Snow Covered

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


On the other side of the door, the water path flowed into a larger stream. Snow covered the ground and fallen tree branches while the pines blocked out some of the night sky. The clouds overhead did well to hide most of the moon, giving them little light to go by. "I guess that we follow the stream," she muttered, not wishing to talk loudly in case there was some dangerous animal nearby or something else. Or, maybe, they would get lucky, and they would find the homes to be quite close to their current location. "Unless kelremm can walk in the snow," she continued softly.

"No, it may be another form of water, but it's not enough for a kelremm. The water has to be in liquid form. The only issue that concerns me is this mage. What if the mage could form a temporary stream to guide them to somewhere else?"

"Wouldn't that leave some effect on the terrain?"

"Yes, but it's been a few weeks since they've been here. More snow might've covered their tracks, but again that's just an overly cautious solution. If it's the case, we won't find out unless we camp out here, and I personally don't want to be so exposed in these woods."

"Then, let's follow the stream down some and set up a camp for us. We both need rest if we're to continue tomorrow." She received a simple nod from him, and they followed the stream. (F/n) had hopped onto the snow covered ground and was doing her best to avoid snapping any dried wood. Alerting something out there wouldn't do either of them any good. Her mind wasn't helping either since her imagination was recalling tales from childhood.

There was the tale of the snow pixies, who would lure humans into their homes at night. They would promise eternal gifts of warmth and food to lost souls. Once the human had walked into their snowy cave, they would be killed and served as a feast for the hungry creatures. It was a gruesome tale, but parents told it so that their children wouldn't wander off into the snow. She only hoped that it was a story and not based on an actual account. Of course, she wouldn't follow a snow pixie anywhere.

Once they couldn't see the wooden door, the two of them stopped. "We should be safe here for the night, but we should try to gather some of the twigs and needles to make a dry bed for ourselves. We can lay one of our cloaks over them, and we should do so under those branches. If it snows while we sleep, we'll want some cover for ourselves."

Agreeing with him, she started to brush away the snow in the area. Her hands weren't too fond of the work, but they would enjoy the warmer bed and makeshift blankets later. Of course, she didn't back too far into the woods because of her own fear and Tarhuinn telling her where to stop. If something were to surprise them and catch her, he wouldn't be able to make it far. Thankfully, he had handed her one of his daggers for protection against such a happening.

It felt comforting to have a weapon concealed safely on her. He had detached the sheath as well from the belt so that she could store it in one of her boots. She had placed it on the outer side of her right leg in such a manner that it wouldn't bother her too much when moving around. Granted, it still took some getting used to, yet it reminded her that if something did attack, she would be ready.

When they both had cleared away the snow, they put more nearby twigs and needles onto the bed. It would be softer than the stone that they had been sleeping on previously. If only it weren't so cold. Once it was finished, she reluctantly took off her cloak and laid it over the bed. Tarhuinn took off his as they both lay down. He draped it over them and allowed her to rest her head on his chest. Since they were out in the open, they had agreed to take shifts. For tonight, he would take the first one.

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