Beginning Once More

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Luna's POV~
              I waddled into the living room and sat down on the fainting couch, even more exhausted then the night before.
"Hey, how you feeling?"
Dean asked, looking over at me from one of the lounge chairs.
"Fucking terrible."
I groaned and curled up. (Partially)
I was so tired and Upset, that I didnt even see Eden, sitting on the couch across the room, looking at me with wide eyes.
I didnt even open my eyes.
"Luna.. Are you alright."
There was that gentle female voice, with a distinct accent. I mustve been really tired.
"Oi!" something hit me in the arm. She threw her phone at me.
With effort, I sat up and turned to face her. She was really there, sitting up on the couch.
"You can't ignore me forever!"
She snapped.
I just looked at her.
I cautiously stood and edged over to her, sitting on the other side of the couch. I finally couldnt restrain myself, so I laid my head on her chest.
She smiled.
"You're awake." I mumbled, in awe. "Yes Moon." I just laid there, listening to her heart and just enjoying her presence.
She stroked my wings, and I just laid there.
My eyes caught on her bandages.
I placed a cupped hand on the wound and lifted my head.
Her head lifted aswell.
"Honey, don't.."
"You're hurt...."
Our faces where inches apart.
We kept getting closer.
"I can heal myself. Im just an angel, again."
My forhead was on hers, or faces where roughly 3/4 of an inch apart.
"That sucks. You where pretty hot as a siren."
A small smile creeps its way onto her lips.
Her lips got closer, almost brushing mine.
"Yeah." I answered.
She kissed me lightly on the lips, tenderly, yet gently.
I leaned forward, Into a deeper kiss. Her hands traced my hips, and she threw one arm around my waist, and the other hand was caressing my cheek.
I took extra care to be gentle, due to her wound.
We stayed like this for awhile.
I put a gentle hand on the curve of her side, and the other ran through her hair and caressed her chin.
It eventually turned into a makeout session, and we went on, thinking no one was in the living room.
I kissed down her jaw, and stopped at her neck.
"So, Do I pay you two or..?"
Dean's voice broke the silence between us.
Eden's cheeks turned bright red, and I fell off her lap, onto the floor.
Wings splayed, like the graceful creature I am.
Eden scolded.
"What! You knew I was there."
He replied.
I stood up. Thank fully, I landed on my wings and not my stomach.
I reached over and pulled her robe collar up over the love mark I gave her.
"Thank you."
She said, warmly.
I leaned over, the best way I could, and kissed her forehead.
"Where are you going?"
"To make myself tea."
She stood up, grabbing a cane from the side of the couch.
" Now you look like an old lady."
She giggled.
"Easy for you to say, almost forty."
"You can say that when we reach the year ATSC."
She tilted her head in curiosity.
"After the Second coming."
I added.
She smiled. "That's... Not how it works." she said. "After the apocalypse it will." I said. She laughed.
"Lets go. If we have you on your feet to much the bleeding might start again."
She nodded and I helped her into our kitchen, helping her sit on one of the chairs at the counter, and then going about my business.
"I think she got me when I first saw... When I first saw Storm..."
Eden said. I nodded. I had figured the same.
"Your emotions where high and your guard was down, its alright baby. It wasn't your fault. You did all you could."
I soothed.
After I put the kettle on, I waited, and decided to take a seat on the chair beside Eden.
Shw decided to change the topic of conversation,even though none of this was her fault.
"How far along are you?"
I felt her palms gently trace the outline of my belly.
I sighed.
"Four and two weeks.
Is it really that obvious?"
Eden smiled.
"You have a little bit of a bump, but no. Dean told me."
She said. I nodded, but she continued speaking.
"You have that way about you. In this condition you seem so gentle."
"Jesus, you make me sound like Mary Maloney!"
"I wouldnt leave you for another woman. Besides, I know you wont murder me with a lamb leg."
Her hand found me, and she linked her little finger with mine.
"You did stab me with a lockpick though."
She noticed the bandages on my arm.
"Oh, Baby... I'm-"
"Shhhh, Angel. It was a lockpick. It was nothing. Loren did it, not you. Okay?"
She nodded.
I leaned over and pecked her on the cheek.
She took my whole hand, and intertwined our fingers.
"Loren did it. Not you. Say it."
"Loren did it, not me."
I squeezed her hand.
I brushed some stray hair out of her face.
She looked so tired amd worn.
"You want to go lie down, and when the Tea is done I'll bring it in?"
I asked.
"Do I look that tired?"
I nodded.
"Fine." she answered, andI took her to bed. After she was taken care of, I made tea and cleaned the kitchen, then brought the tea to her. I made her toast too, just to have her eat something.
I set the plate on her beside table and put mine on my bedside table.
I got into the bed and glanced over at Eden. She was taking the aspirin I'd put on her plate to ease her pain.
"Thanks, baby."
She mumbled, and took a bite of a piece of toast.
"Eat at least one of those, okay?"
She nodded.
She did as she said she would, and then laid down.
I laid behind her and gently wrapped on arm around her upper waist.
One of her hands laid in from of her, limply.
So, I slipped an arm under her and took her hand. Our fingers laced together, and she shifted, slightly.
She squeezed my hand, gently.
"Sleep now, sweetie. Its alright."
I whispered.
She closed her eyes, but opened them again.
"What if I fall asleep, and she comes back?"
"She wont. The boys took care of it. I watched her leave."
"She could come back, and if you get hurt...."
I used my arm around her waist to hug her close to me.
"I'm right here. And you know I put holy water in your tea."
She sighed.

Then I got an idea.
I kissed her neck, considering doing it.
When I'd made up my mind, I looked around, wondering if I was in earshot of the boys.
I forgot about that. Eden needed sleep,so I did something I havent done in a very long time.
I sang.
"Let the bough break, let it fall down fast..
Let the sun fade out to a dark sky..
I can't say I'd even notice it was absent..
Cause' I could live by the light in your eyes.."
Her eyes started to shut but she was fighting it, so I continued.
"I'll unfold before you, would have strung together..
What a beautiful start, to a lifelong love letter.
Tell the world that we finally go it all right.
I choose you.
I will become yours and you will become mine.
I choose you.."
I worked.
She was out like a light.
I kissed the back of her her head, and focused on getting myself to sleep. It wasnt so easy. The tiny humanoid in me decided to switch positions just as I was about to fall asleep, so I laid there and waited.
Eventually sleep took hold of me, enveloping me in her warm, peaceful arms.
It was the best sleep I'd had in a long time.
Ever since I became a hunter, it was hard not to be stressed.
I wouldve hid my family but I think the palace is safer.
Monsters dont like to get caught in the act, so, the guards kept everyone safe.
And the boys where there.
Before Id been told they where savages.
But then I met Sammy.
He was so kind.
I remember how we first met.

( about 16 years ago )
Luna's POV~

          "Oh, Shit!" I woke up and looked at my alarm clock.
8:00! I was gonna be late for class!
I rolled out of bed, and found some clean clothes in my closet.
A Van Halen T-shirt and ripped jeans. I threw on make up, and some heeled combat boots.
Then I grabbed my books and ran down the hall.
I didnt see him, but I ran directly into him.
Books spilled every where.
All my notes, out of order!
A passing professor glared at me.
"S-sorry Doctor Murphy!"
I apologized for my language and tried to pick up my things.
"Are you okay?"
Another student bent down in front of me. His eyes where a light green, and flecked with yellow.
"Uhm.. Yeah.."
"Here let me.." he picked up a few papers and handed them to me.
When her bent over to pick them up I studied him. His hair was about to the curve of his jaw, but that was because his blond/brunet hair curled up at the ends. He also had this mole on his cheek, but it wasnt ugly. It was more of a beauty mark than anything.
He handed me another stack of papers.
"Thank you.. Uh-"
"Sam. Winchester."
"Sam. Right."
He helped me up and I thanked him.
I felt like I should say something before he walked away, but I didnt know what to say.
"I- uh, you seem like a decent guy.
Maybe you can go out with me and a few friends on Saturday? My dorm is number 11 if you want more information."
He smiled, actually smiled and laughed.
"I'll think about it, thanks."
"I'm Luna, By the way."
"Okay, see you around, Luna."
"See you Sam."

(That night)

Luna's POV~

  I sat on my bed, studying for finals when I heard a knock on the door.
"One second!" I called,and put my books on my bed side table.
I ran over and opened the door.
Sam stood there.
"Uh, hey... You said I should come by..." he said. "I have nothing to do, so.." I smiled awkwardly. "Come in!" I told him. He came in and stood in the corner. "You can sit at the counter if you want. I just have to put my books away." I said, going over and grabbing my stack of text books. "Finals?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah it sucks." I said. He chuckled. I put my books away and sat on the stool next to him at the counter. "You want something to drink?" I asked. He shook his head. "No thanks." He said. I looked at him, trying to figure out how to start a conversation. "Thanks for the help with my stuff today, really." he shrugged. "No problem! I couldn't really just walk by." I smiled. "Thanks..." I said. "No problem." I chuckled awkwardly, and we met eachother's gaze. "It's Luna,right?" he asked. I nodded. "Okay." he said. "Why?," I asked, sarcastically," you don't remember my name?
"No. I just had to know it before I did this." He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I blushed, but kissed back. I didn't have a problem with it. He pulled away at the last second. "Umm you want to go..?" he asked. "Is anyone at your dorm?" I asked quickly. "Just me, wh-"
"Let's go!" I said. He chuckled and took me by the hand. "Okay.."
(Song: I Choose You
      By: Sara Bareilles)

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