Early Morning Antics

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Eden's POV~

She laid beside me afterward, asleep.
I ran a gentle hand through her hair.
"I missed you."
I whispered.
She was asleep still, of course.
I just held her close.
I wrapped my wings around her as well.
She shifted slightly, and I loosened my grip on her. 

I slipped out of bed and got dressed, but not before kissing my lovely wife.

I then climbed up to the roof. the climb was awkward with my wings, but it didn't matter. the view was worth it.  The dawn came forward in a tide of red. I leaned against one of the spires of the intricately designed palace roof, and spread my wings.

the wind caught them, forcing me to step back a bit "Up early?" a voice asked. "yes, Finn." I replied. my archery instructor stood beside me, in all his silver haired glory. "Shouldn't you be guarding our queen?"  He looked into the distance vacantly, as if contemplating this. "I am. River is perfectly capable of guarding the queen and newborn princess.." I sighed. But before I spoke he interrupted me once more. "Master Ezekiel is paying close attention as well." "He has her now in fact." a feminine voice interjected. "Luna!" I exclaimed. "Good morning, my lovely." she purred, and wrapped her arms around my waist, and kissed me on the neck. I chuckled. "Good morning." I replied. I turned around to face her, and she kissed my cheek. "The baby is safe?" I asked. I needed to know. "I promise. I wouldn't let her get hurt." She smiled at me. it reminded me of another time.

        (Years earlier)

Eden's POV~

I had just finished unpacking the kitchen of the small house we had bought. it was alot harder  than it seemed due to the fact that I was hugely pregnant. I sat at the kitchen counter, drinking some lemonade when i heard my girlfriend call out from the back yard. "Angel! come look!" I waddled out as quickly as I could. " What is it babe?" she was standing on the dock, as our house was on a loch (lake). " its beautiful!" she said with a smile."yes.." I zoned out, staring out at the sunlight shimmering on the lake. then I heard her behind me. "Eden Mcloud." I turned around, expecting to answer. Then I saw that she was down on one knee behind me. she reached into the back pocket of her jeans and took out a beautiful ring of silver, topped with a beautifully misshapen pearl. "Eden, its been three years since I first met you. .. and in that time I've fallen madly in love, looked into the face of death, and done many other.. idiotic things ,just for you. Love of  my life, and soon to be mother of my child. Will you marry me?" My hands flew to my mouth, and I  felt tears in my eyes. "Yes!" I  choked out. She slipped that ring on my finger, and then held me close. "I'll do my best to make you happy." she said. "I love you." I said. she put her hands around my waist, very lightly.
"I love you more." she replied, smiling. Her hand gently fell onto my shoulder, and I saw that she had a matching ring on her finger.
She caught me looking at it.
"I found the pearls myself. I had our silver smith put them in the ring."
I smiled.
"Now, lets get you inside. I dont want you to get too warm."
She said.
She was very gentle with me now.
"Of course, love."

(Present day)

Eden's POV~

She took my hand, and spun me around.
I laughed and wrapped and arm around her waist.
"Finn," Luna purred. ", A bit of privacy please?"
He nodded and climbed down from the roof.
Luna and I exchanged a glance, and I grabbed both her hands, and stepped forward, than back.
She opened her wings, and arched them gracefully.
We began to dance along the roof, spinning and stepping strategically, relieving pent up energy.
A beautiful blur of ginger and white wings.
It was all fine and dandy until My foot slipped off the side of the roof and fell, pulling Luna down with me.
I was busy panicking. Too busy to realise that we had stopped falling.
She had grabbed me around the waist and spread her wings, turning our fall into a gentle glide  over the ocean.
I cursed in gaelic.
"I won't let you fall."
Luna stated, quietly.
I heard her, but continued to curse the gods.
"You can stop cursing in gaelic irish...." she stated.
"Scottish!" I corrected.
"Okay! Okay! Sorry.."
She mumbled.
"I ain't a drunken wench now, am I?" Luna gulped. Oh no. My inner Scott was coming out. My accent was terrible.
"Okay. Sorry."
She said.
"Sorry... " I apologized.
"Its alright. You where just scared and you lashed out." she said.
I cuddled into her light leather jacket, holding onto the sides while she flew.
I nodded off to the sound of her wing beats

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