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"So you just replace my blood with sirens blood?" Eden asked.
I nodded, nervously. She sat in a chair with an IV in her arm, and Jupiter was preparing for the transplant.
I hovered nervously.
I watched them sterilize every thing, and begin to drain the blood from her vessel, and fill it with siren blood. Then lay her in the marble pool carved into the floor on the far side of the room.
I shed everything but my Bra and slipped in with her. I held her above water as I watched her gills and tail form. She had the tail of a lionfish, and sharply angled gills. She opened her eyes, which where a deep reddish brown now.
"Oh dear."
She ran her tongue over her fangs.
"I have teeth!"
I watched her with slight amusement.
During tranformation , new sirens usually woke up starving and feral. She was handling this well.
"Should I be hungry?"
I nodded and tilted my head to make it easier for her to reach my neck.
" oh no no no."
"Go ahead. You're hungry. Unless you want me to hunt?"
She sighed and closed her eyes.
I pulled her close and sat at the edge of the pool. I took my knife from my jeans and cut my neck just enough to draw blood.
She was extremely hungry.
She fed so much that I couldnt stand up after ward, so she carried me to bed.
She bandaged my neck, and tucked me into bed.
"Goodnight, my moon."
She kissed my forehead and made sure I was comfortable. I fell asleep after that.

Eden's POV~
I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, and wash my face. I did that and changed. Then I quietly slipped into bed beside my Wife.
I nudged her wing, which was spread on my side of the bed.
"Baby, I dont want to hurt your wings."
Truthfully, I loved her wings around me, but I didnt want to hurt her
"Mmm, just lie down, you wont hurt me."
I did as she said and I laid on her wing. The other folded over me comfortably, and my wife's hand gently cupped my cheek, and her tired eyes opened. "How are you feelin?" she asked.
"Pretty good. What about you?"
"I'm sorry, I didnt mean to drink so much."
"Don't be. You needed it."
"Here... Sit up.."
She did as asked, and I got her to drink some water.
"You going to sleep makes me nervous..."
"Angel, I'm fine."
She said, in a gentle tone.
I reached over her lap with my left hand, and took her hand. Out wedding bands clicked together and she smiled.
"If you dont want to sleep..."
She suggested.
I laughed, my cheeks burning.
"What!? Its important~."
I felt my face turned red.
I pulled her into a passionate kiss, and her hand flew to my waist.
The transformation happened almost at once.
I was a man.

Dean's POV~
        I walked down the hall and heard giggling from Luna's room. I sighed and took a sip of the beer in my hand, and continued down the hall to check on Sammy. He was fast asleep, tired from todays hunt.
Poor kid. I never had a son, so I didnt know what it felt like.
But I guessed it felt ten times worse than losing Liza and Ben.
"Hey, Bud... How you holding up?"
I sat on the edge of his bed, looking at him.
"Hm? Yeah, fine. I'm fine."
"You sure?"
I nodded and put the second beer I had opened on his nightstand for him.
"Its there if you want it."
He rolled over and went back to bed.
Poor kid.

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