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I was shaken awake by Dean. "Hey, kid. Wake up!" I opened one Eye. "What." Sam popped up behind Deans shoulder. "We're at Miami beach." I sat up and panicked,realizing that Eden wasnt beside me. "Eden!" A quiet voice spoke from beside the car. "Here." She wasnt usually this quiet. "Im up. Back up so that I can gey out of the damn car." Dean backed up and I stepped out of the car. Eden slammed into me with a hug. "I was afraid you passed out or something.." I hugged her back and stared at the ocean over her shoulder. I kissed her cheek. "I love you." I said in her ear. Hse buried her face in my neck and I heard a muffled response. "I love you more." I chuckled and let her go. "If anything goes wrong, you boys take care of her!1" I ripped my jacket off and ran down the beach. As soon as I dove into the waves I felt my legs vanish, leaving my tail in their place. It was a royal blue beta fish tail. My fins where rimmed with black. Despiste the flowy fins I could swimml rather quickly. I just had to fold my wings to my back. I saw her in the distance. Her orange tail, with flowing white fins. "Tide. Give up now." Her green eyes trained on me. "Darling.. That isnt how you talk to your mother." her three great white sharks swam under her in circles. "You arent my mother!" She smiled. " I will always be your mother. And you will always be a dissapointment of a daughter." I pulled my lips back to show my fangs, and charged. Tide grabbed me by the hair to hold me still while she slashed at my ribs. Blue blood filled the water and I eventually thrashed out of her grasp. My wings opened. "Those. They are why you can never be a true Siren." My mother had always hated my wings. Of course she did. They came from father. "God never wanted you either. Neither did Zacharia, or Anna, or Uriel!" She was so cruel. The words hurt. I swam up to the surface, tired of listening to her. I broke through the surface of the water, spreading my wings and gliding up ward. I felt warm blood running down my side, and I heard my name being called. I looked over. Eden was calling for me with a worried look on her face. I blew her a kiss and let myself fall back into the water. I swam down, past my mother and to the bottom of the sea. These two humans had to be somewhere. I swam around the bottom,andfound a trail of stones . I followed it and low and behold, there where the humans. They had air tanks on them. So they where alive. They shrank back at the sight of me, so I raised my hands and slowly came forward. I took the hand of the female, and pulled her up to the surface. "Who are you!?" I shook my head,and pulled her to shore. Sam took the girl and I dove back into the water. I headed back for the male, but a tiger shark rammed into me. Its freind bit into my tail, and latched on. Until I walloped it in the nose. I shoved it away and continued to swim down. I grabbed the last human and threw him over my shoulder. I threw him onto the beach, then dragged myself up there. I curled up,and just lied there until Sammy picked me up. "She is not getting sand and blood in my car." Dean said. "Dean! Not the time!" Sam yelled. "Why are we helping this thing?" Dean asked. I flicked A wing in irritation and Sam almost dropped me in surprise. "If you let me die Cass will be pissed." Deans eyes widened. "Are those-?" I snapped. "Yes! My father is an angel! Now give me the damn flask!" He threw it at me and I poured the red liquid on my wounds. My legs formed, and Sam put me down. I threw the empty flask at Dean, and got in the back. Eden was in there, apparently. "Are you okay?" I nodded and sat down. "So.  You're like us?" I shook my head. "God didnt want me. My dad tried.. But I wasnt allowed up there." Eden smiled at me. "Be happy about that." Cas appeared outside of the car. I jumped. "Really!? Right out side of the car!?" I yelled. "Calm yourself Luna. Eden is right. Heaven is not a very nice place." I nodded, tired of having this conversation. He would tell me this all the time as a child. "Okay Uncle Cas." Eden took her hand and wrapped an arm around me. Cas had walked over to the Winchesters, and was talking to them. "I heard your mother. She's wrong." I Nodded. She knew I didnt want to talk about it, so she just took out the bottle of whiskey she bought. "Want to share it?" I laughed. "Well I cant say no."

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