Wedding Night

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(I think its obvious that this is a flashback)

"Are you sure you aren't nervous?"
Sam asked, as he adjusted my crown. "What? Pfft... No!" I continued to at myself in the mirror that was in front of me. He was helping me get ready in the back room of the city Chapel. " you don't seem very fine." he stated, clearly bored with the conversation. "I'm just fine." "Then why do you keep smoking?" He accused, glancing at me through the mirror."Okay, maybe a little." I admitted. "Nobody who would judge you is going to be there." He changed the his tone to be softer, to ease my nerves. "Yeah... Just my whole kingdom." I laughed nervously. "Don't worry about that." He said, like it was no big deal. He fixed the braid he had put in my hair before. I glanced at the full length mirror by my side.Sam had been helping me get ready for three hours now, and he had done a pretty good job.

My wings where draped with diamonds and pearls, and small beads of pure titanium. Around my neck was a simple piece of blue goldstone cut into a heart shape on a silver plated rope.
My crown wasnt a tiara, a was a band of blue diamonds that fit perfectly over the top of my head and veil, which  covered my whole head, and was longer in the back. the sides where lined with little beads of abalone, obsidian, and blue diamond. My dress was strapless, and made of thick , white material. The top had tiny chunks of sapphire, abalone , obsidian, and pearls embedded in it, and train did too. I was in my true form. I had decided to finally show my kingdom what I look like.
Sam asked, I quit staring at my self and nodded.
"You have your gun just in case?" I asked.
"Yes. So does Dean. Cass has his angel blade too. Do you have yours?"
I lifted the hem of my dress to show the blade strapped to my leg.
"Come with me and stay behind."
We walked out of the room and down the hall to see the general I appointed. The royal gaurd was to escort me down the isle, and I had to make sure everything was in order.
I barked. The young general appeared around the corner, with his right fist over his heart, a sign of respect for siren royalty.
"All is in order my queen. They wait for you in the hall."
I nodded and told Sam to follow shark while I handled everything.
I walked into the Great Hall to see an army of 20 arranged in a Noah's ark formation. Two by two. My favorite two stood at the front. I chose them to guard the altar. "Finn! River! Wow, its confusing seeing you without tails." they nodded, because they couldn't break character, and stepped aside.
I stood in between and ordered them to march. It wasnt that hard. Until EVERY ONE turned to look at me. I still kept going though, my head high and shoulders back.
I let them stare right through me. Every one stood. The guards took their places on the sides of the isle, And I walked through.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw my father, Castiel, Ezekial and about 30 other angels standing with their fists over their hearts.
I looked forward and saw Eden staring at me, beaming. As soon I I got to the altar I took her hands in mine.
"You look beautiful my queen."
I bowed to her.
In front of all my subjects, and allies, and family.
She blushed.
From beside Eden, Castiel gave me a look.
"What are you doing?" he mouthed.
"Wait." I mouthed back.
I stood after a few moments, and adressed the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen!"
There was dead silence.
"I know my kingdom values tradition. And I know the royal blood line means alot."
My gaze swept across the crowd.
"But tonight! Tonight we create a new tradition! A new blood line!
Subjects, Friends, family... I give you the beautiful, Eden Mcloud.
Eden smiled and held my hand tightly, nervous.
But the angel cheered. And the sirens cheered. Every one was okay with this!
The air was filled with cheers as the officiant tried to calm them down, to get the ceremony on with.
After about 15 minutes she managed it.
The officiant was the nurse who had delivered Sky.
Apparently that woman was a werewolf.
"Eden. Do you take Luna to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
She asked Eden squeezed my hand.
"Her and no other."
"Do you swear to be by her side in sickness and health, so help you god?"
The officiant turned to me, with a smile.
"Luna Elizabeth Black, daughter of Tide Erebus Black, and queen of the siren kingdom."
"Yes officiant ?"
"This is the woman you selected?"
"Yes Ma'am."
"Do you take her to be your wife and queen?"
"Without a doubt."
"Well, you may speak your vows."
She stood and waited.
Eden went first. She gripped my left hand with both of hers.
I smiled, to let her know it was okay to be nervous and forget.
"I.... Think you're the only woman since the dawn of time- well, not Dawn of time.. But.. Since I became an angel, I want to stay with me... I wont let us part, even after death."
Her big, brown eyes where filled with an insane amount of love.
The officiant looked at me.
"Yes, uhm..."
Edens eyes made me pause...
Ugh, why couldnt I kiss her now?
"Eden.. I dont have a speech....
No words to make you tumble head over heels... But all I can tell you is that I love you, and I want you to be mine until reality ends as we know it.."
I finished nervously. the officiant looked at us. "Rings?" she asked.  I nodded, and turned and looked down the aisle at our ring bearer. "Thank you, Sky." Eden said with a smile, as our daughter kneeled in front of us with the cushion holding two polished bands of blue goldstone. I picked up the smaller one, that was obviously Eden's, and put it on her ring finger. Her engagement ring and Wedding band clicked as they collided. She did the same. I didn't hear the officiant order it, but she pulled me forward by the waist and kissed me passionately.

When she pulled away her cheeks where completely red.
She brushed her ginger curls from her face and smiled at me.
The cheers where only backround noise.
For the first time since I stepped out of the palace I actually looked at her. She obviously insisted on a traditional Irish wedding dress
It was plain white, veil and all.
The flower crown over the veil was hazel branches and Irises.
"You're beautiful."
She said. I laughed, and looked over at Sam. He reached behind the altar and took out an empty bottle of Jack Daniels. I took it out of his hands. "No way!" Eden said, laughing. "You've got to be shitting me! You kept this?" He nodded. I let Eden take one end of the bottle while I held the other. Then, we threw it onto the marble altar, where it shattered. "Wayward wives!" Sam called. Cheers broke out. I looked at my wife and smiled. She grabbed my hand and held fast. "You're stuck with me now." She said. I laughed. "Oh, hush." And pulled her into a kiss.

( later. )

We stood in front of all our friends. Dean and Sam sat closest to us, among the rest of the crowd was Castiel, my father, Crowley, our precious daughter Skylar, Ezekiel, Bobby, and few other hunters.
Eden sat next to me on her chair, comfortable and content. She had changed out of her wedding dress and sat next to me in a black skintight dress and heels.
I had changed aswell, but I was just wearing ripped jeans,heeled combat boots, and a black and gold embroidered jacket, zipped up over a white t shirt.
"Alright!" Eden stood up.
I looked at her, listening carefully.
She took out her knife, placed it on the table, and motioned for me to stand up.
I did so, ready to take part in the ritual we agreed on.
I gave her my palm, and she flicked her wrist, opening her knife. She cut a gash, not deep enough to hurt, but deep enough to drip royal blue.
I did the same to her, and her vessel bled scarlet.
Her hand found mine and we pressed our palms together.
Blood dripped down our arms as we parted our palms.
As we did so a purple liquid had been left on our palms.
Our mixed blood.
We knew what to do, as we set to painting the plaster on the wall with our blood the room stayed dead silent.
Once we finished we had left an infinity symbol so caked with blood it was black, and on the left side ( because that is the side where the human heart is located) was the shaded outline of a feather.
We turned the face the crowd to meet a few scared faces. Crowley, Bobby, the Boys, and My father where smiling though.
Eden was staring at her hand.
I nudged her and she looked up.
"You're alright soldier."
She smiled.
She knew she was my soldier, and I knew she would take a life for me.
It went both ways actually, but you get it.
"Bandage your hand before you bleed out you meatsack."
She said with a playful smile.
I did as she asked, and once I was finished I playfully shoved her.
She threw her head back and laughed.
She put her hand on my cheek and accidentally left smudged blood.
When she took her hand away I licked the blood off, which made Eden giggle.
For once in my life I was truly happy.
I want to stay here forever.

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