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   I felt gentle hands run through my wings as I cried. It calmed me slightly but I still missed my son.
"He's alright now..."
Eden whispered to me.
She was trying so hard to help, she was latched onto me.
Her wings and arms where tightly curled around me.
"E-Eden." She let go of me, partially. I looked at her, and she brushed the hair out of my face.
"Tell our gaurds to gather our people, and meet me out on the balcony in 30 minutes."
"Baby, look at all this blood. At least let me clean you up first."
I hesitated, but she insisted.
She fixed the wound at my neck,
And then got to the stab wound.
"What in the hell... Did they stab you with Bronze?!".
I nodded, tired from the nights events.
My wife asked sternly.
"Loren, and her Leviathan lackey, Rex."
She sighed, and sewed the wound as best as she could.
I didn't make a sound.
She helped me stand and went to go get her guards. I went to my room to change so that I would look presentable.
As I looked around for clothes, I got an idea. I ran to my desk, and found a discarded bill and a pen.
I started to draw.
A circle, waves two eyes, wings, a line through the middle.
When I was done, I looked at it for a minute, making a mental note to give it to the seamstress when I had time.
After Id changed into decent clothes (combat boots, ripped jeans, black t-shirt, visible gun holster with a gun in it.) I headed to the balcony where Eden was already waiting.
Finn stood beside Eden, and River stood beside me.
My wife quickly took my hand, and squeezed it.
I inched closer to her, and once I got close enough I kissed her neck, lightly.
She let go of my hand, and her cheeks turned pink.
"They're all yours, my Queen." Finn said.
Eden quickle brushed a hand over my wing, reasurring me.
I stepped forward and looked at the 10,0000 people gathered below me.
They stopped speaking and looked up.
"I... Regret to inform you that our prince has died. Leviathans somehow breached the castle wall.. He was the only casualty, and our gaurds drove the creatures out."
Murmurs arose from the crowd.
"But, Ive got an idea."
Eden looked at me, listening.
"If you want to join us in hunting these creatures down, be in the great hall at 2:00 A.M. and be ready to train.  You are dismissed."
I watched them go, and after that got old I stepped inside.
"What are you up to?"
Eden Asked, taking her heels off, then walking over and leaning on me.
"Change into something comfortable and then meet me in my room. I have and idea.
I turned to go and she pulled me back and stole a kiss. When she pulled away she smiled at me, and I licked my lips.
She giggled and I kissed her forehead.
"Honey, Im so sorry.... About-"
"It's alright... He's in heaven now."
"I know... He's safe..."
"I'll see you in a few, Okay?"
"Alright, love."
I pecked her on the lips and rushed back to my room.
I took out that peice of paper and my gold and black jacket.
Eden came in a few minutes later, in sweat pants and a sweater.
"Alright, I'm ready."
I showed her the sketch I had and explained my idea.
"We create an... Organization. Like a pack. We hunt every last Leviathan, and monster that threatens any human or member of our family."
"And this is our symbol?"
She asked looking at the paper.
"Yes. The circle symbolizes the strength and unity of the pack, the waves are our home and the eyes are our awareness. The line  symbolizes our reasoning from right and wrong. One side is going to be black,the other white.
The rest of the pack will have ranks. You and I will be alphas, and wearing white or black coats.
The others wear gray."
I waited, wondering what she thought.
"Okay... I like the idea."
"You do?"
"I do."
"You're on board?"
"Yes but... Come sit down.."
I did as she asked.
"You still need an heir.."
"Our daughter-"
"Ah! No. I read the codes of royalty! It has to be the blood queen. It has to be your baby."
"I wouldnt ever imagine finding a donor, I couldnt-"
"Make me a siren."
"Eden... No..."
"Do whatever you have to do!"
"Eden.. You dont have to do this.."
"I want to! I want to be your species..."
"Shh... I can handle it. Im an adult, Baby."
"Okay.. But. You're going to have to have your blood replaced with siren blood...."
"I'll do it."
"You're such a good queen..."
"Shhh... " she pecked me on the cheek.
"Go give your design to a seamstress."
"Come with me."
I stood up and offered her my hand.
She smiled and took it.
"Fine. Lets go."

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