Loose Ends

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Its was later that night, I had changed and stood on the roof, leaning on the railing, and watching the sky go dark.
My wings where spread, so that the warm breeze could blow through them.
My ringtone broke the silence, and when I took my phone from the pocket the caller ID said that Sam was calling me.
I hesitated, but ended up answering it.
"Hey." I said, in a soft voice.
"Hey, you okay?" He sounded genuinely concerned. I had no Idea he even cared anymore.
"I'm.. Fine. How about you?"
"Doing okay." He sounded so tired, and devastated.
"I miss him too.."
"You think he really...." Sam asked.
"Yes. I know he went to heaven. He did nothing wrong."
I sniffled and wiped away tears.
"What about you? How are you?"
He asked.
I sighed, trying to think about my answer.
My emotions where all over the place.
"I.... Dont know ... Im upset. But I dont think its fully sunk in yet."
"Im sorry."
"It isnt your fault, Sammy."
"I still feel like Its my fault."
"I do too, but we cant do anything about it... So just, breathe. One day at a time.".
"Stay safe.. And call me if you need anything. I don't care what time it is."
"Thanks Sam."
"Love- uhm bye. ."
I heard him chuckle before he hung up.
After that I put my phone in my pocket and looked down.
I was only four months along, but I was getting pretty big.
I hated it.
My thoughts where interrupted by footsteps on the stairs.
Eden came up carrying two glasses of water.
"Huh. I figured you'd start drinking when we got here."
"If you can't I can't either."
I smiled at her kindness, and took a sip of water.
I sat down, tired from standing so long.
We bad slept through the rest of the day, and had woken up, figuring we could spend the night outside.
I was sitting on an outdoor loveseat, partially curled up due to my condition.
"Is she bothering you?"
I nodded amd she came over to sit beside me.
She curled up so that I tucked into her amd fit perfectly.
Then she put two hands over my stomach, and kissed my cheek.
I watched her hands glow a warm yellow, and the squirming stopped.
"Thank you."
She kissed my jawline, and buried her face in the back of my shoulder.
"I love you..."
I smiled.
"I love you more."
It took some effort, but I turned over and sat up.
She did the same, and her hand automatically did the cycle of movement I was so familiar with.
Her finger brushed the hair out of my face, her thumb stroked my jawline, and her hand gently ran through my hair.
The funny thing was the she was taller than me. So when our faces got close, she had to look down.
Our gazes locked, and I titled my head, and pulled her into the kiss. The held the side of my jaw gently, and kissed me gently, yet compassionately.
The next thing I know her other hand pulled the zipper down on the back of my dress. My hands went up her shirt, feeling her waist, and slowly going up.

An hour later we where laying beside eachother under a blanket. I thinks its obvious that both of us where completely naked.
She was holding me and running her hands through my hair, and occasionally laid a kiss on my neck.
I turned around and she pulled me into another kiss.
This one was far gentler.
I could feel the love beneath it.

          (Back at the Palace)
"No, Dean. Something is wrong. Crowley said that Loren didn't do anything! She just let them go."
Dean sat at the table, looking through lore, and drinking.
"So you're saying she's planning something?"
"Okay, what?"
"Thats what we have to figure out."
Sam sighed, his brother didnt realize how serious the situation was.
"Dean, Luna is in danger."
"Okay, and?"
Sam leans forward, and puts his elbows on the table.
"Really? You dont care?"
He glanced at his little brother, as if he had already answered that question.
"She friggin hates me. Why should I?"
Sam glances at his brother with pure dissapointment and walks out of the room.

He made to decision to summon the king of Hell.
Even though Sam hated him, Crowley was his last hope for saving Luna.
He lit a match, and threw it into the bowl they used for rituals, which held the ingredients to the spell.
And within seconds, he stood theee.
"What information do you have on Loren?"
The King shrugged.
"All I know, Is that she doesnt have a vessel. She's looking for one. I think she might be trying to find someone close to Luna and murder her."
"But Dean and I-"
Sam's face went slack with realization.
"Son of a bitch!" he exclaimed.
He ran out of the room. While Crowley tried dissapeared.

Sam ran into the library. Lucky for him, Dean was talking with the angel Castiel already.
"Cass. If an angels vessel is turned into a monster, is there room for a demon in the vessel?"
Sam asked. The angel thought for a moment.
"I believe so, yes."
That confirmed Sam's fear.
"Loren isnt looking for a vessel, she's trying to get to Eden."
Dean looked up.
"Do you know where they went?".he asked.
Sam nodded and told them about the Island.
Dean got up and ran for his car,
and Sam followed, anxious for Luna.
He didnt want her hurt.
And he wouldnt let another demon hurt someone he cared about.

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