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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Getting out of the authors' home had been simpler than expected. Unfortunately, they probably had Will to thank for that as they had found countless dead kelremm on their way out. The state of some of the females had been terrifying, and she was quite happy that he was no more. With the lack of spies, it had been easy also to take supplies from the authors' home. Both Tarhuinn and her were now clothed in dry articles, and they had two packs full of supplies. To top it off, they each had their own winter cloak. For once, she wasn't freezing.

Despite these benefits, they still had to collect the bodies of the authors. Alpontus, Amtoma and Rocean weren't too much trouble, but Tergii and Bimaa were a different story. The main issue with the first three was having to carry/drag their bodies across the cold, snowy land. She was tempted at one point to let the bodies simply flow down the river and let the merfolk catch them, but she had a feeling that such a plan wouldn't turn out so ideally.

When they were finally able to drop off the three to two of the merfolk, she had to explain that the remaining two authors would be there soon. The guards weren't exactly accepting of this, so she had ended up having to discuss the matter with Aqua. She had been agreeable and permitted it, which was an immense relief. (F/n) had been rather happy that Cetar wasn't the one that they had spoken with. That conversation would've most likely resulted in a completely different outcome.

For Tergii and Bimaa, their retrieval was less than pleasant. Tarhuinn had offered to enter the storage room and bring them out, but she knew that was unreasonable. He wouldn't make it there and back in time. So, she was left with the troubling task, and she had to enter the dreadful place twice since she couldn't carry both of their weights.

This process had consumed quite a significant amount of time. It had taken her several moments to even open the door. Her hand had been shaking the entire time. When she had opened the door, she had nearly fainted. She had thought that she had seen enough horror back at the authors' home to numb her of such things, but she was far from right about that.

Frozen bodies that were beginning to unthaw with the death of Will had been spread throughout the entirety of the place. Some had been hanging, and others were in large bins. Pieces had been scattered throughout while his latest victims had been set on stone tables. Alpontus's daughter nearly had made her vomit. She had to turn instantly away from the scene, but it would forever be imprinted in her memory.

Bimaa had been in terrible shape as well, but, in comparison to the female mage, she had looked as if she had never been touched by Will. Concerning Tergii, he had been in two pieces since he had been decapitated. The rest of him had been left alone. Once she had finished with that ordeal, she had needed a moment to rest her mind from the sights of that room. Tarhuinn had comforted her throughout all of it and had reassured her that they would never need to come back to the cabin. To them, it would become a distant memory.

The moment that they had dropped off the bodies to the merfolk she had practically skipped off. They were done with it all. On their way back home, she had seen multiples snow pixies, but they didn't bother either of them. Even though Will had left them before the two of them had returned, Tarhuinn and she had fulfilled their end of the bargain, and Will had killed the mage that was threatening the pixies.

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