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Sam led me outside. "I told my brother." I looked at him, confused. "About what?" He just stared at me. "Oh.... Shit. Now he'll tell Eden! DEAN! GET OUT HERE!" We waited and watched the door. He came out, and Didnt look happy. "Hey-" "Shut it, slut." Sam stared at Dean in shock. "Dean!" "Like it isnt true? Sammy, she had a kid with someone. And is now also screwing you!" I stood there uncomfortably. "You wouldnt say that about Lisa." "Shut up, Sam!" I sighed and held my hands in front of me. I gently levitated them and pulled them away from eachother. "I understand, okay?But if you want to take Everything from me, at least drive me home first." I spun around, and walked away. I walked down the motel steps, and across the parking lot, lighting a cigarette. Sam chased me but I ignored it. I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Luna.." I shook my head. "Its doesn't matter now. Are walking with me?" he nodded, and. We crossed the street. "Where are we going?" I shrugged. "Our last walk I guess. Deans going to tell Eden. Eden will disown me. And Dean will drop me off at the bay. And Ill go back into the ocean. "Well, I dont think its our last...." I smiled. "Im sorry.. In advance... If I do have to leave... I know this happens to you two alot." He picked me up. "I know you won't leave. You care too much." our faces where inches apart, and our gazes where locked onto eachother. "You could replace any other girl I've ever met... Even Jess." I felt my face flush. 'You mean that?" He nodded. "I would'nt have said it if I didnt mean it..." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck,as he carried me and kept walking. At one point, he stopped and pulled the ciggarette out of my mouth, and replaced it with his own lips.
After hehad pulled away, I was laughing. "Can you put me down now?" he did so, gently and we continued to walk. I watched the other humans on the side walk. A few stared but I just ignored them. I was calm now. Which was funny. I usually needed alcohol to calm my nerves. My plan was to go by a bottle of vodka and sit on the beach. I was glad Sam came with me. He was the kinder brother, after all. I used to have a brother. His name was Zeke. After my fathers brother, Ezekial. He was the older one. But my mother forced him to join the royal gaurd, and my mother told me that he was killed by an assasin that tried to break into the palace. Of course, I had other half blooded siblings, But Zeke was the only other child my mother had with Barachiel. Then they split up and where made fun of by the court families and the guards. We where a shame. I grew up thinking that. My mother even had me tatooed with a single blue line on my second left gill. A mark of shame. My true form was covered in burns from the copper used to punish me when I did something wrong. "Hey. Luna! Watch out!" Sam pulled my out of the way of a telephone pole I was about to walk into. "You zoned out." I looked at him. "Thanks." he gave me a thumbs up. "Should we head back? I should probably just face the music and get it over with." "If you want. Was that a Siren pun?" "Yup." "good one."
"Thank you. I try.

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