Case 1

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Through out the ride I glanced at the angel. I needed to stop. She was going to catch me eventually. "Theres a case down in Florida. Miami. Five victims. Have been missing for a week. Two of the bodies where found. With shark bites in them." Sam said, breaking my concentration. "Oh. This must be another Siren case. What beach?" I looked out the window, waiting for a reply. "Miami beach. Theres a case along the way. A run down warehouse in Georgia. Maintenance workers have tried to fix it. But almost every worker that comes in never leaves. Only one lived. Name is Rob Chandler." I sighed. Not thrilled with the idea of another siren case. "Okay. I can find him and interrogate him." Dean said. "No. Sam and I will handle this." Dean glared at me from the front seat. "Since when where you leading this caravan?" I took another drag on my cigarette. " Since we had to deal with the siren queen." Dean smirked. "Youre leading. Just because your mommy is involved? I dont think so." that pissed me off. "My mother is extremely da-" Edens voice interrupted. "Stop the car!" We skidded to a stop, outside of a toppled building. "Theres something evil in there." I sighed and grabbed my purse. "Okay." Eden got out of the car. "Its a huge ware house. We should split up. Ill take Eden. Sam with Luna." Edens shut him up with a punch in the arm. "You and Sam stay together. You tend to work better that way." I smirked and took out a flash light. Dean just got cock blocked. "Shall we?" Eden asked, motioning to the building. I nodded. She certainly wasnt like Cas. She was less strict. And she was FAR better then Zacariah . and far prettier then Anna. Just saying. We silently slipped into the building. "So, Luna." Eden whispered. "Where are you from?" I looked to her in shock. An angel? Interested in me? "Oh. Uh, the ocean Ma'am."
"You don't have to call me ma'am. Just call me Eden." She said with a giggle. That smile. That damn smile. I felt my cheeks heat up. Her beauty was something one could only describe as godly. Glossy red hair. Knowing, yet gentle brown eyes. She looked sharp and alert as she scanned the darkness for threats.
While I was busy staring, I didnt realize that there was rubble underneath me. I slipped, and felt two warm arms catch me. "Are you okay?" Eden gently brushed the stray blue hairs from my face. "Mhm." I nodded, blushing madly. Eden gently kissed my forehead. I couldnt tell if she was screwing with me, So I wrapped my arms around her neck. She smiled , and kissed me. She put a hand on the back of my head. Her lips tasted like cinnamon and whiskey. She had me trapped in a passionate kiss. "Hey! Did you guys find any- oh." Sam said from behind us. "What? Oh. Shes gay!?" Dean yipped. "Shhh!" Sam shushed Dean. Eden took her lips off of mine, and I gasped for air. "Why'd you stop?" She smiled. "You need air, Luna. And there are demons about, you know." I giggled. "Okay." She pecked me on the cheek and put me down. "Lets go boys! We have a monster to find!" I chirped. Dean stood there looking like a fish. His mouth hung open in surprise. Eden watched me walk to the head of the group, laughing to herself.
My cheeks felt hot.

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