Watering Inquiry

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Keeping her gaze slightly off of him, (f/n) bit her bottom lip. The male had cleaned her arm with some of the water from the constantly flowing stream before he massaged the salve into her arm. Every few moments, a soft moan of pleasure desired to escape her lips.

To be honest, she wasn't expecting this kind of treatment on her eighteenth birthday, but she wasn't complaining either. The worrying part was that she barely knew anything about this man. Forcing herself to speak, she questioned, "Tarhuinn, how were you able to whisper my name over all of those years?"

He kept working as he responded, "You're my chosen. For my kind, our chosens can hear us whispering their name in their heads. If I tried to do the same with someone other than my chosen, it wouldn't work. It's just part of my kind's magic."

"Do you mind explaining more to me about your kind and this chosen concept?"

Now wrapping up her right arm, he tied the bandages off before he hopped into the water and indicated for her to move over some. She did so, and he sat back on the bed. While he worked on her left arm, he mentioned, "There's a lot to know about my kind, and I cannot explain it all in one sitting."

"Well, what about ..." she stopped herself, not knowing if it would be rude to question him on that.

"What about? Please, do you continue your thought, (f/n)."

"Your voice," she finished. He halted his work and locked his gaze with hers. She flinched some and scooted away slightly from him. It was as if he dared her to go on and explain. Maybe, it was a topic not meant to be discussed, but, to be fair, he did ask for her to proceed.

"Does it not please you?" His dark blue orbs narrowed, and she felt slightly threatened under his sharp gaze. "If doesn't, I'll correct the problem."

This made her even more nervous. He made it sound like he could change his voice in a matter of seconds. Or, perhaps, fixing the issue had something to do with her. Whatever the case, she felt that she needed to say something soon, or something would go terribly wrong.

"No, it's not that. Your voice is very calming to listen to," she complimented, noting that his expression visibly relaxed. "I merely wished to know why it sounds so mesmerizing. I've never heard someone have such a voice before."

At this, he chuckled some. "I'm honored to hear such flattery, but it's just my regular voice." He let out a few more quiet laughs before tending to her left arm once more. Tarhuinn had pulled her closer to him again to be able to better work on it.

Something didn't add up with his statement, though. A few moments ago he mentioned that he could correct what was wrong. Could he train his voice that quickly? Or, would it have really meant that something would be done to her? Was it really his regular voice, or was there a deeper explanation behind it?

Her mind swirled with various theories, and she understood that she should've forced him to answer her questions before coming here. Then again, she was eager to get away from her parents and the maid. Before they had entered this area, she had asked him to wait, but he seemed to have kept urging her onward. He had mentioned that he wanted her out of the rain only to dive into a pool of water with her. In fact, she was still quite wet.

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