Road Trip!💖💙

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It had been 5 years. Storm was 6 and Sky was 9. Dean, and Sam still lived with us. Sam was my guard, and we hunted together. Eden and I are still together, and so are Sammy and I. I suspect Uncle Cass and Dean aswell. I found them kissing the other day.... That was interesting.

We where on a hunt. Just me and Eden. I had my own car, we had the boys watch the kids and we went to Florida. I had my own car. (A white mustang,thank you very much.)
We drove down there ourselves. It was nice to spend some time together. It made me remember why I married her.
"Babe, Im telling you, this is a demon!"
She looked at me, with her head cocked to the side.
"No, no. Demons arent that messy. Not to mention the residue on the floor..."
I Watched. She was thinking something.
I slammed my fist down on the table. "SKINWALKER!"
"The residue, was skin. The skin walker shifted in the room of the crime scene!"
She vacantly gazed at the wall, thinking.
She said.
We pinned down its location and prepared for a hunt.
It was an old abandoned warehouse, perfect for packs.
As soon as we walked in a took Eden by the hand.
Something was wrong.

"What is it?" She asked. I just shook my head and she kissed my cheek. We continued on. We came to a door way. An open, heavy, bronze door. Leading to a dark room. "I'll go first." I stepped in and the door slammed shut. I was left in pitch black, and I felt a cold fist of fear grip my heart. Eden. She was behind that door. Eden. My Eden!! "EDEN!!!!!"
I body slammed the door. I felt my skin burn, bubble, and bleed. But I didn't care.
My wife was behind that door.
I felt her get dragged backward.
"EDEN!!" I heard a muffled scream. I wanted to cry. She was defenseless. She could be hurt. She could be dead.
I heard her muffle scream.
I muttered to myself.
"It's okay sweetie!!! I'm coming!!"
A pain filled screech.
"Diana. Give use what we want. And she wont be hurt. Do not make us wait, Princess."
A voice said from somewhere in the room.
"What do you want?"
I asked.
I knew already.
"The blade, Diana."
I took out my archangel blade, and placed it on the floor.
I heard more screaming.
I help my hands up and backed up.
"I'll give you my grace. My wings, what ever! JUST OPEN THE DOOR!"
The door swung open. My love was lying on the floor, in a puddle of blood.
"Oh, sweetie.... Its okay, you're okay..." I cradled her as she cried.
"Can I see your injuries?" She showed me.
Her shoulders and arms where cut. He wings where clipped.
Her back was scalded.
"I know.... Shhhhh... It okay baby girl." I picked her up, held her close, and brought her to the car. I drove as far as I could, and then pulled over into an empty parking lot. She was sleeping, so I patched her arms and shoulders, and slept on the floor of the back seat.

Early morning, I was woken by her snoring.
But at least she was peaceful.
It did get annoying eventually. So I kissed her.
She woke, and leaned into the kiss. Once I pulled away, she just looked at me. "How are you feeling?"
I asked.
"Fucking terrible! But you're by my side, so I cant complain."
"I am so... So. Sorry."
"My sireness.... It wasnt your fault."
"Its just a bit of pain, My queen."
I felt tears spring to my eyes.
But she wiped them away.
"You should be resting."
I gave her my coat to use as a pillow. She laid on her stomach, and I kneeled beside her. I stroked her hair, and kissed her face and hair. Once she was asleep, I got to work on healing her wounds. I fixed her blisters, all 48 cuts, and even her wings.

I blacked out.

"Luna.... Sweetheart... Are you alright?"
I felt Eden shaking me awake.
I couldnt manage words.
"Luna! You're scaring me!"
"Im okay, Baby! Jesus!"
"Okay.. Good..." She held me close.
"I love you."
She whispered in my ear.
"Why do you have to whisper?"
I opened to moon roof to my mustang, and poked my head through.
"Be loud!"
I took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs.
She giggled.
"Shhhhhhh It echoes." I said. She snickered.
I climbed back into the car and sat in the back.. She sat beside me..
"You are so trouble some!"
I smirked.
"Thats not a good thing!"
She says.
"Shhhhh, c'mere."
I put an arm around her waist, and she puts hers around mine.
She rested her head on my shoulder, and I gently twirled her hair in between my fingers.

"Thank you... For healing me."
She murmured.
"Im exhausted From it."
"And then how will we get home? "
"I'll drive?"
"Fine. Here are the keys."
I kissed her, and sent her on her way. She was responsible, so I knew she could manage my car.

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