Testing the Limit

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"Don't look at me like that,He's just a dragonet!" Sam was looking at me like I was crazy, Cass didnt really care, and Eden was just trying to get a good look at the thing.
I named him Cerberus.
And her was curled around my arm and using his wings to cover his body from harm.
I have a feeling Dean scared him, because he had tried to study the little Reptilian and was bitten.
"So its.. Like the real deal?"
Sam asked.
"A European dragon. There are different species."
"He's isnt dangerous, but Im going to take him to another hunter and try to do research."
"My brother."
"What would he know?!"
"Dean. He spent 20 years in heaven, and Im not about to let this Dragon die."
He made some smartass comment, but I walked away and didnt hear.
Eden followed me, and took my hand, careful not to disturb Cerberus.
"How was your hunt, Sweetie?"
I immediately started relax. She had that effect on me, and she was Damn feirce when came to hunting, but she was such a loving wife.
"It was fine, dear." she stopped to kiss me, but in the act of pulling away afterward, bumped against the back of the dragon on my arm.
"Ow, shit!"
The dragon had bitten her out of fear, for sudden touch was nerve racking for him.
She held the bite for a moment, but it wasnt bleeding, so she looked at him, and did something that baffled me.
She took her hand, and slowly put it in front of his snout. Not close enough to scare him, but close enough for him to smell it.
The little thing started to tentatively sniff her fingers, then just rested his head back on my arm. "He likes you."
"But- he didnt do anything."
"If he didnt he wouldve bitten you."
"Why dont we take him to Jupiter first, that way she can look at him, and you."
"You're really excited about the idea of a kid arent you?"
She nods, going to rest her head on my shoulder, but pausing, not wanting to disturb the dragon and get bitten again.
"Alright, lets go."
She moved to my other side, and took my left hand instead,as we walked down to the clinic together. When we got there we had her handle the dragon first. It turns out it was a healthy Male.
He was three years old, which is the dragon equivalent of a human newborn. Thats how young he was.
After that, my sister took care of me. I laid down like I was supposed to and partially lifted my shirt. The dragon refused to leave the bed. It curled aroun my side, fitting itself in the curve of my hips perfectly.
Jupiter just ignored him, and went about her business.
"I hate to be Nosy, but Eden was right to make sure.."
A chilling stab of panick shot through my soul.
"Is something wrong?!"
I hat sat up, partially, so jupiter eased my fears and got me to lie back down again.
"No. Nothings wrong, look."
Eden was sitting behind me, so I know she saw too.
Juptier turned the monitor toward me, and showed me a little white shape in the center of it.
I felt Edens hand gently take mine, and her thumb rub mine.
"That's why that dragon won't leave your side. Congratulations."
She shut the monitor off and I cleaned my abdomen off.
When finished, I sat up and looked at Eden. She was smiling, and offered to help me up.
I took her hand and then went back and picked up Cerberus.
The dragon draped itself over my shoulders, so Eden was careful about her next move.
She placed an open hand on my stomach and gently put the other on my cheek.
I pulled her into a kiss, but we stopped before it got too intimate.

After that we took Cerberus to my brother,who was actually interested in him.
I got him to give me more in information. He said that it needed warmth, and ate meat.
So I had enough content to take care of it. So Eden and I went to our bedroon and set everything up for him. She said she was completely alright with him living with as long as he didnt harm anyone, which I agreed to.
As we set up a bed for him we talked about the recruits.
" I got fifty recruits, mostly males."
"Do you have a list?"
She nodded and walked across the room to get it. She handed it to me and I paused to read it.
"Okay... Good list. Ill meet them for training tomorrow."
She opened her mouth, as if about to speak, but stopped.
"What is it sweetie?"
She shook her head.
She pulled me close and held me for a minute. I wrapped my arms around her.
"Be careful... You arent Immortal..."
She looked up, interested.
"I can live as long as I want as long as I dont get killed.
But the only way to really injure me is Bronze, or the wood of a birch tree dipped in demons blood. Look."
I lifted my shirt. The stab marks from three days ago was nothing more than a white scar.
"You are too. You're still an angel, your vessel is just a siren."
She nodded, understanding.
She let go of me and we put the finishing touches on the bed for Cerberus. I put him down in it. And he curled up and went to sleep.
With that ordeal over, I could finally sleep.
Changed in the bathroom and laid down.
Seconds after my head hit the pillow I passed out.

Eden's POV~

I left to go get lunch, and when I came back she was fast asleep. I gently put the food I got for us on the night stand and kneeled beside the bed.
I didnt pray much, but I felt the need for it now.
I did the sing of the cross,and clasped my hands together, keeping my eyes open to look at Luna.
"Father, I know we havent seen you in awhile.... But I need your help. Any one who can hear me, please help my wife... Please help protect her... I sense that she is about to go down a very dangerous path, but I pray that is not the case...
I ended my prayer and decided to wake her.
I gently shook her, and when the didnt work, I kissed her forehead.
"Moon, time to wake up."
I got her to at least make noise.
I set the bag of food on her lap.
"I want you to eat before you sleep. I need you healthy."
She just nodded and did as I asked.
After she was finished eating I watched her roll over and go back to bed.
I decided to go out and test my new vessel while she was asleep. I left a note,and walked through the castle to the beach outside.
I waded into the water, and felt my legs slowly change.
Before I knew it, breathing felt strange too.
I felt my neck and noticed valve like organs.
Looking down, I saw the tail of a lionfish instead of legs.
It didnt take ne long to get the hang of swimming.
I swam deeper into the water, discovering a reef that started along the ocean floor.
Out of curiosity I swam to the ocean floor, and found my hands brushing against something slimy.
Out of the sand rose a stingray that I assumed had been buried under there.
I giggled.
There was so much life down here!
In the distance I saw the faint shadow of a whale and it's calf, and above was a fishing boat.
Fish of all different shapes and sizes swam around, every color and marking unique.
It was something I couldnt even fathom.
My father made these beautiful creatures. All of them.
I swam to the surface just in time to see a wave crash down on me. My ear bashed against a rock, and everything went black.

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