Just in Time

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"Luna! Get away from Eden!"
I looked at her. She was asleep beside me, under the covers.
"Lock yourself in a safe room and dont come out!"
"We think Eden might be possessed by Loren."
I was shaking, too scared to move.
"We're on our way, okay? Just hide. Cass is on his way to protect you until we get there. He'll explain everything."
I nodded and stood up.
Eden looked at me and blinked, her eyes yellow for a moment.
"Baby? I'll be right back, okay?"
She sat up, smiling widely.
"You know too much. I was going to have pity and wait until the child was born, but this is good enough.
She lunged for me, holding Edens lock pick. She mustve kept it after I told her to disarm. I was too foolish to hurt her. I didnt want Eden to end up hurt, so I ran. I ran downstairs and locked myself in the study.
After the fear and adrenaline faded, I realized that she had stabbed me in the arm. The small hole was deep, and leaked blue blood.
I heard her in the halls, trying to find me.
"You can't hide from me, Luna!"
Loren growled.
I was curled up and crying in the corner, under a desk.
It was too much. I wouldnt ever hurt Eden. I wouldnt dare, I love her far too much.
My uncle stood in the center of the room, looking for me.
I crawled out from under the desk, holding my arm, with tears streaming down my cheeks.
He swiftly walked over and put one arm around me. The other held my arm.
"Are you alright?"
I nodded, and he hugged me tightly. He pulled a chair from one of the tables and sat it in the middle of the room.
I did as her asked, and he lifted my injured arm like it was made of glass.
"This might hurt a bit.."
He wrapped his arms around the lock pick in my arm, and quickly pulled it out.
I yelped, but set my jaw so that I didnt make too much noise.
He then set his hands over the wound. His hands glowed like Eden's. A soft white light bathed my arm and the wound was nothing but a scar.
I nodded, and he looked at me for a moment.
He was like that.
I was really the only other angel that mattered to him, Besides Eden.
But we where flesh and blood.
I was related to him.
My father was his brother.
And I know he felt like I was the only one who understood his pain as a fallen angel.
I did. And I felt the same way.
He brushed a few stray strands of hair from my face.
"Thank you, for coming."
He nodded.
"Is that not what family does?"
I managed a small broken smile.
Our conversation was ended when I heard the boys come through the front corridor.
All my worries came back to me.
What if they hurt her? What if she was killed?
I stepped toward the door but Castiel took hold of my wrist.
He said, quickly. He held my wrist tight, so that I couldnt get away.
A scream sounded from the dining room.
I ran forward, and Castiel lost his grip on me.
I ran into the dining room to see Black smoke leave Edens mouth and Exit through the ceiling.
Dean's knife was handle deep in Eden's rib cage.
I howled.
Sam came over and wrapped his arms around me.
"Hey, she's alright... Shes okay..."
I buried my face in his shirt, and he put a hand on the back of my head.
"Dean, put her in her bed and tie her down just in case."
Sam said quietly.
I heard Dean pick Eden up, and walk into another room.
"Luna... She's okay... She just needs time to heal.."
Sammy kissed the top of my head, and scooped me up, holding me close to his chest, he took me to my room and put me in bed. I didnt fight him. There was no point. "Go to sleep.." He shut my glass door to outside and locked it. Cerberus came down from his perch on my bookshelf, and climbed onto the bed. As usual, he curled himself around my belly and went back to napping.
Sam watched with a smile, and quietly walked over amd kissed me on the cheek. I was already asleep, though.
"Goodnight." he walked out of the room and shut the door.

(In the Dining room)
Sam's POV~
         "What do we do now?" Dean asked. It was a good question, that I didn't really have a good answer to. "We should protect them." Cass said. "How?" I asked, not really knowing where to begin.
"Sam, sleep outside of Luna's room. Dean, sleep outside Eden's room. I'll stay up, Just in case.
"Cass..." my brother started to protest, but the angel held his hand up.
"I'll handle it. Go protect the girls."
I grabbed my bag and was gone. Withing minutes I was in a sleeping bag, lying just outside Luna's door. I could hear her gentle breathing, and the dragon's.
After listening for a few seconds I fell asleep.

(Eden's room.)
Dean's POV~

                I just stood there outside Eden's room, listening to her breathing. It was ragged, and I started to worry. Eden was like a sister to us.
I pushed the door open with my shoulder, and walked over to the side of her bed.
I nudged her.
"Eden, come on."
She was comatose.
She must be trying to recharge.
But then her breath caught and she started to cough.
"Oh, Fuck." she mumbled.
"Hey!" she looked an me, and then looked at her bandages.
"What the hell happened?"
I told her everything, and at the end of it, her eyes where wide and worried.
"The last thing I remember is seeing Storm.... Then my brother bringing Luna home..."
"Is she gone now?"
She stopped, thinking.
"I need to know!"
"Yes, I think so!"
There was silence.
"Luna! Is Luna okay!?"
I nodded and eased her back into bed.
Didnt the stab wound hurt? She didnt even show her pain.
"Can I see her?"
"She's resting."
"Why, is she alright? Is she injured?"
"No.... She's... Pregnant."
"What? H-"
"You insisted you be turned into a siren so that you two could have a baby together and she could have an heir."
"Oh... Okay.."
"Go to sleep."
She looked up at me.
I urged.
She laid down and closed her eyes, and I went to bed after her.

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