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"Dean wake up." It was 1:00 am. And Eden woke up in extreme pain. So I had to wake Dean up. "DEAN WINCHESTER!" I slapped him and he woke up. "Ow! What!?" "Wake your ass up we have to get Eden to a hospital." that woke him. "Is she okay?" I was ready to slap him again. "Her water broke stupid, what do you think? Get the fuck up!" He grabbed the keys from his night stand and I picked Eden up. I had already binded my wings and put on my jacket. I was read to go. I was already outside, waiting in the backseat of the car. I ran my fingers through Edens hair and held her hand, trying to calm her. She held my hand with a grip like a vice. It was painful. "Its okay... Deans going to get you help okay?" I kissed her forehead and Watched Dean get into the drivers seat and start the car. The drive was only five minutes but it seemed like hours. As soon as Dean stopped the car I picked Eden up, and slammed the car door. I ran inside to the waiting room and sat down with Eden across my lap. "I-I can sit up." Eden panted. I let her sit beside me and lean when she got weak.
She kept a tight hold on me a nurse came out. A short haired blue eyed burnet. The woman rushed across the room. "Oh dear , she looks flushed." she looked at me. " can you help me lie her down on the floor, and wrap her in a few blankets?" She gave me a hospital dress which I also helped Eden into. When I laid her back down onthe floor and was ready to back away when Eden grabbed me and held fast. "Don't go!" I kissed her cheek. "I know Darling. Im going to stay right here while the nurse helps you, okay? Listen to her..." The nurse checked Edens vitals and then got a doctor. The doctor was a tall grey haired woman who looked like she had been doing her job for awhile. She kneeled down to Eden and her brown eyes sparkled. I felt all the eyes in the waiting room on us. Some of them not good gazes either. "Hello the dearie!" The doctor chirped. "Whats your name? " I could tell she was tired. She needed a minute to speak her own name. "Eden Mcloud." The doctor looked at me. "What about you dear?"  I met her gaze. I was shaking. Terrified. My heartbeat was unbelievably fast, and My head was going a mile a minute. Id heard stories of humans dying in childbirth. What if Edens vessel couldnt handle it? What if she got too tired? "Luna. Black. This is my fiancé .. Please help her ..." The doctor nodded. "Call me Karen, okay? I will help her. I promise. But you need to help me get her into the back room." I didnt under stand at first. But then I saw her bracelet. The anti possesion symbol. She was a hunter. We where safe. "I'll take her by the arms. " I scooped Eden up and the doctor took her feet and we carried her to the back room, where there was a small bed with sheets and blankets piled up, and a few pillows in the corner. I laid Eden down and helped gether into position. I was given a rag to wipe her forehead with, and a spot right beside her head to help her. It was just me and this doctor. "Alright Ms. Eden. You're going to have to do some hard work in a few minutes, okay?" Eden nodded. "Cant we give her anything?" I asked. "It wont work. Shes an angel. " I nodded and leaned down beside Eden and the doctor checked her one last time. "Alright darling. Push." I swear on everything that is holy. Eden let out a scream loud enough to wake god himself. I thought she was seriously hurt. But, she wasnt. Not yet. "Luna, I'm sorry.. I can't do this." Eden panted.
"I swear to god Eden..-"
"Im sorry.."
"At least try, please. I need you to try. Baby, please." I begged.
"You can do it dearie.. Its natural just a bit of hard work is all." The doctor stated.
I sat beside her, and pulled her into my arms, took her hand in mine, and kissed her forehead. She cried out again, burrowing her face in my shirt. This vicious cycle continued on, and I held her until then. On the sixth hour her cries got softer and the contractions lesser. Until the doctor caught our baby girl. After six hours we had a baby girl Skylar Eve Black. She was cleaned, and given to Eden for skin to skin contact.
"Oh.." Was all Eden said. She kissed Skylar's head, and leaned into me.
"Thank you,Luna... Thank you for our baby girl."

I carried her outside and Dean came to pick us up. He didnt say a word the whole way. I put skylar in a travel carriage we boughta few months before. And Eden in her bed, and Sam took me outside. He said he wanted to talk to me. And it sounded urgent

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