " his kids didnt need to see that " I pulled Eden closer with one arm, and flipped the guy off with the other. I gently led her inside, away from the man before he did anything stupid. As soon as we got Inside I noticed that Sky was awake. She was reaching out of her crib, trying to get out. I walked over and picked her up. "Good morning, Sweetie! " Eden smiled, watching us. She looked like she knew some thing. "What? Whats that smile, for?" She poined at Skylar. No, wait. At her back. I gently flipped her over to see what she was talking about. Wings. She had wings. They where snow white, and covered in the soft wings of a baby bird. "She has wings!" I smiled. "She doesnt have her flight feathers, but she has wings! And They're white! Like yours!" Eden smiled. "I didn't think you would be this exicted." I just smiled and gave Sky to her mother. The boys came through the door. All three of them. "Pack up, We're headed to California." Sam said. Dean looked at me and Eden. "Someone was busy last night." he said. "Some one saw the sign." I mumbled.
"What sign? I just saw the way you where looking at her. Also, Eden your bra strap is showing." he picked up his bag and walked away. We looked at eachother a laughed. One we stopped laughing, and waited for Sam to come into the room. "Its funny, Dean acts like he didn't bone Cass last night." Sam snickered. From the corner of the room, while taking apart Sky's crib, Cas looks at us. "What can I say, he's got a nice ass." Eden tried to hold back her laughter. "Cass! Language!" I was snickering behind my hand. And Sam looked horrified. Dean came in, looking around. "What's so Godamn funny?" I shook my head. "Nothing. Nothing." I picked up a bag and helped load the car. A half hour later we where driving there, in silence. Eden was sleeping. So was Sky. Sam was reading. Dean was driving, obviously.

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