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"LUNA!" I was jarred awake by the sound of Eden yelling for me. I quickle lept out of bed and picked my nightgown up off the floor. I put it on and grabbed the colt, running toward the bathroom.
"What!? Are you okay? Is something wrong?!"
"Yes! Please dont point that at me!" I put the gun down.
She picked some thing from the counter beside her.
A pregnancy test in a plastic bag.
She handed it to me.
Two lines.
I threw it in the bathroom trash, and picked her up.
She laughed.
I stopped for a second.
"Last one."I said.
"Last one."
She agreed.
She had to bend over to kiss me because I had picked her up by the legs, but she managed.
I spun her around, and she pulled me into a deep kiss.
"Okay! Okay! Whats this about? I can hear you from across the hall."
Zeke stood in the door way.
"We're having another baby!"
Eden chirped. I put her down and she leaned into me.
"Congratulations. I hate to ruin the moment, but the boys want you two."
"Okay... Let us get dressed first."
Zeke left the room quickly after that. Eden and I changed and gathered our weapons, then headed to the library.
She was going to be doing research while I trained with Castiel and Zeke.
We went outside to train.
That was fun.
It was normal stuff.
Lift this rock!
Lift this heavier rock!
Stuff like that.
But then I had to lift a huge boulder.
I couldnt seem to.
"Luna, you can lift it."
My uncle muttered.
I tried to.
I couldn't.
"Come on little sister!"
Zeke called.
I kept trying.
"Try to channel a strong emotion you have. Like anger or fear."
Castiel said, from behind me.
That works.
The perfect emotion.
But what made me angry?
Good question.
Thankfully, before I had to think too much, the person who pissed me off the most came outside.
And that boulder went flying.
I flicked him on the forehead with a pebble.
And it left a bruise.
"Ow! Damn it!"
Zeke snickered as Dean felt the bruise on his forehead.
My uncle snapped. He stepped forward and healed his lover's bruise.
"Eden wants you."
Dean snapped.
"You know I could take that stick out of your ass?" I quipped. Dean scowled.
Zeke ushered me inside, snickering.
"Its a bad idea to mess with uncle Cass and his mate. You know that."
He followed me to Edens bedroom.
She wasn't in bed, I heard her in the bathroom, throwing up.
I was immediately by her side, holding her hair back and rubbing her back.
Zeke just watched awkwardly.
After she was finished she laid down on the floor.
I wiped her mouth and picked her up.
"Ugh, just put me down."
"Im putting you in bed, Angel."
"Im sorry for bothering you during training."
"Dont worry about it love."
She started to speak, but I just hushed her.
I tucked her into bed and put a bucket beside the bed for her to use if she needed.
I stayed until she fell asleep,
Which wasnt long.
I checked on the kids after that.
Skylar was still sleeping, but Storm was wide awake.
"Hi sweetie."
I picked him up. He wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Are you alright?"
He nodded and put his head on my chest.
"Just a bad dream, Mommy"
"You wanna talk about it."
"I'm okay."
"Alright, buddy. How about we get you some food?"
He nodded in agreement.
I fed him and we cuddled on the couch In the living room.
I let Cass and Dean be alone for awhile.
And I figured Sam would come if needed. I read a book while my son slept beside me. I got up and put him in bed , thinking about how he came to be. I was torn. I loved Eden so much, and I knew Sam was no good. But I loved my son. He was MY son. Even though how he came to be wasnt the best... I still love him.
I kissed the forehead of my little hurricane, and walked out of his room, heading for my study.
And I stayed in there for the rest of the night.

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