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"What do you mean you can't find her?!"
I growled through clenched teeth.
"She went out yesterday, around 3:00 pm, and we havent seen her since."
Sam said, trying to calm me.
I wasnt having it.
"I'll send guards out."
I headed for the door amd Sam insisted on following me.
"I wont give up on her... She isnt missing!"
I called her phone as I headed to the guards station.
All I got was her voicemail.
"Damn it!" I shoved my phone back in ny pocket, hoping she just went out on a quick hunt.

Eden's POV~

            I woke up on a rocky beach, coughing and gasping for air. I didnt know where I was and the sun was rising. I'd been here all night!?
Oh fuck, Luna must be worried sick.
I stood up, realizing I was wearing nothing but a bra.
Looking around, I saw a beach towel left in the sand.
One thing going right in my life.
I ran up, and grabbed it.
I shook the sand off of it, and wrapped it around my body.
Okay. Now I have to find a road.
I stumbled off the beach toward the parking lot. Withing seconds I found the road. I looked forward,and then turned around.
No cars. None.
I started to yell for help, but no one came to my aid.
All of a sudden I heard the squeal of tired making an abrupt stop, and head lights behind me.
I heard two car doors slam, and stepped back fearfully.
Two figures stepped into the light


Bobby and Rufus stood in front of me.

I explain my situation and her took me in the car and gave me a change of clothes.

"Where's Luna?"

Rufus handed me his phone, and I called Luna. She answered immediately.
"Rufus! Please tell me you have information on Eden!."
"Its me...."
"Eden! Are you okay!?"
"Im alright... I just hit my head.. I went out fir a swim to test my vessel.. And I got knocked out.."
"Oh, sweetie..."
"Dont worry.. I'm with Bobby and Rufus."
"Just... Take care of yourself until you come home."
"You take care of yourself and the kids.."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"Do you want me to send the boys out?"
"Give the phone to Rufus or Bobby."
I gave the phone to Bobby and heard a few "yes's." and "Okay's."
"We're gonna drop you off at the local Motel, Luna is gonna come and pick you up.


They did so, and I took a warm shower and laid in a bed while I waited.

Eventually, I left the door unlocked and went to bed.

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