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I woke up to Edens face in my neck and her hand holding mine.
"Eden... Wake up sweet heart.."
She groaned and didnt move a muscle.
I got up and kissed her. She rose from the bed and returned the kiss, reaching for my tank top strap. She pulled it from my shoulder
"Eden... Dinner.."
"Mmm youre the only meal I want, Baby..."
I giggled, my cheeks turning blue.
"Okay, sure."
Eden pulled away, forcing herself out of bed. I watched and later followed.
I changed into some decent clothes, and made our bed while Eden showered.
Then I just sat and waited for her to be ready.
I didnt mind the wait, It gave me time to straighten up our room, which was much appreciated.
When I got to straightening my bedside table" I saw that some one had gone through our wedding photos.
I picked the book up, and flipped through.
It wasnt just our wedding photos, this book was our entire life together so far.

As I flipped through I saw so many different things.
A picture of the bottle of whiskey we drank the night we first met
A picture of a positive pregnancy test .
The picture I took of Eden Eight months pregnant with Skylar, lying on a motel bed, reading a book. Written on a piece of tape below where the words: 'my beautiful girls.' in black.
A picture of our small New Years party a few years ago.
The Ultrasound of Storm.
Our wedding photos.
A picture of the four of us; Me, Sam, Dean, and Eden.
A picture of my father and I. A Picture of Crowley and Eden.
I was in awe. We've been together for about 18 years.
I still loved this woman.
"Moon beam, are you ready?."
Eden stood in the doorway to the bathroom, all ready to go.
I glances at the book and she smiled at me. Tears began to fill my eyes and she ran over to sit beside me.
"Don't cry..."
Her hand rested on my cheek and she wiped away tears with a thumb.
"Dont leave me again, please."
She kissed my forehead.
"I wont... I'm still immortal, Luna. Not much can hurt me."
I nodded, putting the photo album down and leaned into her.
My arms automatically went around her waist, and hers did the same to mine.
Her eyes met mine and she smiled at me.
I Kissed her and she returned the favor. We didnt pull apart for a long time.
A few minutes later my door opened and Iris rushed into the room.
Eden yelped as Iris tackled her right in the middle of our kiss.
"Luna! Dinner!"
My brother called from the doorway.
He stepped in, smiling.
"Iris! Down." I yelled trying to get her to get away from my spouse.
The dog walked across the bed and sat down.
Eden smiled.
"She was only trying to make friends, Love. Its alright with me."
She scooted over and wrapped her arms around the dogs neck, the dog then lapped at her cheeks.
I knew Iris and Eden would get along just fine.
"Welcome back, Sister in Law."
Zeke said with a smile.
"Thank you." Eden replies, moving back to her original spot on the bed to wrap her arms around me.
"You two seem busy.... Should I tell everyone that you had an appointment to upkeep?"
I smiled and looked at Eden.
"Okay...  That sounds good. Can you take Iris?"
He nodded and left with the dog.
Eden looks at me. "We can relax. If you want."
She offers kindly.
"I never see you any more. Let me just shower first okay?"
A suggestive smirk fell across her face, and I read what it meant right away.
"Okay. Fine."
Yes. We did have sex, leave it alone.
About three hours later we where sitting on the couch watching one of our favorite drama shows, Say Yes to The Dress. I was laid down on my back, wrapped in a robe that I could use to hide my hickeys.
She had her head on my chest, lying on her stomach with one wing folded over her self and the other half spread over me.
You could see her back a small bit through the hole in her T-shirt, and I observed the scratched I'd caused.
I was massaging her back and wings while we watched TV when Dean came into the room, and sat down on the love seat. "Wow. Just got her back and already busy." He mumbled with a smirk.
I looked up and Edens face turned red.
"Sorry... Its just that theres a spot of purple on your neck, and Edens back is covered in red lines."
I blushed, Eden buried her face in my robe and I continued to massage her back. I just ignored Dean. He was probably drunk anyway.
"Dont you belong in bed?" I growled.
Dean stood up.
"Sometimes I wonder why we still trust you. Your a monster. A daughter of Lillith.
I should just put you down. Like the animal you are.
Eden sat up, looking enraged.
The Dean pulled out a gun.
In a flurry of motion Eden had disarmed Dean and was pointing the gun at him.
"I like you. But I swear to god if you hurt my wife I will bring the wrath of heaven and hell upon you. I will drop the hammer so damn fast, you wont see it coming."
Dean laughed. His face went blank. Not his expression. His whole face. All that remained was a sharklike mouth.
"Eden! Go get Cass and Sam! Take the gun,Hurry!" * she hesitated, but left quickly.
The Leviathan looking at me was all gnashing teeth and claws.
"So you're the daughter of Barachiel... Perfect. We've been looking for you....
The last thing I felt was a sharp pain in mt head, and my vision went black

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