Monarchs and Martyrs

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5 years later

"Omens in New York. It's right here." Dean dropped a news paper in front of Eden and I.
"So... We're going to New York?"
My wife asked.
"That was the plan..."
Sam said.
"This seems risky... Look at these omens... And deaths... There has to be at least more than twenty! And there are five of us." Edens hand slipped over mine as I said this. "Love, trust them, they have a plan." she soothed, Resting her head on my shoulder.
"Fine. Lets go."
Crowley agreed to watch the kids while we where gone.
We all loaded into the car.
Eden and I spent most of the ride in the back, huddled together.
She was really cute, wrapped up in a leathe coat and scarf, to keep out the November chill.
Dean was to busy driving,and Sam was asleep, so I used my powers to mess with the radio.
Bored, I shut it of and just closed my eyes, deciding to sleep instead.

I woke up to lips on mine, and arms around me. My eyes flew open and she pulled away.
"Good morning sunshine! You ready?"
I felt for my gun, and when I knew it was there, I nodded.
A large abandoned factory stood in front of us.
"Eden and Luna. Dean and Cass, Ill go off on my own." Sam said.
"No... I have a strange feeling about this. I think its best that we stay together." Eden Said to him.
I took out the colt,ready to shoot anything that moved.
We went inside, and walked down the hall. It was really just alot of dust and stray cats.
Which Eden begged Dean not to shoot.
It was silent until we got to the top floor. A man stood there, sitting on a dusty crate.
"Hello, freinds! Long time no see eh?" Denver, one of Lucifer's lackeys, a lesser angel and also fallen. He consorted with demons and monsters to have his bidding done. "Shut it Denver." Dean snapped. "You're done here." I barked.
"Oh ho ho! The princess speaks! Now, tell me your majesty, are we really done here?"

The Angel disappeared. I couldnt see him, and I didnt know where he was Until I heard the sound of a female yelp. I turned, and saw him holding Eden hostage, my stolen Archangel blade touching her throat. "Let her go, now!" Uncle Cass stood, ready to smite some one. Denver laughed and I heard the sound of a knife tearing flesh .
I didnt want to look. I knew what had happened.
I turned to see my archangel blade handle deep in Eden's rib cage. A wave of despair came crashing down on me as the wound started to glow. Denver stepped back and dropped Eden. "That should cripple you for awhile."
"N-no! No! Eden!"
I ran over and held onto her tightly.
"Don't go... Please don't go.."
I begged, sobbing.
I felt her hand run through my hair and her other caress my cheek, her wedding band warm against my skin.
I felt her blood aswell,sticky and wet, against my cheek.
"Don't cry lovie. Be strong and take care of our babies. "
"You cant go!!"
A flash of light, and my love was gone.
Her body lay at my feet, her wings splayed out beside her on the ground.
"E-Eden! Baby,please..."
I prayed she would answer to her name....
I wanted her to sit up, and look at me like I was crazy for crying.
But I knew it would do me no good.
I dropped to my knees and took my blade from her chest.
I crouched, going as low to the ground as possible, and with a war cry I sprung at Denver.
It all happened in a flurry of red and black. My claws cut through his vessel, and my blade banished him.
Then, I feel to a heap on the ground, beside my Eden.
"Luna, we gotta go.... They're coming for us."
Dean said.
"Go. I'll take care of it."
I blinked, and my eyes shifted to their normal catlike appearence.
I flexed my claws. And listened as the boys ran away, and the demons came.
They came bursting through the door like a river of bodies.
I took every one.
The rushed forward, knives and guns ready.
I remember grabbing one by the the throat, and hearing his screams fade as I crushed his throat.
I remember impaling, ripping limbs off, ripping out organs, kiling every last one,until they all laid dead at my feet. I paid no attention to the knife sicking out of my arm. I paid no attention to the claw marks on my body, or the bruises. I just looked at Eden, lying in the corner. I walked over, and picked her up.

Sam's POV-

Cass, Dean, And I sat in the living room, waiting for Luna.
She appeared in the door way, bloody and holding Eden's body tightly. She has alot of bullet hole and stab wounds, but she was just standing there. Alive. Castiel got up and strode toward her, but she walked right past him.
After a few minutes she came back and stood there.
"Luna, Let's get you patched up.."
My brother said, taking a step forward.
"Im fine. Where's the summoning stuff?"
She still had her regular eyes, and was obviously too stressed to glamour them.
"You arent summoning anything until you let us fix you!" I said, standing up and walking over to her. "I'm bringing Eden back, now get the fuck out of my way!"
"She was an angel, Luna. You cannot bring her back."
Cass said. Luna sat back down, allowing and moan of despair to escape her lips.
Dean looked at me, and I understood.
What do I do?
I shrugged.
Cass walked over to her and picked her up. He sat down on the couch and just hugged her while she cried.
She cried until she couldnt anymore.
She ignored her wounds, and cried.
I had no Idea Eden meant so much.

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