The Hunt

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"They said they saw it in her shed?"
Dean grunted a yes.
"Sky and Iris, you search the area. Dean , go with them. Ill take care of the girl."
We where parked outside the house of Daniel Johnson.
I had changed into my suit at a gas station about a half hour away, and had my ID on me. I got out of the car before Dean could argue, and walked up to the womans door.
I knocked and a small woman, about mid 50's who looked nervous and deprived of sleep answered.
"Daniel Johnson?"
"My name is Agent Alabaster. I just need to talk to you about a few murders in the Area."
"You arent one of those black eyed freaks are you? If you're here to hurt me-"
"Ma'am, The last thing I want is to harm you."
She stood there, eyeing me for a moment before letting me in.
"Please, s-sit down."
She led me to two worn out leather chairs. I sat, and waited for her to get comfortable.
"Can you tell me about this creature?"
"What does the FBI want with a Hell hound?"
Took my coat off, and partially opened my wings with what room I had.
"I hunt things like this, Ma'am. To make it safe for everyone else."
She gasped and did the sign of the cross before folding her hands in prayer.
"M-Ma'am its alright."
"Thank you."
"Can you please help me?"
"Y-yes the creature, it was small, and brown, with big leathery wings. It was about the size of a full grown doberman pincer.
My husband was walking into the shed to get the lawn mower. He saw the thing and came inside to tell us. I went with my son to investigate. It chased us out of the shed. My son tripped on a rock, and... He didnt make it."
"Im sorry for your loss.."
"It was hard. I dont even go outside at night. Sometimes I hear it out there."
"Mhm.... How long ago did your son pass?"
"A year."
"Alright. Thank you Ma'am."
I got up to leave.
The stood up quickly and grabbed my arm.
"Wait! Please, Dont leave me alone with this thing!"
I had pity for this woman. I decided it was time for me to talk to her as a Mother, and not a hunter.
"Mrs. Johnson."
I sat down, making sure not to break eye contact.
"I know how scared you are, okay?
And I understand how you feel.
I lost my son too.."
Fresh tears sprung to my eyes too fast for me to hold them back.
"Oh, dear... How long ago?"
"A week today."
She reached over and took my one hand in two of hers.
"Oh dear... I can see how young you are.... How old was your boy?"
"Oh you poor dear.."
"No.. Im alright... I should go look for the monster."
" It's my job. Stay inside, I'll tell you what I find."
I went outside to join my daughter and Dean.
They where outside the shed, and Iris was going crazy. I sniffed the air.
I smelled fire.
"Get back! Im going in!"
Sky got the memo, but Dean wouldnt budge.
"DEAN! Put your arms down! I think I know whats going on."
I threw the shed door open and light bathed the small building. In the corned I saw what looked like shards of some red tinted glass.
But when I came closer I saw that it was translucent red eggshell.
"I knew it... Sky! Give Iris to your uncle and go get me a towel from my duffel bag!"
She did as I asked and I looked around the shed while she got what I needed.
I saw various burn marks on the shed wall, but they where very tiny.
Good I wasnt dealing with a full grown creature.
I looked at the ceiling and thats where I found it.
About three and a half feet long including the tail, and poised to attack, in the rafters of the shed sat a dragon.
It was beautiful, its scales where the color of copper, and its reptilian eyes where the color of whiskey.
It swooped down to attack and I grabbed it. It struggled, but in vain. With the help of Dean I had the hatchling wrapped in a towel. I took him to the car and fed him some of Iris's dog food. The poor thing was ravenous. No wonder he ate a whole body.
After he ate half of the dog food I gave him some of my blood stash, and he was calm.
Well, with me anyways.
I took him outside for air, but kept him wrapped in the towel. While I was sitting outside, holding the dragonet in one arm, and smoking with the other, Dean came up to me.
"Your supposed to kill it, not feed it you jackass!"
"Look at him. Would you really hurt that poor thing?"
"It killed the womans kid!"
"That dragon is also another dragons son!" I growled,sure to show fangs.
"I'm going to show her the creatue and if she doesnt want it, Im taking it home."
He looked away from me.
"You're a friggin idiot."
"No, Im compassionate. Now go explain to this woman, what we found and take Skylar."
Grumbling to himself, he did what I asked,and I stayed with the hatchling.
After awhile he started to coo and rub against my abdomen. I held him close, convinced that he wanted warmth.
I got into the passenger seatamd waited for the two of them to get back. Dean sat in the drivers seat and Sky and Iris got in the back. I let Dean drive and I called Eden.
"Hey, Babe. We found a dragonet, im bringing him with me."
"Okay, Ill have Raleigh prepare a chamber in the stables. Is anybody hurt?"
"No, love."
"Are you on speaker?"
"I need to speak to you for a moment."
I Turned the speaker mode off and put the phone to me ear.
"You know the test you sent to
Jupiter to make sure the pregnancy test was right?"
"It came back positive. She said she wanted to be sure so I scheduled an ultrasound for you tomorrow."
"Thank you love."
So, it could be warmth, or I could be pregnant. Maybe thats why the dragonet was drawn to me.
He had a natuaral instinct to fight for other females with eggs. That how dragons where created.
Just maybe I had another.chance at mother hood.
Maybe this was Storm,telling me that it was alright to have another baby.
Just maybe.

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