Around the Water

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Their backs were pressed to the wall as they made their way slowly across. The boots made it even more difficult for Tarhuinn, but their benefit was more than their cost. Still, she wished that they could go faster. Right now, they were quite vulnerable to the spy below. If she were to turn around or if the human were to give away their position, they would have a hard time dodging any attacks. It didn't help that they were high above solid ground. Were they to jump, they would be killed.

Thankfully, they hadn't been spotted yet. The spy was merely dodging the human's attacks while he swung one of the swords at her. His strikes were clumsy, and he clearly was no skilled swordsman. He could be killed probably within moments or less if the spy chose to actually take him seriously.

Meanwhile, the woman remained sitting. (F/n) couldn't see her form well from her current position, but she knew that the woman hadn't moved. Her sobs could still be heard, and, in all honesty, she felt bad for the woman. Who knew what she had given up to be a partner with a kelremm. Maybe, she had been forced to be the kelremm's partner, but she had grown to like him. Regardless of the actual facts of the situation, the woman's cries portrayed the pain that she was experiencing.

It wasn't a surprise that the man had taken up a sword. He was probably in just as much emotional pain as the woman, and the female kelremm was only aggravating that hurt. In some respects, she wished to call out to the kelremm and draw her attention away from the male. That slight distraction might allow the human male enough time to strike her down, but it was far too risky. If that didn't permit enough time and the kelremm dodged, she would most likely deal with the man swiftly before coming after the two of them.

"You're a really poor fighter. You should put down that sword before you kill yourself," the kelremm chuckled out, spinning on her right heel. She stood behind the man and crossed her arms over her chest. "No wonder Galvi selected you. She's always loved weak men."

The man turned around and swung the sword at her. She simply stepped back as another laugh left her lips. "How pathetic. Are you sure that you're aiming?" A growl left his mouth, and he charged once more at her. Stepping to her left, he missed her once more. This caused him to lose his footing. He fell forward and impacted the stone.

Groaning, he went to pick himself back up. The kelremm, however, stepped on his right hand before she removed the sword from his grip. She twirled it in her right hand as she took a couple steps back from him. "I really don't see the point in these. It's so much easier to use your own hands. You would've been better off using your own hands as well," she stated before she pointed the tip of the sword to his neck. "If you had, you wouldn't have a sword near your neck."

He dragged his fingers across the rock, frustrated. The man looked to his right and up at her. "Maybe, but that doesn't matter. I knew that I couldn't beat you." Moving his neck back some, he managed to sit up. She kept the blade at his neck while amusement painted her countenance. It looked as though she would burst out laughing.

"Is that so? You really aren't that bright, then," she responded, resting her left land on her hip. "I'll really need to have a talk with Galvi on her choice of human partners. She's really only damaging herself with men like you."

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