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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Like the human male had stated, the pool wasn't deep, but the water was piercing cold. (F/n)'s teeth chattered while she kept her mouth shut. She needed to preserve as much oxygen as she could since the man had never disclosed how long the distance was to the lookout spot. How he even discovered to get to such a place was curious, but she didn't question it too much. After all, he had little reason to lie to them unless he liked to make others suffer.

Whatever the case, the important matter was dealing with the three spies in that space. They had made no plan to take them out, for they couldn't stand around in one area for too long. Tarhuinn seemed confident in disposing of them, though. Her thoughts soon only went to her lack of oxygen. Her eyes were already shut, but she closed them tighter as if that would help solve her air problem.

When air greeted her lungs, she felt Tarhuinn's grip on her disappear completely. Her eyelids shot open, and she spotted three stunned expressions. These looks quickly changed to ones of glee, but none of this stalled Tarhuinn. The moment that they had hit air again, he had leaped out of the water and attacked the one facing the pool.

She had just caught him plunging one of his daggers into the neck of the spy. They both fell to the ground, but he was back on his feet instantly. He went after the one to his left, but the other spy looked over to her way. The grin never left their lips as they charged towards (f/n). Instantly, she went to reach for her dagger, but she realized that she no longer had it on her. It was in Tarhuinn's pack.

Cursing, she didn't know what to do. Fighting a kelremm in the water would be near impossible, but she couldn't get out in time. Tarhuinn was busy dodging the attacks of the other, but his gaze did turn her way for a moment. Realization struck him, and he dealt a blow to the one spy's right arm.

(F/n) had to look away from him, though. The second spy had reached her. She swam farther back into the pool, not having anywhere else to go. They dived in, and she prepared herself. Both the spy and she knew her obvious disadvantage, and Tarhuinn wasn't right there to defeat the spy.

Luckily, the spy hadn't drawn the daggers at their side, but their mouth full of sharp teeth was intimidating. The spy parted their lips to presumably make some remark, but she didn't allow a word to leave their mouth. She pushed her feet off of the stone wall behind her and shot towards the spy. They weren't expecting this, and therefore had no time to dodge.

Colliding with the kelremm, she clasped her hands around their throat. (F/n) was shivering from the cold, but she forced herself to push the feeling aside. She tightened her hold as much as she could, but this had barely any effect. The kelremm brought up one of their knees and impacted it against her midsection. Her grip vanished, and she felt the air leave her. Almost, she thought that blood would come up.

Pushing her under, the kelremm held her there as she regained back her senses. She struggled and tried to get away, but things weren't in her favor. Her eyes directed themselves over to the dagger that on the left hip of the spy. In a last effort to escape the spy, her right hand grasped the weapon. (F/n) managed to unsheathe it before the spy could do anything. Instead of trying to aim for anything in particular, she stabbed the blade into the spy's left side. A clear cry of pain exited the spy's mouth, but she barely heard it and only saw bubbles rise to the surface of the water.

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