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I wasnt even close to being awake.
I was cuddled into Eden, she had one arm tightly hugging my ribs, and the other on my belly. She was incredibly close, and the only thing keeping me warm.
Who was that? Was I dreaming?
That time I was greeted with a swift palm between the shoulders.
I woke up right quick.
"What!? What is so important!!"
I snapped. Dean just stared.
I guessed that my true form was showing. I didnt even bother to change my eyes. I just stared back, sternly.
I heard Eden stir slightly and wrap her arms around my hips.
"Whats wrong, baby?"
Her eyes werent even fully open, and she sounded exhausted.
"Nothing, Angel. Go back to bed."
I ran gentle fingers through her hair.
I got her to lie back down and rest her head in my lap.
After she was settled and comfortable, I glared back at Dean.
I whispered.
He nodded toward the door.
"Sam and Cass wanted you."
I sigh amd look at Eden.
I gently moved her head onto a pillow and Dean helped me get up, out of bed.
I stood there, flexing my wings.
I felt Cerberus climb up my leg and up my back. He perched on my wing, and laid there in the nook between my wing and back.
I walked into the Livingroom and reclined on the couch.
Sam and Cass looked at each other, and then me. Dean just hung around at the back of the room, uncomfortably.
"Luna, we need to dicuss what to do with the child."
My uncle said, his tone of voice undeniably gentle.
"If Loren wanted her, who knows what other Demons want her. Luna, its for the you're own good."
Sam tried to soothe.
I was infuriated.
Nobody dared to defy me.
I stood up, looked at them with dissapointed eyes.
"I'll keep her by my side. I need a living heir. Not an absent one."
Sam stood up aswell.
"Luna, how long can you keep that up? You'd have to have her by your side 24/7."
"So be it."
I then walked away, cradling my abdomen.
I felt them watching me, but said nothing.
When I came into our room, Eden was sitting up and reading a book in bed. As soon as I crossed the threshold she put the book down on her bedside table, and patted the empty side of the bed.
In fluent enochian,we had a conversation.
It allowed us to speak freely.
I'll translate so that humans can understand.

As I passed the threshold amd she motioned me over, I met her gaze.
I got in bed on my side and sat up.
Eden wrapped her arms around me, and let me rest my head on her shoulder.
"What's wrong, Moonbeam?"
I explained the conversation in detail, and she listened patiently.
The whole time I was speaking, she tried to soothe me.
When I was finished she held me tightly, but comfortably.
"Between to two of us, she'll be safe darling."
She told me.
I looked at her doubtfully.
Her soft lips brushed my jaw.
"No more."
She said fiercely. I understood.
No more dead heirs.
Between Sorrel (Dean's), and Storm I couldnt handle another little body.
"I swear, Luna. I'll help protect her, or die trying."
"Not just you. We'll protect her until the death."
Eden didnt argue.
She just kissed my head, and leand downward to rest a gentle kiss on my abdomen.
I buried my face in her neck, and she put her hand on my head.
"How's your wound?"
She gently lifted her shirt to show where the stab wound used to be.
I turned my head to see.
It was nothing but a scar.
"You heal fast."
"Cass said the same thing."
"No. Very fast."
"I know." she says softy.
I gently brushed the edges of the scar.
"There's no way you're a lesser angel."
"I don't know, Moon."
I sighed and laid down beside her.
After a long silence looked at me.
"How do you plan to keep her with us?"
"When she's newborn I can just carry her. But after that, I had a harness commissioned."
"But Luna,-"
"Im not losing another heir."
I said calmly.
She looked at me, puzzled.
I looked at her, the use of the nickname catching my attention.
"What if... Say, she didnt make it? Why cant we pick from our living children?"
"The queen didn't give birth to them."
"The descendant of the first Siren of the Aegean Sea, should produce an heir."
"What, thats real?"
"Yes! What, did you think my ancestors didnt exsist? My home is there. The sacred island in the Aegean sea."
I could tell that she was interested.
"We WHERE hybrids-"
She held up her hand and opened her top beside table drawer. She pilled out a solid, black leather bound journal, about as thick as an atlas. She flipped it to a clean page, then grabbed a pen.
"Go ahead." she said in regular English. I continued in english, so that writing was easy for her.
I smiled and laughed.
She was making a journal for the kids like John did for Sam and Dean.
"We came from and island on the Aegean Sea. Our first Siren, went by the name Camile, after the greek warrior goddess.
A daughter of the river god, she lived on her island, happy and content.
Later in life her and her two sisters Acacia, and Astrea, became the gaurds of Demeter.
Things where good. Until they failed. Demeter cast them out and, angry with their failure took their beauty by tranforming them into winged women with the legs of a bird. They wandered the earth, just the three of them. As they wandered, Acacia began to get impatient yet she held her tongue. Meanwhile , after thousands of years, Camile met a Niad by the name of Alesandro, in her travels and started to fall in love.
They spent mant days together, and nights.
Astrea was happy for her sister, and had no quarrel.
But Acacia. Acacia was livid. She didnt understand why she had to suffer in this miserable form, yet her sister could be happy.
As the months went by, her anger only festered. And on a cloudy, stormy night she snuck into the cave where Camile and Alesandro lay together, amd stabbed The Niad six times.
Camile was woken by his cries for her to run, but she stayed.
As she held her dying love in her arms, she vowed to avenge him.
Where his dead body lay, there soon was a beautiful tide pool, which is still sacred to this day. Acacia fled the island, but Camile waited. Little did Acacia know that Camille was expecting Alesandro's child. Camille and Astrea stayed on the island, and took care of ther child.
A girl, by the name of Athena, after the Godess of knowledge.
She was beautiful, with the top half of a human, and the tail of a fish. A pure white Koi tail.
The beginning of my species.
It was Athena who came up with how to bait Acacia. They set Athena up on the shores of the island, yelling about her mother and father, and as expected, Acacia came. It was a long battle, but Acacia was slain by Camile, and Alesandro was avenged.
But the battle took a toll on Camile. She had deep wounds, and one of her wings was missing huge chunks of feathers, and was matted with blood.
Her daugher treated her wounds,  and left her to rest in the cave her Mother and Father had slept in. Camilelaid beside the tide pool and fell asleep.
To keep her from dying, the tide pool over flowed, and washed over her, putting her into a deep, century long sleep. Legend has it she's still there."
"What about Athena and Astrea?"
"Astrea took Care of Camile for the remainder of her life. But she was killed by an angry sailor, who found the island. Athena killed him and threw his body in the sea.
Then vanished."
"So thats it?"
"Then, the royal bloodline started."
"Thats a good story."
"Every siren know that story!"
I nodded.
She put the book back in the drawer of her bedside table, and went back to hee book. I went back to sleep, tired from the night before.

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