Village by the Ruins

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Thick grey clouds loomed overhead while waves crashed against the bottom of the cliff. Jagged rocks, on the cliff's side, traveled upwards and led to a small village. A wooden fence blocked the village from the cliff's edge as a stone path split the village in two. Some gulls rested on the jagged rocks and other sat upon the wooden fence. Their noise was drowned out by the chatter of people during market hours.

Businesses had their doors opens, and those inside enjoyed the cool ocean breeze that swept through their shops and homes. Those who weren't working stayed inside or shopped for goods. Children helped their parents indoor or with their business as others played games.

A game of ball was presently taking place between five children. The soft red ball was being kicked around on one of the open spots of dark green grass. One of the players, a girl by the name of Margaret, kicked the ball too hard, and it rolled out onto the street. Another player, a girl by the name (f/n), called out that she would retrieve it.

The six year old abandoned her friends and gave chase. Her (h/l) (h/c) bounced up and down while her little feet carried her forward. As the ball rolled down the street, she desperately tried to catch up, but the street, going away from the village, sloped downward. Things weren't made easier by some of the stones sticking out of the path. She had to be careful not to trip on one.

Once the street stopped its slope, the ball continued to travel fast but, eventually, slowed down. Finally, (f/n) reached the red ball and picked it up in her hands. During her pursuit, however, she hadn't noticed how far she had gone. The sounds of the waves, markets, birds and children were quieter, and she was left with the chilling atmosphere of the ruins by the village.

With the ball in her hands, she turned steadily to look at them. Her parents had told her to never glance at them, or she would see a monster there. In fact, all parents told their children to be scared of the ruins. That if they were to look into the eyes of the monster, they would be taken and would disappear from the world forever. These tales also scared off attackers. Their village of Watergrove was never invaded since people feared the ruins. It wasn't just children that were taken. Occasionally, an adult would apparently catch the eyes of the monster and be found dead the next morning.

Still, (f/n) peered at them. It was a child's curiosity, and part of her wanted to meet this monster. She wanted to know what happened to the missing children, and she desired to understand why the adults would be killed. How could looking at something cause such problems? It didn't make sense to her, and her parents would only warn her to quell her questions. So if they didn't answer her, she would seek out the source if she had the opportunity.

Maybe, it was because she didn't wish to believe that such a creature could exist. Perhaps, her curiosity sprouted because she wanted to hear what this monster had to say for itself. Now being next to the ruins, she couldn't help but glance over to them. Slowly, she took more steps towards them.

Stone pillars leaned against each other while rubble was spread out around the area. Pools of water collected around parts of the ruins while dark green grass and mud covered the rest of the vicinity. When she stood at the edge of the ruins, she searched for eyes staring back.

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