Whiskey Blues

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Luna's POV~

So, I later sat at my favorite Bar along the coast, with a pomegranate beer.
One of my childhood friends worked as a bartender there, so I wasnt alone.
Eden had liked this bar.
She said there was a strong sense of family here.
I glanced around the bar, empty eyed.
Why would she leave like that..
The first thing my mind conjured was the memory of our engagement.
I remember the look on her face as I presented her with the silver ring, the gem was a pearl I had scoured the ocean floor for.
It took me a year to find the pearl for her ring.. And mine took longer. But she had thanked me profusely for it. She loved that ring. Our whole life together flashed before my eyes.
And I couldnt help but wonder.. "Is this the end?"
I shook my head.
I wouldnt allow her to just walk away.
What was this about anyway?
Sam and I?
Like I said, the last time we did anything was before Storm. Except when we kissed.
I took my phone amd considered texting Dean.
I decide that ot was a good idea.
'Thanks alot'
Was all I sent. He didn't answer, but Sam texted me.
'Dean's driving. He had me check his phone for him. I'm really sorry about all this, Luna.'
I blinked, and looked at the screen.
He was part of the problem, but I couldnt be angry. Not at him.
I texted back:
'Its okay. I can handle it. Just make sure you punch him when he's out of the car so that your life isnt at stake.'
It only took him. A few minutes to reply.
'Its a long drive. On our way to Maine.'
Jesus. Dean really wanted to get away didnt he?
'Be safe. Happy hunting, Winchester'
I waited for
him to reply once more.
'You too. Good luck with everything.'
The fact that he was leaving hit me like a truck, and I felt a lump start to form in my throat.
I just hoped he stayed safe.
He was a Winchester, after all.

After I was finished at the bar I walked home. I had only had two drinks so I was safe. I walked along the coast under the bright streetlights of San Francisco.
I was almost home.
I rounded a corner and walked past a dark alley.
I didnt think anything of it until I felt someone grab my arm and a sharp pain in my chest.
A copper knife. The stab was slow. They wanted me to die painfully.
They left the knife in and ran down the street. I looked down amd saw my own blood covering my tshirt.
I glamoured it to be red, just in case, then started to run after my attacker. My blood spilled faster, but I WOULD catch this bastard. He knew who I was. He knew what I was. Nobody just has a copper knife lying around!
I had almost caught up to him. I used the last of my strength to throw myself at him. I tackled him amd ripped his hood off. I was met with a black eyed stare.
Then everything went black.

Ezekial's POV~

I was sitting on the couch in the living room and holding my newborn neice, who was asleep.
The clock read 10:00.
I had just put Adam amd Eve to bed, and was waiting for my sister to come home.
Getting bored,I switched the channel to the local news.
Where they where talking about a body thats beem found.
'At about 9:30, the woman was seen chasing her attacker, who was clad in all black. She pounced on him and then fell to the ground. Authorities guess that this was when she died.
We have not been able to aprehemd the man for questioning, but a search is underway.
We have no identity for the body. The middle aged woman had blue hair, blue eyes, and was about 6'2". If you have any information please call.'
They didnt show the body, but I started to get really worried.
Luna was out there.
Then something bone chilling happened. The anchorwoman listened to her ear peice, nodding slowly.
'This just in.. The blood of the victim seems to be blue..'
Blue blood? Blue hair?
Middle aged? Blue blood? Oh god.
I picked up my phone and dailed in a number, quickly.

Eden's POV~

My phone rang. I sat on the pier, looking at the water amd thinking about everything. I looked at who was calling me.
Ezekial? Oh this couldnt be good.
"Eden... I think Luna might be in trouble."
"How so?"
"They found a body on main street... They said it was a middle aged woman with blue eyes, blue hair, and blue blood.."
My hand flew straight to my mouth.
Worry flooded my heart.
"Main street. Right by the sculpture on the side closest to the water."
"Im on my way. Ill call you later."
I hung up and started running.
I had to get there quickly.
I saw the crowd of people and lnew where I was.
I started shoving people out of my way, and when I got to the police barrier I wished I hadnt.
My Luna was laid on her back acros the pavement, her eyes.wide open, her blue blood poured over the pavement, a copper knife protruding from her chest.
My emotions crashed down on me and tears slipped dowm my cheeks. I had to keep my composure so that I could talk to the cops. "Officer!" i yelled. And ome came over.
"I can I identify the body.
Thats my wife ."
My voice broke.
'Keep it together.'
I thought to myself.
The officer allowed me to come over to the barrier, and talk to the detective that was on the case.
His name was detective Anderson.
I showed him our wedding photo, which I kept in my wallet, my wedding band, and gave them her full name. And once they where done questioning me, I sat on the back of the ambulance and watched as they put her in a body bag, and wheeled her into the vehicle.
I started to sob.
I may have been angry,but I still loved her.
Why did I say such terrible things to her...
What was wrong with me.
"I love you." I muttered.
And reached out as the wheeled the body bag past.
I felt my.fingers brush her hand from outside.
She was still wearing her wedding ring.

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