Feuds and Forgiveness

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            - 2006 December,16 -
The snow fell from the sky in think clumps, landing on the street and concrete, A canvas of melancholy color. The stars and moon are covered by the clouds, and the night is dark.
A young woman stands under a street light. The only illumination is the streetlight and her lighter.
She prepares to light a cigarette, but hesitates, remembering something. She decides to put the Cigarette away, and wait for the phantom she asked to be there.
He came rolling down the road side in his car, as usual.
The rather handsome man looked at her and nodded to the passengers seat of his car. The woman obliged, happy to soak up the last moments of kindess between them.
"Im glad you wanted to meet, I think we have more than one case on our hands."
The man said.
The woman opened her mouth to speak.
"Thats not what I came to talk about."
"But it's still important I mean-"
"DEAN! No!"
"Okay. Then spit it out!"
She panicked, and put her hand on the door handle to get out if she needed.
"I'm pregnant."
"Excuse me?"
She repeated her sentence, head held high. The man sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Get out."
He snapped.
The girl obeyed, fighting back tears. As soon as she was out of the car he sped away into the night.
She was left under that street lamp for hours.
In the numbing cold.
Her hotel 20 miles away.
No money for a cab.
She sobbed loudly, her face buried into her scarf.
Until finally, after six hours, two arms lifted her from the ground.
She woke and flailed around helplessly to escape her captor.
"Luna! LUNA! Its just me! Its Sam!"
She calmed down immediately, and began to cry.
Sam held her to his chest while she cried.
Sam wrapped her in his coat, and put her in the drivers seat of that same black Chevy that had sped away hours before.
He brought he back to the hotel amd took care of her.
He made her tea, found extra blankets, and made sure his friend was as comfortable as possible.
Then he stayed to make sure she was alright.
Because Thats what friends do.

                   Present day

I sat at the kitchen table, having not slept that night, yet drinking a cup of coffee.
Dean came in the kitchen and made himself one too.
I watched him, diverting my attention from the angry silence im the air.
Just looking at him, I felt something, similar to the feeling of a spark in the chest.
Or quenching a flame with only your fingers, and your fingers linger on the match and sting.
"Why are you staring at me?"
His gravelly voice pulled me from my trance.
"No reason."
I said, taking my gaze off of him, and taking a sip of my coffee.
I get up to leave and hear him slam his mug on the counter.
I turned around, amused to hear what he had to say.
I looked him up and down, bidding him to speak.
"I just want to why you're so damn cold?"
"As in rude?"
"Hm. I Don't know, does 2006 ring a bell?"
"Luna I'm-"
"Sorry? Really? Sorry isn't enough, our baby died because you wanted nothing to do with her!"
I stormed out.
He didnt deserve to be heard.
I walked back to the living room, where Castiel sat, trying to wake up.
"You should forgive him, you know."
He said to me.
I shot him a glare.
"Really? He left me out in the cold for Six hours."
" It was in 2006."
"He continues to be an asshole!
How the hell can you give me relationship advise?! Remember the whole 'Crowley is really alive' thing?! Yeah! You fucked up!"
I got up, and left to check on Eden and Sam.
I was furious.
But I knew theyd set me on the right path.
Sam was first, because I didnt want to wake Eden sooner than I had to.
I knocked on the door to his room, and heard a muffled, "Come in."
I stepped in, and he looked up from his book, and and me.
"What's up."
"Your brother is a dick."
"He's like that."
"He's wondering why I'm upset with him!"
"Tell him."
"Trust me, Luna. Honesty is better. You two need to get over this."
"Fine, I'll go ask Eden."
"Wait. Let her sleep."
"What are you, my dad?"
His smirk was childish.
"I was for a little while."
I laughed.
"Ew!! Sam!"
He chuckled.
"Fine. Go see Eden."
"I will!"
He flipped me off with a smile. I laughed and did the same, then walked out of his room, shuting the door behind me and heading to my wives chambers.
She was semi curled up under the covers, sleeping deeply.
I laid down behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist.
I buried my face in her ginger curls, cuddling her before waking her up.
I mumbled in her ear.
She adjusted her position, turning around and resting her head on my chest.
"Good morning, my queen."
I said with a loving gaze and a smile.
She opened her eyes and looked at me.
"What do you want?"
She said with a smile.
"Some advice, and time with my loving wife."
"Advice? Whats the matter,Darling?"
She laid beside me, listening patiently, as I told her the situation.
Once I was finished, she took a deep breath,and gazed at the wall in concentration.
"I think... You should explain how you feel, and go from there."
"He'll just think I'm a pussy!"
"Well, remind him that he is also living under your roof."
She was tracing my jawline with her index fingers.
"Can you come with me?"
"Are you nervous?"
"No. I just dont want to get into a fight..."
I lied.
She obviously knew that, and got out of bed. She statred to shiver, and reached for her bathrobe.
Once she was situated I put a wing around her for good measure,and we we walked out to the living room.
I let Eden sit im the last remaining chair,and crouched beside her, spreading a wing over her like a blanket.
She tapped at my wing, telling me to get on with it.
"Dean. We need to talk this over.."
He looked up,and I flinched a bit. I was so scared.
I didnt want to see the same look In his green eyes that I saw on the December night.
But he only looked at me blankly.  "About..  2006.."
"Luna... Im sorry... I acted the wrong way... After I left I was too ashamed with myself to come back. So I sent Sam. Are you happy?!"
I shook my head.
"I didnt mean to shame you.... I shouldve said nothing..."
Beside me,Eden preened my wings to calm me. She silently, and calmly pulled loose feathers from my wings, and made sure they where neatly ordered and cleaned.
"You didn't.... Dammit, kid. You're fine. Im sorry. Okay?"
"Im sorry too..."
He walked over to me, and hugged me tight. I knew the time when we loved eachother has passed. I understood what this meant. Trust. This is where building trust began.
"Thank you.."
I mumbled.
"Shut up." he said, trying to act tough. I smiled, and He was smiling too. I let him go and he sat back down on the couch . Eden and I exchanged a glance.
She asked.
"I knew you could do it." I chuckled.
"Of course you did, Lovely."
I leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. , which turned red.
"Forgiveness is such a lovely thing."
Eden said, sounding like and old lady.
"I suppose it is...." I Murmured in agreement.

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