Family Features

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Luna's POV~

"Cerberus!" I called, as soon as we got into the house.
Eden and Dean where with Castiel, assessing his wounds, while Hazel, Sam, and I where left alone.
The dragonet came running. His whiskey colored eyes wide with excitement.
I took a dog treat from the cabinet, and threw it to him as he entered to kitchen.
The dragon lept upband caught it, stretching his long neck backward so that his food didnt fall and touch the floor.
He was about the size of a Shetland Pony now.
"Hey buddy."
Sam kneeled, and Cerberus let Sam Pet him inbetween the horns. Hazel Cocked her head to the side.
"It acts... Like a dog."
I nodded.
"Uncle Sam... Likes it?"
Hazel watched Sam and Cerberus.
Cerberus had rolled onto his back and spread his wings.
Sam was scratching his underbelly.
Suddenly I heard .
The cries of a baby.
I cried, and ran into my Bedroom to pick up my daughter.
I picked her up, and cradled her in my arms.
She fell silent.
I smiled and sat down in the chair in the corner and fed her, then got up from the chair and left the room, still cradling the Baby.
I went back to the kitchen, anxious to show her to Hazel.
"Hazel Rose...."
She turned around.
"This is your half sister, Pheobe."
Sam sat on a stool at the kitchen counter, beer in hand.
While Hazel held Pheobe, I slipped over to Sam.
He looked up.
We heard the sound of Cass's pained shouts, and looked toward the bathroom.
"Can you watch her while I....?"
He nodded.
He said.
I bolted into the bathroom to find Dean holding Cass tightly in his arms, bridal style.
Castiel had his face buried in Dean's chest, and was curled into a tight ball.
The only thing sticking out was his injured leg, which Eden was trying to wash.
From here, I could see teeth stuck in the wound, and a few small pebbles.
I slipped over, sand stepped inside the bathtub, examining the bite.
"Excuse me."
Eden scooted over, and I let my claws slide out of my finger tips
And wrap around the foreign objects in the wound.
It took about forty minutes to remove everything, and it was painful for Castiel.
But Dean held him tight, and quieted him down.
Eden washed and dressed the wound afterward, then we let Cass lie down in Dean's bed and rest.
As we where walking back the the kitchen, Eden smiled at me and took my hand.
"Im proud of you, Moon."
I looked up and met her gaze.
The smiling look about her faded away for a moment, and was replaced by deep emotion.
Her eyes started to tear up.
I pulled her into my arms.
She buried her face in my shoulder while I gently ran my fingers through her hair.
"I'm not letting you out of my sight again, Luna."
Her tone was mock scolding, to hide the fact that she was about to cry.
I laid a gentle kiss on the back of her head.
"Eden.... I swear on my grace that I will never leave you like that again. Never."
She held onto me tightly.
I wrapped my wings around her, folding them forward over her back.
I rested my head on top of hers.
She always smelled like cinnamon and anise.
I had no idea why but I didnt mind it.
It was comforting.
I closed my eyes and we stood there peacefully for few minutes.
"I missed you."
I whispered.
She shifted to look up at me.
"So did I."
She stood up to her full height, and gingerly kissed my lips, letting her lips linger on mine for a moment.
Then she pulled away, vanishing to check on Castiel.
My lips tingled for a moment, which was my reaction to Eden's mint lipgloss.
I smiled to myself, and for a moment I felt like that same love struck twenty-year-old again.
I was pulled out of my trance by a tugging on my arm.
I looked down to see my now 10 year old daughter, all big hazel eyes, freckles, and blazing ginger hair.
I picked her up, and put her on my shoulders.
"Mom! You're home!"
I laughed.
"Yes I am, dear."
She threw her white wings open, their champagne colored tips throwing beams of yellow light on the walls.
We had high ceilings, so I took her off my shoulders and gently tossed her in the air.
She giggled amd flapped her wings, staying in the air for a moment.
She didnt quite know how to fly yet.
"Did you behave?"
Adam smiled. "We tried, papa."
I smiled, proudly and wrapped a wing around Adam.
I sat there, peaceful.
Before I heard a loud, guttural growl.
If Cerberus was upset it couldn't be good.
I planned for the worst.
"Okay kids. I need you to go to your room and lock the door."
I put Eve down and they ran to their room, while I ran to the kitchen.
What I saw was nerve racking.
Hazel had a tight, protective grip on Pheobe, and was growling at what looked like Dean.
But I could tell it wasnt.
His smile... That twisted, giddy smile. It wasn't right.
Cerberus knew it too. He was growling and hissing at the copy of my ex.
"D-Dad?" Hazel asked.
Ive seen that look in Sam's eyes before too. She didnt want to hurt him.
"Oh. Hello Luna! Remember me?"
It asked.
I smirked. "Lucky for you, You look like the one person I want to stab."
The monster tilted its head to the side, and smirked as well.
It started to step forward.
I was one step ahead.
My hunting instict kicked in.
I leapt over the island, sliding over and landing on the tile floor on the other side.
The leviathan quickly changed.
I saw its ugly gaping mouth as it charged toward me.
I was two steps ahead.
I grabbed the handle of the weapon from underneath the stove.
Then pulled out the large sword.
The beast stopped, taking Deans face again.
I looked down.
I talked a big game, but I wouldnt Dare hurt the real Dean.
Luckily, someone gently took the bone sword from me, and I lost it. My claws came out, my fangs grew longer.
This was the Leviathan that killed my son.
I lunged, and dug my claws into it's throat.
They where so deep that I couldve lifted the beast off its feet.
Then" I went way over board.
I tackled the Leviathan, and kneeled down..
Sam knew what I was about to do.
He moved to stop me but it was too late.
I wrapped my fangs around its esophagus, and ripped a decent chunk out.
Black oozed down my chin.
I felt it in my mouth and throat.
It tasted metallic and bitter.
I spit it out, and stepped back.
Sam beheaded the thing, and
I saw the beasts head roll to a stop in front of my feet.
"That's for my son." Sam spat, then gently put an arm around me.
We sat there for awhile, until a panicked voice called out from the doorway.
I looked up.
Oh shit.
"Castiel.... We can explain."

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