Heir to the Devil

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Luna's POV-

Pain racked my body. I had no idea what to do. My angel blade was at home, I only had my knife, and That was useless.
"Beginning of what?"
I asked.
No answer.
I remain silent for the rest of the ride, gripping the edge of the seat while trying to get through contractions.
The amgel sitting beside me took her hood off aswell, noticing my struggle.
I was in too much pain to observe her facial features, but Her voice was high pitched and firm.
"It begins."
She stated, simply.
The driver quickly jerked the sterring wheel to the right, and we sped onto a side road.
What seemed like hours later, but was only minutes, we pulled into the driveway of a large abandoned mansion.
A huge dark brown house, drooping with age.
The black of the window shutters and front door had faded to grey,
The porch was falling apart, the lattice falling off.
The angel sitting beside me picked me up and ran inside. The rest all looked at the hood of the car. I didnt know why.
But I heard them saying something about a knife.
And then I saw it.
Eden's hunting knife.

The angel took me to one of the bed rooms and 'helped' me undress. She made me wear this black night gown.
I slipped it over my head and immediately understood what was going on.
This was a cult of fallen angels, that took me because they wanted the baby.
They must have been watching me all this time...
They want the baby.
In a flood of motherly panick, through my haze of agony and emotion, I prayed.
I balled my left fist, my thumb touching my wedding ring.
Them put it over the tatoo on my ring arm. A thunder bolt, for my Storm.
"Goddess Hera, godess of mairriage and family, I ask that you grant my wife safe passage through the house of our enemies."
I glance at the angel inthe room with me. She wasnt paying attention.
"Artemis, protector of young, goddess of all that matters in my kingdom. I ask your help to protect my baby.. Please."
I knew it probably wouldnt help, but it comforted me.
"Alright, lets go. " the angel picked me up again, and brought me to the basement.
A circle of fallen awaited arranged in a circle, with a raised slab of marble in the center. I was put on the slab and the others just watched. It was slightly creepy, but I had to bring my child into the world.
It took hours of pushing, and clawing at marble. Hours of sweat, blood, amd tears.
But I remember that one moment.
Just as I was about to give up all hope, the painfull knot that I felt in my intestines released, and i heard something wet hit marble.
I heard my babies cries and my thoughts went blank. An angel stepped forward, reaching for my offspring.
I hissed, showing my fangs amd spreading my wings. The angel stopped.
I quickly sat up, and picked the baby up. The tiny creature was covered in blood and fluid, but I didnt care.
I hugged the tiny thing close to my chest.
I looked at my little one.
We had a daughter.
A baby girl.
I felt like crying.
I had a second chance.
"Hail the heir to the Devil!"
The leader of the group of angels shouted.
And suddenly in a bright flash of light, he was dead.

Eden's POV-

I hand my hand on the face of their leader, and had killed.
I looked atound the room and immediatle spotted my wife.
On the slab of marble in the cemter of the room she sat, curled around something covered in blood.
My brother appears beside me, and I gave him my angel blade, wordlessly.
"Kill them all."
I mumbled then ran over to my Luna. I took my knife out, and before speaking I cut the umbilical cord.
She looked up, ready to fight, but when our gazes met her fave softened.
I quickly stepped forward to get a look at our baby.
"Its a girl."
Luna stated in a gentle voice.
I reached down, and stroked her head with my fingertips.
"She's perfect."
I whispered.
I took my jacket off and took the rag I kept in my pocket for patching wounds and gave them to her.
She wiped our baby clean, then hesitated with the jacket.
"You wont get cold?"
She asked.
"Honey, the baby needs it, Ill be fine."
She continued to hesitate, and looked at me.
I nodded and she wrapped the baby up.
She had a halo of frizzy ginger hair. It was on the auburn side. A bit darker than mine.
She had her mothers nose .
I managed to notice all these little details, even with my brother and his demons killing the fallen angels surrounding us.
"Whats her name?"
I asked. The question hung in the air for a moment, until Luna shook her head. "I have no Idea."
I thought for a moment.
It just popped into my head.
But I remember reading it in the library at the Palace.
"Pheobe. Another name for Artemis."
"Okay... Thats her name.."
I reached down with a smile, and held her tiny head in my hand.
"Hello little Pheobe."
She let out a little squeak,and stretched. She had tiny white wings, with gold patterns on the bottom of each one.
I smiled.
"Lets get you two home."
Luna nodded,agreeing.
I leaned over and kissed her before picking her up. Her cheeks turned light blue, and her free hand caressed my cheek.
As bloody as her hands where, I could care less.
I was glad she and our daughter where safe and not seperated.
"Lets go home."
She whispered.
My brother told me he could handle the rest of the fallen, so I left.
I walked carried Luna out to the car that my brother hand left form me and drove her home.
The kids where asleep when we got home. Everything was so peaceful and quiet.
I sat Luna on the bed, and got her some clean pajamas, drew a warm bath amd made her some tea.
She appreciated it amd thanked me profusely, but I silenced her with a kiss every time.
I cleaned the baby while Luna relaxed.
I washed her with lukewarm water amd scrubbed her with a very small amount of handsoap until she was clean. Then I put a diaper on her, wrapped her in a baby blanket, and put her to bed.Eventually I helped Luna out of thw bath, she dried off. Changed, did what she needed to do, and we laid in bed together, holding eachother tightly until both of us fell asleep.

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