A Strike of a Smile

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Night rolled along, and Tarhuinn didn't wake her up yet. He would give her a little more time to sleep. Besides, he enjoyed watching her sleep even though he was exhausted himself. There was also the issue of this third kelremm. It would make sense if a kelremm mated with a human mage for a mage kelremm to exist, but there were complexities with such a pairing. There were warnings in some of the books that a kelremm should avoid mating with a mage, and so no one to his knowledge had ever attempted such a pairing. No books had accounts of it either.

Still, evidence was pointing to the five authors already being questionable with regards to that missing phrase in their texts. So if anyone had gone through with a pairing like that, it would probably be them. Perhaps, the warning had been created as a lie so that no other mage kelremm would be born, but it would be a gamble to make.

Should a kelremm mate with a human mage, there was a high chance that the child would be killed after birth due to the mage's magic counteracting the child's need for human life energy. The magic would protect its owner regardless of the owner's wishes. In the books, there was no measure written to take against the magic's protectiveness.

Thankfully, it was easy to tell a mage child from a regular child. The books told that a mage child would bear the mark of magic on a portion of their face until they reached the age of ten. This fact he knew to be at least partially true as he had seen such a child during his wait for his chosen. It had been on the child's left cheek, and he had seen the light blue mark when the child had turned to glance his way.

A shift on his lap, though, caused his focus to turn back to (f/n). She had more of her torso on him now, and both of her hands gripped at his pants' legs. There was a frown on her lips before she mumbled something in her sleep. Was she having a nightmare? To try and soothe her, he combed his right fingers through her locks and leaned down to her some. He placed a chaste kiss on top of her head, which caused her to shift again.

She moved her head up some. Her eyes blinked open tiredly. "Tarhuinn? Is ..." She let out a small yawn, and he couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked. "Is it time for me to wake up?"

"No, you can rest a little longer. I just thought that you were having a nightmare."

"I was," she muttered, glancing away from him now. She could still picture the beginning of it, but, luckily, he had awakened her before it had really started. "To be honest, I'd rather get up now. I don't want to go back to it."

"May I ask what it was about?"

(F/n) shook her head. "I'll tell you later. Let's switch places for now. You need your rest to." She went to sit up but got pulled back down by him. He was lying on his right side and held her back to his chest. His warm breath hit the back of her neck, sending a chill up her spine and heat to her cheeks.

"In that case, I'll take my turn, but wake me if you need me or if you hear something moving about nearby." He relaxed against her and nuzzled his face into the left crook of her neck. Her cheeks heated up more. Despite this, she hoped that she wouldn't fall back asleep. It would be easy to given how she was, but she doubted that Tarhuinn would let her go.

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