Queen General

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Luna's POV~

                       Sam kept a tight hold on me, while I was trying not to accidentally bite him.
My righy hand lifted to my waist and I rested my hand on his.
Her intertwined out fingers.
"Ahem... My queen?"
I pulled away from Sam and gently shoved him a fair distance away from me.
One of the members of my pack, clad in his uniform looked me in the face. His face was very pronounced. A sharply tipped nose. (but not too sharp.) his cheek bones pronounced. His eyes violet. His hair silver.
"Yes, Abalone."
He cleared his throat and stood tall.
"The militia is taken care of.. They're waiting for you."
"I'll be there shortly. Make sure you keep them in line."
"Of course." He bowed curtly and left. I glanced at Sam.
Our fingers where still entwined.
He wrapped his whole hand around mine and gave me a hasty kiss before I left.

I strode into the room and took my place in front of all the lined up members of the pack.
I gazed at them all.
"Hunters. Step forward."
All 8 humans took a step forward.

"Im assigning you each a partner. Whomever you are assigned you work with. And if anyone is hurt theyll be explaining to do."
I looked around, smiling.
I let my eyes become slits, as I scanned the crowd.
A few gazes met mine. But one inparticular one caught my attention.
"Hibiscus." I stopped with my face inches away from the Dracnea.
Her voice sounded normal except for her lisp.
When she spoke, I saw her curved, sharp teeth and whiplike tongue. Her eyes where unlike the others. Slits of bright green instead of the costumary yellow.
"You're with me."
I stated. She simply nodded, and I moved onto my next victim.
I scanned the crowd. "Ah! Lacy."
The Kitsune looked up with wide eyes and readied spikes. A nervous warrior. I could tell she constantly felt like she was backed into a corner.
"Lacy, you're also with me."
"Coral!" the mermaid whipped around as I called her name.
"Yes?" she answered. Ugh. Mermaids had always irritated me, but I might as well tolerate it.
She gazed at me with pale green eyes. "You're with me."
And last but not least, one of my favorites...
The Amazonian answered quickly in greek, as that was her, And her sister Sapphire's native tongue. Whick was fun for me because that was my second language. I shouted across the hall to her in Greek, and she laughed. I had told her that she was to be my partner. She simply thanked me and remained in her place.
"As for the rest of you, whose names I just called. You are to be trained to work together.
You will start at the bottom amd work your way up, as any pack does.
Now Train. Ill assemble you when needed."
They all dispersed, except for Destiny. She walked up to my side and stood there, staring at the door intensely.
I glanced at her questioningly, and she just rested her hand on the hilt of the sword at her side.
Soon enough, Eden came bursting through the door way, anger radiating off of her body like smoke.
She didn't have the baby, which made me slightly nervous.
She walked over to me and smacked me across the face.
Destiny made to pull her sword from its sheathe, but I ordered her to stand down.
"What the hell was that for?"
I hissed, careful not to get angry with her.
"Fuck you. I thought you would get your shit together after Storm was born, but you're still a dissapointment."
My eyes widened. I barely had time to process all this.
"I-" I made an attempt to speak but she blocked me.
"Save it! You know what, why don't we get all our secrets out in the open, then? This_," she motioned to me and her and then pointed at her wedding ring.  ", This is my Job! I was really sent here to watch you, and take care of you!"
It stung, but I couldnt show it.
And I couldnt help but wonder if this was how we ended.
She looked at the ceiling, and wiped the tears from her own eyes.
"I quit, Barachiel. I quit."
She stared to sob, and I instinctively stepped forward and tried to wrap my arms around her.
She shoved me back ward, and walked out of the room.
I just stood there in shock.
After a moment, I thought things over and knew that it was Dean who told her. And it was lies anyway. The last night Sam and I spent together was when we conceived Storm. We havent done anything since, except shared a few hasty makeout sessions when no ones looking.
But that for her to judge.
"Oh no, what a shame." I jumped.
And to see my Mother-in-law standing beside me.
"Sarcasm isnt going to help, Rowena."
The witch  just stood there, glancing thoughtfully at the door.
Destiny just stood by my side and looked straight ahead.
"Why is she so hung up about me if our whole relationship is a lie?"
"Oh, dont bother with love dearie. It's anything but useful."
I sighed and took my pack of cigarettes and lighter out of my pocket. I lit one and took a drag.
This was going to be a long day.

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