Rough Ascension

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


After they had conquered the dangerous path and rested for a time in the next cave room, they made their way over to the next upward sloping road. (F/n) had wished to stay in the cave room longer since her legs didn't desire anymore climbing for the day. Besides, the cool shallow water that she had been dipping her feet in had been quite relaxing. Of course, Tarhuinn kept a close eye on the water in case something was lurking in it. He had mentioned that there shouldn't be anything but harmless water plants at the bottom, but after the incident with the tenlites, he wouldn't let his guard down.

She now looked up at the long stone staircase; she couldn't even see the end of it. It was as though she was facing a staircase that led to the stars. Spiraling upwards, cascades of water poured down onto the stairs. Natural light flowed down the space in the stairs, but she couldn't see what was allowing it in. Despite its illumination, it was still dark where they were at.

"I thought that you stated that we wouldn't be able to fall," she voiced, craning her neck to try and see the top somehow.

"We won't. The stairs are wide, and we would only fall if we walked too close to the edge, which would be foolish on our part. We may walk side by and side and still have plenty of distance between us and the edge. In that respect, we can't fall."

"And for how long does this staircase go?"

"We'll reach the top when it's well into the night. As you can see from the light coming in, it's near dusk."

A groan escaped her lips at hearing this. Her legs wanted to collapse then and there. They were so sore, and she didn't know if they could last for several more hours. She had received her rest, but her determination from before wasn't as strong. (F/n) took off her boots and socks even though she had just put them back on, placing them into her pack. Reluctantly, she stepped onto the first and began to make her way up. Tarhuinn kept his pace with hers and grabbed her left hand in his right. His hold helped her stay stable on the slippery steps.

As they made their way up, she could feel her legs yelling in protest, and each step became more difficult than the next. To get her mind off of her current condition, she asked, "Tarhuinn, what were your parents like if you'll allow me to know?" Water splashed against the stone, and the chaotic sound contradicted their quiet steps.

"My father had the same hair color as me and dark blue eyes. His hair traveled to his chest and was always in a side braid. My mother, who was about the same height as my father, had red hair and dark brown eyes. Her wavy hair traveled to about her jaw.

"Personality wise, my father and my mother were alike in their calmness. Both were wonderful teachers and knew how to keep me engaged in my learning. They maintained my interest so much that I would often fall asleep in the library or in the farm room. They didn't mind me staying up late into the evening with my studies, and I have a feeling that it was because they enjoyed their nightly activities."

Some heat fell upon her cheeks, and she wondered if he would be like that when they returned back to the house. This caused even more to flood her face, and she tried to shoo the thoughts away. Granted, it did bring another question to mind. "If they were active in that regard, what stopped them from having more children? And, wouldn't that create a problem since a human's life energy can only support one kelremm child?"

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