The Past

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I was in my room, playing the violin. Yes, its a hobby. Fuck off. Judgemental humans.
Anyway, I was doing so when I felt a hand on my bare shoulder. His hand. My heart lept for joy. "You dont sound half bad." I chuckled and threw the instrument aside. Tears sprung to my eyes and I wrapped my arms around his neck. " I know-"
"Sam Winchester... You know how nervous I get when you dont answer my texts!" I said, trying to make him laugh, but Breaking onto tears. He pulled me to his chest. "I know... Its okay Luna ... I came straight home to meet him. Its alright.. Shhh."I pointed to the corner of the room, and he walked over, with me trailing behing him. I watched as he lifted storm from his cradle, and hug him close, and talk to him. It was strangely beautiful. Though I felt like I had to watch anyone other than me while they held my son. Eventually I'd find that to be a motherly instinct. Id find alot out eventually. But, it wouldnt be a good story if I told you all now. "His eyes changed. Green. Like yours." I purred from the corner of the room. "You still have what I gave you?" I nodded, taking the colt out of its holster on my hip. I hid it under my coat. Or, in my waist band when I was wearing a dress. Sam gave me the gun after I told him about Storm. "Good. Keep it, to protect you both." I nodded slowly.
"Dean told me what happened..."
"I bet he did. Did he tell you that he was an asshole?"
"He was just being protective."
"What if I don't want him to protect you? He can't protect anyone, Sam! He failed Ellen. He failed Jo! He failed your father! He cant protect anyone! I dont want him around our family, it only brings trouble!"
"He isnt that bad..."
"He's a pathetic drunk, who does nothing but try to hunt!"


"This is about Ezekial, isn't it?"
"Dean said that he would be smart. 'Unlike me' and protect his brother."
"You're upset."
"Go easy on him... He's had a hard existence. .."
" he doesnt have to be such a dick." I sat down on my bed. He sighed and put Storm back into his cradle, and sat down beside me. "Luna.... What has he done to you?"
I shake my head.
"I see it in your eyes. You aren't telling me something."

"Remember when we first met up?"


"Dean and I had a thing going for awhile."

"I know... "

"Guess who left me in the rain me in the rain?"

"Theres more to the story."

"I don't have to say it."

"No, wait.. Really?"

" I told him and he left me there. Unwanted. Forgotten."

"What happened to-"

"I got stabbed during the skinwalker hunt. It was stillborn."

"Luna.... Im so sorry."

I remained quiet. Only when her pulled me into his arms did I wipe the tears from my eyes. I would never let Dean make me cry again. I wouldnt give him the satisfaction.
"If you don't trust Dean... Then why trust me?"

"You're kind, honest, trustworthy,and too sweet to do anything terrible. You're a great man, Sam Winchester."

"I wouldn't say that...."

"You prove it constantly."

"Well, I guess I could prove it by giving you this beer I brought."

He pulled it out of his jacket. And handed it to me.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"I'd hope not."
I opened the bottle and took a sip. Then handed it to him. We shared it because I couldnt drink the whole thing.
"How is being Queen?"
"Tiring. But necessary."
"There has to be some interesting element there."
"Oh, there is. I constantly get to piss of the court families and my snobby half siblings who thought they where going to get the throne."
"Using them as servants."
"Hm. Sounds amusing."
"It is."
We sat there, quietly. Her ran his fingers through my hair, and I rested against his chest.

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